P533. The principle of mental memory
P533. The principle of mental memory Mental memory is a system of active rules, where data is necessarily included in the active rules. And the active rules themselves constitute the content of instincts and skills. The main functions of memory are the accumulation of experience and its exchange. Exchange of experience with other programs takes place at their request. The most demanded experience, according to the Law of Amplification, is amplified, and the least demanded experience is weakened. (3. 9. 5. ) 533
Psychologists speak of memory asthe ability to memorize and reproduce. That is, they speak of memory only as a phenomenon. And here, please, is the principle of the essence of memory!
The subconscious and the intellect have completely different tasks. The subconscious mind is a tool for rapid response in a directly felt field, while the intellect solves more complex problems. To solve intellectual problems, the subconscious simply cannot be adapted due to the comparative simplicity of its carrier. To carry out this kind of activity, completely different memories and, accordingly, their carriers are required. 2010-01-06
IN THE BEGINNING OF MIND WAS A WORD The mind, in contrast to the intelligence of other animals, has a more perfect content and, accordingly, more perfect activity. The speech logic of the mind is capable of constructing complex models of real, future, and generally fantastic situations. The speech logic of the mind is much more effective than the non-speech logic of the intellect of another higher animal, mind you, not two or three times, but thousands of times. And this is no longer an evolutionary, but a revolutionary leap towards perfection. Speech communications of the mind allow you to create concepts and representations of a particular person based on someone else's (historical) experience. Speech concepts of the mind allow for a fundamentally new (reasonable) perception, thinking, intuition, and behavior.
1. The content of the mind is a multilevel system of its active knowledge. P579. The principle of the content of the mind A significant part of the content of the mind is made up of its concepts and ideas, united in concepts. In addition, it includes many mental organs: organs for receiving and processing reception data, organs for controlling perception and thinking, organs for controlling voluntary and involuntary behavior, and many others. (3. 11. 2. ) 579
It turns out a very complex system, and the most numerous elements of this system are concepts and representations.
2. There is only one objective reason for the emergence of intelligence from the intelligence of an animal. Evolution gave the animal's intellect the names of concepts and thus turned it into reason. After all, " mind" without speech is just the intelligence of an animal, for example, a dog. There is no reason without speech. In addition, along with speech, a person also acquired the ability to transfer huge amounts of knowledge to each other, and not just the simplest skills.
P283. The principle of the origin of reason The emergence of active speech knowledge has become a necessary cause of the emergence of the human mind from the intellect of the higher vertebrate. (3. 1. 0. ) 283 Mind and speech have evolved over the course of several million years. The intellect of the higher vertebrate does almost the same thing as the mind, but only it does it on a completely different, “non-speech level”. P580 Skills of intelligence of the higher vertebrate (except for humans) do not have the names of their sensitive signs. (3. 11. 2. ) 580
In the " concepts" of primates, the functions of speech elements are performed by emotional instincts. And if the screams are words denoting a leopard or a lion, or many intentions, then the possibilities of such a language are extremely low.
P581 Shouts, words of the primate language, are used in relation to a real situation, but they have minimal meaning in thinking and in the transfer of experience. (3. 11. 2. ) 581 And what kind of language is it that has a hundred words? Therefore, animals teach cubs according to the principle of " do as I do", that is, through a visual transfer of their experience. Human intellectual skills are concepts. Due to the fact that concepts have their own sensitive speech characteristics, a person is able to carry out speech perception, and speech thinking, and speech preliminary activity, and speech intuition.
But with " speech emotional" activity, a person does not succeed. He is far from always able to express in words his difficult emotions. This circumstance once again indicates that the emotional instincts are so strong that they do not try to give up their positions even in the mind. They continue to play leading roles in the spotlights and in decision-making systems. In man, the mind is far from cold as ice. As for the intelligence of an animal, the role of emotional instincts there is much more significant than that of humans.
The names of objects participating in human thinking replace the images of the objects of the concept. But there are also names that simply do not have images. These are the names of actions and relationships. The use of the concepts of the names of objects, actions and relations radically changes the entire logic of thinking. This simplifies the thought process a thousandfold.
In turn, all concepts arise only as a result of the thought process. They are not inherited. Moreover, it is only thanks to the names of concepts that a person is able to receive and transmit complex experiences. Even if it is a thousand-year-old experience. Since all concepts arise only from existing ideas, then with such an abundance of acquired experience, the emergence of new concepts in a person is a thousand times easier than the emergence of intellectual skills in a higher vertebrate. After all, in an animal these skills arise only from their own experience.
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