The Future of the Universal Zionism.
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The Future of the Universal Zionism.
Author: Kniazev Michael Alekseevich. 254 pages.
It's not the Bible Period, we live in, when the stronghold of the Sky was the God's dwelling-place, and the Sun went around the Earth. Science and Time has pulled apart all the horizons and the God turned out to be the Cosmos itself. His laws are still unknowable, and even if they are knowable.then reasons,that gave birth to those laws are unknowable.The Earth came out to be intertwined with the Solar System.and with the Solar System - into the structure of the galaxy. Together with the galaxy it came out to be intertwined with the local star-claster in the Virgo.and that star- claster came out to be one of thousands of similar clasters in the Universe. That, what was called by Aristotel 'an atom',turned out not to be the fundament of the substance.but it turned out to be a structure that leads away from galaxies and star-systems.It turned out to be a structure, similar to higher structures.that intertwines with their interaction, but that has it's understructural components.described by the theories of strong and weak interactions.
One would think, and what is about Zionism? Biological evolution.prodused on our planet in it's final version through six Bible's days created by the God of those times species of plants and animals. It lasted adout 4 milliarsds years and started from unicellular waterplants and unicellular amoebas and it finished with creation of Indivisible Biological Species called Humanity. This evolution had it's algorithmic programme, connnected with change chemical composition of the Earth's crust and in it's atmosphere. Those geological periods turned to be connected with the rithms of fluctuations (pulsations) in Solar System, all that has influst on radius of the Earth orbit, on the location of terrestrial axis and on the Earth volume. In short, in each of the last eleven geological periods is inserted it's own species of animals.Every eleven years the Sun went through it's peaks of activity, causing
outbursts of population growth, siknesses, man's passionarity, giving
energy to protons of plant and animal's cells.
Oorton's Cloud, named by famous scientist from Holland, who tried to
find out the comet's origin, is located on the eleventh orbit of Sun's
satelites including the asteroid layer.
And if we pay atention to eleven periods ofmendeleev's Scale, then we
can see the vivid chane of interacting facts, that bring together from that
point of view the amound of species of animals, the "phisical world" and
other unconnectable from the first point of view things.
But still, one would think, what's about Zionism?
The events in space took place with the following chronologic implosion
of the Spiral galaxy leads to throwing out of the substance and creation of
some other strructures like Big and Small Magelan's clouds. The galaxy
itself during this period actually is a quesar.The proces of disconnecting of
parts of
the spiral leads to creation of new star associations. In the condition of
spectral 0-class pairs of stars are separating from those associations.
The evolution of the star-pair leads to the change of radial interaction,
that is accompained by the effect of "new star" and changing of the whole
spectrum of the pair. And after that it leads to the explosion of one of two
stars ("the flash ofextranew"). The fogness partly dissolves in the space,
partly condenses around the star remaining afterf the collapse of the pair.
That fogness gives birth to planets.
All that is discussed very midely and fully in the book. But phisical laws
ofcoinsedense such as four groups of stars, four rithms of iron layering on
the the planet are found in Biology, Botanies and other sciences. These are
four species of plants, four groups of blood and four major rases on the
There are seven species of cats in the "Old World", seven species of the
humann "far-relatives' from Australlopitec to Homo Sapience Sapience.
And this law of coincedense has it's roots in seven spectral classes of
stars, and passes through seven colours of spectrum to seven groups of
chemical elements, where the law of periods can be found.After we have obsereved all these things we can formulate the law of
motion (development) of the material wotid that reflects the spiral form of
it's structure and pulsing way of working.
The periods of human history were: metalurgy, mechanics,
thermodinamics, electrotechnics, electronics. Suoerethnic structures (the
first one is concidered to be European Comunity), state of the metalurgical
period (slavery), theodal state, capitalistic state. The next period is
concidered to be Superethnic Comunity. Most vivid representatives of
the las period are USA.
Zionizm, which was newly defined by the author of the book, came out to
be consiquence of the outburst of man's passionarity, which has happend
nearly 150 years ago. The aims, which the movement of Zionizm had in
it's beginning are achived, methods which were used are not to be used
again. But the global problem of keeping up the power of the USA as a
warranty of independanse of Israel in the condition of usage of Euro
currency demands for new ways of solving because the role of the
World's leader came to the E. ╤.
There are many nations on the planet. The processes ofethnogenesis were
always connected with the place of living of certain people ofethnos. It's
impossible to be just a man, not connected to a sertain place of living.
Everythinng is strongly connected in this world. The space rays and the
leafes on the trees, the same rays and processes in atoms, the light of the
galaxy's centre and processes in stars, the name of Mari Curie and
destruction of Japaneese town Nagasaki, the destruction of Forests and
the disappearance of Life in the Great American Lakes etc.
The author was born and used to live during the period of the "Soviet
experiment" out of which a phenomenon called "Soviet man" had to
appear. Dutchman or Denmarkman had to become simply Europeans.
Is it possible and what in general had to appear after 4 milliard years of
evolution on the Planet?
The author answeres this question.
The Univesial Zionism as the most organised power of present days is still
capable to correct oil mistakes caused by influencing us, but only in
cooperation with all national elites. We are the World.And the future of the Universial Zionism is strongly connected with the futurre of all ethnoses on the planet as it said in the book. Not even one ethnos has to disappear.
The book is necessary for scientists, biologists, phisics, sociologists and politologists, who are ready to work together and who are able to see the process of evolution as the subject of the Higher Biology. The book has to inform the state's leaders, who want to prognose the processes of ethnogenesis. Ecologists will surely find answeres to their questions. Party and movements leaders will be able to create effecive programme documents.
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