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Lecture 6. For proportionality, beauty and health,. not only education in the field of science and art is required,. but also physical exercises, gymnastics throughout life.

Lecture 6

For proportionality, beauty and health,

not only education in the field of science and art is required,

but also physical exercises, gymnastics throughout life.



• What is culture?

• The greatest achievement of culture

• Culture of personality

• Spirit of the nation

• National spirit of personality

• Moral culture of the individual

• Culture of behavior

• Religious culture

• Commandments of the seven wise men


Culture (world culture) includes all the outstanding results of human genius. These are material and spiritual objects that are indicators of the level of historical development of all mankind. Culture is structured, so its content is made up of many of its areas.


1. Religions are cultural teachings based on belief in the existence of God or gods. Any religion is international. The spiritual and material values ​ ​ of various religious cultures make up a significant part of the world's cultural heritage. They illuminate the path of humanity to goodness and light. There are many cultural artistic and religious values ​ ​ that are vivid examples of unsurpassed artistic excellence. They belong to both religious and artistic cultures.


2. Artistic culture. It is also structured. And its content includes: visual arts, musical and theatrical arts, literature, etc. Artistic culture is international and includes many objects and arts.


3. Science. It is clear that this is the greatest historical heritage of the cultural activity of mankind. Science is international. She is one. It includes many special sciences and philosophy.


 4. Cultures of historical eras. For example, ancient culture.


 5. National cultures. The content of any national culture includes: language, national customs, works of art, science and technology, architecture, etc. Everything that is the subject of national pride. The totality of the cultural heritage of any nation clearly and objectively reflects the level of its historical development.


6. Physical culture (body culture). It is not clear why they say: " physical culture and sports"? It is not right. For sport is the highest level of development of physical culture. He is an integral part of it.


7. Culture of production. In other words, technique and technology. Etc.


In general, there are many areas of culture. Accordingly, there are many areas of human cultural activity. But each of the areas of culture has something in common. These are objects of human cultural activity, representing certain cultural values.


P. I 60. The principle of culture

 Culture is the sphere of objects and arts that necessarily have high ethical and aesthetic meanings, and represent outstanding achievements in the development of human talents. There are material and spiritual cultural objects that make up the cultural heritage (cultural values), and the art of authors and performers (talents). (1. 6. 1. ) I 60


For example, the sculptures of Phidias and Michelangelo, paintings by Leonardo da Vinci and Ivanov are material objects of culture. Musical works by Mozart and Beethoven, plays by Moliere and Chekhov are informational objects of culture.


 “CULTURE (from Lat. Cultura - cultivation, upbringing, education, development, veneration), specific. the way of organizing is human. life, represented in the products of material and spiritual labor, in the system of social norms and institutions, in spiritual values, in the aggregate of people's relations to nature, among themselves and to themselves. " (Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1989)


  Great talents are beacons of spiritual culture. The spiritual is what is in the soul.


P. I 61. The principle of talent

 Professional skills of talented cultural workers, which must be their professional concepts and other skills, must be related to the elements of culture. Talent is a person's outstanding professional skills, as a result of the highest development of his natural endowments. (1. 6. 1. ) I 61


Unlike objects of cultural heritage, talents are far from eternal; with the death of a great artist, culture bears an irreparable loss.  


 The greatest achievement of human cultural creativity is his language. Without him, there can be no question of any culture.



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