I . Организационный момент
Т: Good morning, cadets! Today is our WORLD ART lesson. We we’ll speak about ANTIC THEATRE. Речевая зарядка Answer my questions, please: - What do you think we are going to discuss? (place, actors, actions) - Is it important for the modern person? Why? (We should know the cultural heritage of our ancestors. If you want to be a well-educated person you should remember our modern life roots in the past.) - How can you use the knowledge in your everyday life? (The cultural and historical heritage is the base of the modern culture, science and policy, that’s why we use the knowledge of the past every day) Today we are going to the virtual trip to ancient theater. I'd like to draw your attention to your student’s cards and the board. At the end of the lesson you should do the analysis of the information during the lesson. Be ready to give me your cards at the end of the lesson. Your marks for the lesson will depend on your work in the student’s cards. 2) Translate the phrase into English: Традиции не только собирают опыт и мудрость многих поколений, но и дают некую стабильность нашего стремительно меняющегося мира. The traditions don’t only accumulate the experience and the wisdom of many generations, but bring some stability into the rapidly changing world. 3) OK. Today we are speaking about theatre that’s why let’s read some quotations about the theatre: “All the world's a stage.” ― William Shakespeare “Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good.” ― Terrence Mann Do you agree with the last quotation? Why? Фонетическая зарядка 1. Read the following words and word combinations:
I. Виртуальная экскурсия в древний театр 1. Обучение чтению (работа с буклетами) Now I want to invite you to a virtual tour. But before it you should get the information using the leaflets. Read, answer the questions and mark your answer into your cards. You’ll get only 2‘. Nearly every Greek city of note had an open-air theater, the seats arranged in tiers with a lovely view of the surrounding landscape. Here the Greeks sat and watched the plays of Aeschylus, Sophokles, Euripides, and Aristophanes and the later playwrights.
The roots of Greek tragedy are in the Athenian spring festival of Dionysus, which included processions, parades, and competitions between actors. The protagonist and the chorus acted the roles of objects of cult in Attica in the fifth century B.C. Often the dialogue between the actor and chorus served a didactic function. The plays had a chorus from 12 to 15 people, who performed the plays in verse accompanied by music, beginning in the morning and lasting until the evening. The performance space was a simple circular space, the orchestra, where the chorus danced and sang. The orchestra was situated on a flattened terrace at the foot of a hill. 2. Контроль понимания (работа с карточками) 1. Where did the Greeks sit and what did they see around them? 2. What did spring festivals of Dionysus include? 3. What role did the dialogue in ancient comedies and tragedies play? 4. How long were the plays lasting? 5. Where the orchestra was situated?
Обучение аудированию. Let’s start our trip. Put on you phones of the audio guide. Listen to the information. Look at the board and be ready to tick out true information in the tables of your cards. (Task №2) 1. Прослушивание аудио записи и просмотр фильма с видами античного театра в Греции. (Imagine we are in a Greek theatre! The theatre of Ancient Greece, or ancient Greek drama, is a theatrical culture that flourished in ancient Greece between 550 BC and 220 BC. Tragedy, comedy, and the satyr play were the three dramatic genres to emerge there. Think! What decorations were in the ancient Greek theater? It was a landscape that surrounded the amphitheater. What did the audience see? The mountains, the sky, the forest or the sea. How was the stage illuminated? It was natural light: the sun or moon... Who were the actors? Only men and boys! What facilities did the actors use? The masks! The classical masks were able to bring the characters' face closer to the audience. They enabled an actor to appear and reappear in several different roles, thus preventing the audience from identifying the actor to one specific character. Theatre was an integral part of life in the ancient world)! 2. Контроль понимания
Лекционная часть урока Theatre aims to awoke emotions and feelings. But how can it make? What are the sources of influence on the thoughts and feelings of the people? They are literature, music and actors. Actors didn’t play an important role in ancient theatre (mostly they were music and literature), but, to my mind, it’s the most important now.
Theatre aims to awoke emotions and feelings. They may be positive or negative. Let’s divide them into two columns! (работа в интерактивной доске. (fear, admiration, happiness, sympathy, trust, despair, boredom, relief, tenderness, Tiredness, sadness, confidence, surprise, rage, pride)
What is the basis for ancient literature? Surely, it was everyday life, festivals and, without no doubt, myths! Myths were the source for ancient playwrights. One of the most used myth of ancient Greece is the myth about Orpheus and Eurydice. The story of real love and loyalty. People all over the world carried through the ages the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. Pay attention on the board and look through the list of world art masterpieces in various art forms. I should say it isn’t the whole list of all world heritage devoted the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. A huge number of composers turned to the theme of the characters. Today at the lesson I would suggest you listen to music by Christoph von Gluck “Eurydice complaint” (жалоба Эвридики) Please, be attentive and try to realize the emotions of the heroine. Tick them out in your cards, but two of you will do it on the board (выписать слова, выражающие эмоции от прослушивания музыки - работа в интерактивной доске «многовходовая клавишная панель»)
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