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Суффиксы существительных, обозначающих род занятий.

-er/-or -ist -ant -ian
doctor broker analyst psychiatrist lab assistant consultant musician politician  


As you see, jobs and occupations often contain suffixes –er, -or, -ist (-yst), -ant, -ian.


Просмотрите разделы «Полезные слова и выражения» в уроках 1 и 2 и распределите названия профессий по колонкам.

-er/-or -ist -ant

Закончите предложения. Первое задание уже выполнено.

1. Nick is in charge of a company staff. He is a Human Resources Manager.

2. Ann works in an office. She works with documents. She is a....

3. My friend drives a bus. He is a....

4. Doris works in a shop. She is a....

5. Bob doesn’t work for one company. He works for different employers. He is a....

6. Helen provides financial and statistical analysis of the company. She is a....

7. Phil writes programmes. He is a....


  1. Полезные слова и выражения.

certificate – сертификат

financial analyst – финансовый аналитик

freelancer – работник на временной контрактной основе, работающий на разных работодателей

full-time job – полная занятость

hire – нанимать

interviewer – интервьюер

to look for – искать

part-time job – полная занятость

programmer – программист

qualified – квалифицированный

resume – резюме

reference – рекомендация

There is a demand for – Существует спрос на


Прослушайте рекламное объявление и закончите предложения. Первое задание уже выполнено.

1. The company is looking for a candidate for the position of...

а. the Financial Analyst b. Graphic Designer c. Human Resources Assistant

2. The company needs a...

a. full-time worker b. a part-time worker c. freelancer

3. The company branch is in...

a. Madrid b. Barcelona c. Berlin

4. The whole package includes...

a. a pension plan b. free meals c. health insurance

5. The probation period for a candidate is...

a. 1 month b. 2 months c. 3 months

6. The bonuses are paid every...

a. month b. 3 months c. 6 months


Прослушайте рассказ Ника о собеседовании. Прочитайте следующие предложения. Если предложение истинно, поставьте рядом с ним букву «И». Если предложение ложно, поставьте рядом с ним букву «Л». Первое задание уже выполнено.

1. He arrived on time. (И)

2. He wanted to make a good impression on the interviewer.

3. A good logical mind got him the job.

4. He didn’t take any certificates with him.

5. Lack of experience was his weak point.

6. Nick was bad at modern programming languages.


7. He got a letter from the company two months later.

8. He got a job.

Ознакомьтесь со спряжением глаголов во времени Past Simple.

I worked as a sales rep in 2007 we worked as sales reps in 2007

you worked as a sales rep in 2007 you worked as sales reps in 2007

he worked as a sales rep in 2007 you worked as sales reps in 2007


I didn’t work as a sales rep in 2007 we didn’t work as sales reps in 2007

you didn’t work as a sales rep in 2007 you didn’t work as sales reps in 2007

he didn’t work as a sales rep in 2007 they didn’t work as sales reps in 2007


Did I work as a sales rep in 2007? Did we work as sales reps in 2007?

Did you work as a sales rep in 2007? Did you work as sales reps in 2007?

Did he work as a sales rep in 2007? Did they work as sales reps in 2007?


Время Past Simple используется для выражения одиночных действий в прошлом, не связанных с настоящим, и для выражения последовательности действий. Маркерами времени Past Simple являются слова и выражения: yesterday, last (Tuesday), (5 days) ago, in 2004, from 2000 to 2007.

Глагол to be, в отличие от всех остальных глаголов имеет разные формы для ед.ч. was и для мн. ч. were. Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с глаголом to be не нуждаются во вспомогательном глаголе.

I was a supervisor last year. we were supervisors last year.

you were a supervisor last year. you were supervisors last year.

he was a supervisor last year. they were supervisors last year.


I wasn’t a supervisor last year. we weren’t supervisors last year.

you weren’t a supervisor last year. you weren’t supervisors last year.

he wasn’t a supervisor last year. they weren’t supervisors last year


Was I a supervisor last year? Were we supervisors last year?

Were you a supervisor last year? Were you supervisors last year?


Was he a supervisor last year? Were they supervisors last year?

Английские глаголы принято делить на правильные и неправильные. Правильные глаголы образуют форму прошедшего времени с помощью окончания –ed. Если глагол в неопределенной форме оканчивается на букву –y, то при присоединении окончания –ed, буква –y меняется на –i. (carry – carried).

11. Полезные слова и выражения.

advertising budget – бюджет на рекламу

customer – клиент

deal – сделка

department – отдел

figures – цифры

to join – присоединяться

joint – совместный

order – заказ

to order – заказывать

Production department – производственный отдел

production manager – начальник производственного отдела

Заполните пропуски глаголами в нужной форме (Past Simple).

1.Alec...(study) marketing at the university of Manchester. 2. I...(take) a part-time job with ABC electronics in 2004. 3. She...(work) as a production manager from 2003 to 2005. 4. I...(not live) in California, I...(live) in Vermont. 5. Why...(apply) for this job? 6. They...(hire) 32 employees. 7. She...(visit) several branches, but she...(not go) to our Glasgow plant.8. When...(relocate) to Tomsk? 9. I...(be) unemployed for three years. 10. What...(be) you responsible for in Intertrans? 11. When I...(phone) Mr. Malkovich, he...(not be) in the office.


Заполните пропуски глаголами из рамки в нужной форме(Past Simple).

offer see start go order join drive arrive have(x3) ask discuss make find tell decide be(x2) read take come

1. I... work at eight o’clock this morning. 2. I... on time,... a few telephone calls and... a report from our branch in Kursk. 3. Then I... a meeting with the head of the advertising department.

4. We... our advertising budget for the first six months. 5. After that I... an appointment with our important customer from Japan. 6. He... a very interesting joint project in Siberia. 7. When I... back to my office I... a fax from Mr. Browning on my desk. 8. To my surprise, I...(not) any figures in it. 9. So I... Mr. Browning to phone me with details of the deal. 10. It... two o’clock and I... to the nearby cafe for lunch. 11. Unfortunately, they...(not) any fish burgers, so I... a pizza. 12. Peter Geisler from the Production Department... me for lunch. 13. He... me that there... a few problems in his department. 14. We... to discuss the situation in my office tomorrow morning. 15. I...(not) home, I... a bus.

Полезные слова и выражения.

career – карьера

conflict management – управление конфликтами

courses – курсы

to develop – разрабатывать

human resources management – управление кадрами

to install – устанавливать

to maintain – обслуживать (технику)

promising – многообещающий

technical drawing – черчение

tough deadlines – жесткие конечные сроки

What subjects did you like best? – Какие предметы Вам нравились больше всего?

What subjects did you like least? – Какие предметы Вам нравились меньше всего?


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