Будущее мирового сионизма, 3 глава
birth of a young irregular (cause it is young) galaxy. Then coils again start to uncondense, the process of active star formation another galaxy is a pair of maternal and daughter galaxies on the stage of separation, and what is normally considered satellites are separated daughter-galaxies. Therefore we can for certain affirm that our Galaxy having given birth to Great and Small Magellan Clouds, pulsated twice; now, judging by the movement of the Sun in relation to baldge, is on the stage of uncondencing of c fact that in symmetry with Magellan Clouds but on the other side of Galaxy two tiny elliptical galaxies are drifting in Cosmos, there is a temptation to suppose that in one direction spiral galaxy is born and in other Ч elliptical one, "but only one-side jets are seen in quasars independently of intensity correlation of the central source and distant component". But it can't be that Galaxy could pulsate four times producing in differe
Pp. 25-28
Running a few steps forward I can say that good results will give combination of astrophysics' Ч geophysics' when it will appear as a single entity. But still undisputable facts need to be liberated from hypotheses and fantasies. The Sun pulsates changing brightness and radiating, besides others, all elements of Mendeleev's table independent of transformation into fast-rotating neitron star. The condition of its pulsation is not also rotati with additional accretion of star matter. We don't need examples from distant Cosmos. Nuclei of uranium are flying in the flow of sun lights fully independent of explosion of Supernew, they fly from the surface of the luminary being, as nuclei other 91 elements, a product of reactions inside the star. Let us introduce and consider one more undisputable fact to which ALL astrophysicists didn't pay any attention, precisely as before quantum electrodynamics emerged there were no those eager Particles, from the most heavy and slow infrared ones (there is still no other name for them) to the most light and fast ultraviolet ones, flies from stars, accumulatons of stars, nuclei of galaxie interaction with these "rays". But the surface of planets is not the only obstacle for all the spectrum of these small space wanderers. On their way, they also meet stars, star associations and nuclei of galaxies! But while light, falling on th surface of glass, reflects from relatively motionless electrons (as theory describes it), falling onto the surface of a star, IT COLLIDES WITH PARTICLES FLYNG AGAINST IT AT THE SAME SPEED! The probability of collision in inter-star space is equal zero, but it increasingly hightens at the surface of a star. And then Ч E = mc2, and the process of synthesis. Then decay, again synthesis and: synthesis Ч decay, synthesis Ч decay. Pulsation. Rotation in the visible world here is completed. I suppose that the fact of collision of particles (photons, quanta, gravitons,
quarks) of light with a star is not to be disputed. The fact that at the surface of a star collision of flying in and flying ou unquestionable. The fact that collision of two bodies produces energy is known even to a schoolboy. The only question is: what is the nature of this energy? And all other things are the same th so on. Thus, there is also similarity in that "Quantum electrodynamics "resolves" the question of corpuscular-wave duality of light, stating that light consists of particles (as Newton put in physics was the retreat of physics to the position where only calculation of PROBABILITY of photon getting into detector is recognized possible, and no one proposes valuable model of HOW it really happens". Some idea about this process gives Y.I. Vitinsky describing solar flashes. But phenomenon of flashes is so complex and their variety is so vast (proton, electron, of different intensity and different proceeding times) that imagine a clear picture. But it's only so far. It's worth mentioning that "electron flashes (in the course of which only electrons are emitted) are observed more frequently than proton ones normally accompanied by splashes of the III kind and misrowave radiation, and also by splashes of hard X-rays. It is interesting to mention that during the last years from some proton flashes gamma-radiation was registered which is a sign of the nucl Anyway, probabilistic description of the event preceding the beginning of thermonuclear-nuclear interaction here is more understandable and imaginable than "singularity" of the Big Bang. Concerning the scheme of the process the result of which is synthesis-decay-synthesis... here it is, on the supplementary colour sheet.
Astrophysicists! Open the rare panel of mechanical clock, look at the pendulum spring! Imagine on its place the spiral scheme of chemical elements. And you will see how sters "work".
Forseeing some questions I'll answer the main one: there is no law that manifests itself in pure form. The eight groupe was to be removed from the table, because, according to Mendeleev, it has nothing to do with periodicity. It was also necessary to take into account that pulsation takes place with an appropriate falling out of step (big and small splashes schematically alternate) resulting in synthesis of all elements of this group. The an registrator could be created it would fix, at the normal speed of review, manifestation of similar picture in all stars. But speeds of processes in different stars are different and so vast that (this is an answer to the third question) only the beginning and the end of the process are seen, i.e., hydrogen with helium and hydrogen with helium. All remaining Ч expences but however witout them this scheme couldn't be created. The law of conservation of substance weight formulated by M.V. Lomonosov is relevant in Cosmos. But, as it seems, keenness on cosmology somehow excludes LIGHT in the form of particles from the gener could it be taken into account if LIGHT not long ago had no weight, didn't fill inter-star and inter-galaxy space, it was a WAVE, it had LENGTH and independently of unrelated conditions spread Energy exchange (for masses with speeds) between structural units of Cosmos permits to understand if not
mechanism, but rather causes of galaxy mass growth, critical limit of which leads to compressing, throwing out of surplus in the form of young galaxies; reverse prosses of forming of star associations and stars.
Pp. 33-36
Craters cover the surface of Mercury, Venus, Earth (Pre-Cambrian shields). Specific characteristic is the time of crater emergence Ч they are actually are of the same age on any heavenly body. There are slight differences (in interplanetary scale) compared with that on what particular planet (satellite) craters are present. Where did such amount of meteorites come from? Why are they so regular and round? Why did they appear at one time? And how did they chance to arrive in all places at once, if not at once then why everywhere? What was said in this connection? G. Silk. "Great Explosion": "The research of craters on the Moon, Mercury and Mars pointed out that within some hundreds of million years (about 4,6 billion years ago) the rate of crater emergenc higher than today. There occured collisions with planetesimals diameter of which (about 100 km) is typical for many asteroids". John Darius. "Inaccessible for an Eye": "Abundance of craters ( meteorite bombardment but it is not true. The intensity of Ganimed "firing" was two times higher, and in Europe and Io much higher. Their surface however renovated within less than 4000 mln. a powerful flow of meteorites) while Callisto keeps all its scarms... Therefore it would be more correct to compare concentric ring on Callisto with percussion structures on other bodies o However on closer examination external similarity vanishes. On planets with rocky soil only two or three irregular rings are seen (Eastern Sea on the Moon could be a good example); but in the places with more numbers of rings, with growth of ring radii distance between them is increasing". I.e., some selectivity of direct hit is observed, which concerns not only points on the surface but also crater diameters (meteorites). There are some facts that don't correspond with "meteorite" theory. "Craters discovered on Io by devices of "Voyager", emerged not upon the influence of meteorites but in the result of volcanic caldero-like deepenings... Other calders have light-coloured edges with various shades; on some of them traces of volcanic eruptions are not seen". "Crater Yuti, the first of craters of such kind, essentially differs from percussion craters discovered on other closest to the Sun bodies of the Solar system, namely on Mars and Moon. There, typical big crater has a c ring-shaped swell in the form of terraces; straiifications of thrown out substance and secondary craters are spotted around; sometimes long radial "rays" disperse from the centre of a crat terraces, and the smallest craters have not flat but a cup-shaped bottom. Similar traits are characteristic for many marsian craters with the exclusion that surrounding them stratifications a fragments is absent; instead of it, from a crater Ч at the distance about one diameter from the edge Ч as if tongues of substance are pouring out. Because of "embankments" outlinging borde ones.Craters of such type for the first time were described by G. McColey on the base of photos received from "Mariner-9" but he however considered petal-shaped deposits as the result of wind erosion. Before the flight of "Vikings" such craters were not studied and their essential prevalence on the surface of Mars remained unnoticed. Take a look at covering each other deposit layers around Yuti crater: tongues don't run on each other like flow formations "spilled craters". Partly filled up crater on the left of Yuti gives a key to the solution of flow character. This small and older crater is seen rather distinctly that supposes that pouring out substance, whether it more or less dense, was
pouring in a thin layer Ч it's more characteristic for dirt flows rather than volcanic eruption... Pouring out of a crater flow could slide across the "pillow" of atmospheric gases but more pr evaporating under avalanche the layer of surface ice. Steep peripheral swell could be shaped in the course of water freezing under cooling down flow. Such excrescences can be observed on Ear thrown out substance are characteristic for marsian craters 15 and more km in diameter..." The idea that origin of craters is inner, to be more precise inner-planetary, matter related with a spill, out-burst of primary substance, is assured by another, this time earthly fact. Jonn Darius in the same book says about s of ancient meteorite craters called astroblemas. The described example concerns the Araguayan cupola which "consists of deformated Devonian sandstone aged 350-400 mln. Years, and in the cen condensed erupted rock...Though astroblemas are considered to be produced by powerful explosions, relation between astroblemas and fall of meteorites onto Earth remains mainly disputable. All the signs of a powerful blast are apparent: cones of crushing, condensed silicates, blust-melted zones, deformated crystals but no traces of meteorites themselves. (They are not found on any planet.) Specific trait of astroblems are cones of crushing Ч co incline of which is growing on moving off the centre. Today about 100 astroblems are known (and 100 more are supposed) and in 30 of them similar fragments were discovered. It is assumed that burnt with an explosion in atmosphere which have no time to reach the surface of the Earth. Anyway it's hard to reconcile with the fact that "crime" was committed and criminal was not yet discover It's easy to identify a criminal. Protoplanetary both of post-star substance was thickening and, "being boild to readiness", gurgling. I can invite any of doubting persons to the kitchen stove a last stage of cooking. When it begins gurgling you can see lunar craters on the stage of creation. The same picture can be observed in craters of inertly acting volcanos: there, also slowly lava is gurgling, imitating the process that was proceedi long long ago.
Pp. 45-50
What kind of cosmic factor leads both to pulsations of Earth and to reorientations of surface points relatively to the axis of rotation? There is nothing constant in the world, and distance between Earth and Sun time to time is only relatively constant. Look at the calendar: once in four years a leap-year occurs Ч the only but enough convincing evidence of the fact that the lengt earthly orbit increases with every turn around the Sun. At some particular moment, as it happened 10000 years ago, centrifugal forces tears off gravitational attraction and Earth (and Moon alo distant relatively constant orbit. The result is inevitable decrease of density and natural growth of volume with the same mass. On decaying of the process condensing happens. But both proc repeat citation: "Bohr deserts classical physics postulating that atom electrons can exist only only in particular states... Then, again not taking into account the laws of classical physi orbit, it doesn't radiate light. According to his theory, atom emits light only if electron LEAPS from stationary state with higher energy to the state with lower energy". Laws of the Universe are common.Classical mechanics was considering special relatively-temporary case. What concerns light emittance, within the time of lavas pouring out (12 mln years in every period!) it
co especially at night. Of course, radial-orbital changes apply to all planets. And what side of Earth will turn to the Sun...? Here probably V.N. Sholpo is right who was the first to pay attention to the rational distribution of masses on the planet's su Freely-chaotic pouring of lavas and also emergence of folds and flexures in various places of earthly surface was leading to excenricity in Earth's rotation around its axis. It had to provide reverse influence on the motion around the Sun (pulsating inevitably leads to rebounding) but having transited to a new orbit the Earth inevitably would occupy the most optimal state from the point of view of uniformity of rotation. The same way i and uniform mass distribution across the surface. Principle of gyroscope. A brief look at axis inclines of some planets of the Solar system: Jupiter Ч 3 degrees, Uranium Ч 98 degrees, Moon (satellite) Ч 0 degrees Ч allow us to recognize as disputable concept about costancy of earth's axis orientation in outer space a by contrast, to state that in different geological epochs axis orientation could be different, not only perpendicular to the surface of ecliptics, and if so, not only necessarily twice a year, 21 of March and 21 of September. In more details, applied to the Quarterly period, it will be considered in the next chapter, and now let us look for some conformities. In 1888 Vernadsky wrote to his wife: "Minerals are remains of those chemical reactions that proceeded in various points of the globe; these reactions proceed in accordance with known to us laws but which general changes which our Earth is subject to as a star. The aim is to relate these different phases of Earth with general laws of heavenly mechanics. It seems to me that here something more is hidden if we take into account the complexity of chemical elements... Then genesis of elements is related with the development of solar or star systems, and the "laws" of chemistry get quite different tint..."
V.I. Vernadsky wrote not only about it. To Lev Gumilev, Ivan Efremov, Vitaly Larichev, to all others whose ideas have formed the basis for real works, his words can be applied: "All the history of science on every step shows that single personalities were more right in their arguments than the whole corporations of scientists or hundreds and thousands of researchers, adhering to dominating views".
Hundred years later, in 1982, G.V. Voytkevitch using data on the studies of meteorites, masses and planet spectres in more detail set forth the subject of chemical evolution of protoplanetary substance: "Emergence of Earth and planets of Solar system was not only explained by the laws of mechanics on which recently relied classical cosmogonic hypotheses, but also was connected with qualities of substance itself Ч with physico-chemical processe cosmic history was determined by the laws of nuclear physics and thermodynamics. Forming of chemical elements consisting from atoms was conditioned by the structure of their electronic cover and physical conditions in the limits of relatively low temperatures compared with conditions of nuclear synthesis... As was already mentioned, startling similarity of isotope composition of various bodies of the Solar systems, witnesses that substance of the Sun and substance of the Earth befor particular stage were developing in the same way. This crucial stage manifested itself in division of common system... into primary Sun and circumsolar substance originally having solar gas structure. We don't know particular mechanism of separation of this substance. It was probably related with centrifugal forces, emerged from the change of rotation speed of primary massive star. Thus was formed protoplanetary solar nebula in the form of gas disc coinciding with the plane of solar equato Emergence of this disc was inevitably related with broadening of SOLAR(STAR) substance and its cooling down the temperatures promoting birth of molecules, chemical compounds and metallic ph Explaining the process of secession of sedimentary rocks, adducing extremely valuable data about chemical structure of upper covers of Earth, Voytkevitch does not relate emergence of sedimen processing by biomass or eroded chemical elements. If rebounds of Earth from the Sun in the course of transition to more distant orbits are the result of Solar system pulsations then caused by these transitions pulsations of Earth itself gave life which is adduced on supplementary sheet. Pulsation Ч
synthesis, pulsation Ч synthesis. "Widespread manifestation in Silur of intrusive magmatism conditioned forming in geosinclinar zones of ore minerals deposits Ч iron, chrome, copper, various polymetals... Deposits of metalic minerals are related mainly wi actively manifested in late-Palaeozoic time. On the territory of the USSR intrusive and effusive activity in late Palaeozoic time was the most intensively manifested in the frames of Uralo-T the deposits of iron ores,... boxites,... copper-pyrites ores, chromite, platinum, gold, zinc, lead, rare elements ores... Deposits of polymetals are mainly related with erupted rocks which are East of Siberia as the result of active magmatism in Mesozoic period emerged so called Pacific ore belt with which many deposits of non-ferrous and rare metals are related. Similar deposits are situated in the eastern part of China and Indochina Of course, more detailed elaboration of deposits on every geological period is needed and inside periods Ч on rhythms, but the action of the scheme is still evident. There must be seven rhyt conditioned both by the structure of the scheme itself and by the fact that many chemical elements have SEVEN isotopes. Once more Vernadsky was right when he stated that "mechanism of the Earth's crust is conditioned by the properties of atoms it is formed by; chemical structure of the crust is not accidental". The fact that processes of orogenesis (Caledonian, Hertzinian, Alpian) covered a number of geological epochs (periods) is only the evidence that condensing manifested itself in the same places (about the rythmical character of the phases of emergence of deposits of copper and other minerals) are the evidence that these phases proceeded with FOUR-time rhythm. I.e., if according to types depending on degree of "metallization" which witnesses divisibility of their emergence process, than inside of geological periods the same divisibility is observed. If we look from the height of hydrogen crown of Earth into the depth of deposits of the first uranium formations, then we have to agree with the dasic idea of V.M. Goldschmidt Ч this spiral scheme of c covers of the Earth both chronologically and in height. М.А.Князев
Будущее мирового сионизма
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Предисловие появилось уже тогда, когда с работой ознакоми- лись несколько человек. Потому оно является реакцией как на мнение первых читателей, так и обращением к последующим. Бисмарк мог только сказать, что предпочитает учиться на ошибках других. Жизнь же всех остальных даже самых выдающихся людей показывает, что опыт чужих ошибок хорош лишь в случаях их повторе- ния на собственном пути. То же и со знаниями. Информация должна пройти через процесс мышления, должна быть осознана, сопоставлена с уже имеющейся в памяти и лишь после раздумий принята или отвергнута. То, что содержится в настоящей работе, предназначено имен- ной для этой цели. Для того, чтобы подумать. Именно этому, процессу самостоятельного мышления, учит хорошая школа. И тому, что за хоро- шими мыслями должны следовать и хорошие действия. Поэтому я не стал как первоклашкам "разжевывать" информацию. Тем, кто готов, этого не надо, а тем, кто нет - бесполезно. Для тех, кто еще ищет и молод, могу сказать, что более под- робное рассмотрение "метеоритной" теории кратеров было сделано как пример именно такой постановки вопроса, когда есть избыток инфор- мации по теме, но не было до сих пор не только единого, но и пра- вильного объяснения. А долгая и возможно не вполне читаемая цитата из работы В.Босенко была дана в представленном объеме для понимания трудности хода МЫСЛИ на этапе невозможности ее свободного выражения. Я выражаю безграничную благодарность Лоллию Петровичу За- мойскому, моему интеллектуальному консультанту, который высказал несколько очень правильных замечаний по поводу содержания настоящей книги и стиля ее изложения. Мне приходится, не изменяя текста, вынести в предисловие то, на что было обращено внимание. Когда в главе "Звезды" было сказано: "кругооборот в видимом мире здесь завершается", - вывод казался неокончательным из-за от- сутствия в картине взаимодействия вещества планет /Земли/ и вне пла- нет - самих планетных систем. Здесь как раз подходит термин "относи- тельность". Но не применительно к теории, описывающей пространствен- но-временные соотношения, а применительно к отношениям простран- ственно-структурным. Дело в том, что процесс синтеза-распада-синте- за, происходящий в звездах, начинается с частиц света и кончается частицами света, представляющими собой субатомные структуры. Но происходит этот процесс на субсветовом уровне тех частиц, масса ко- торых так соотносится с ними, как масса атома относится к массе сол- нечной системы. Свет является связующей массовой величиной структур: Галактика-галактика, Галактика-звезда, звезда-планета. Планеты /планетные системы/ включаются в иной процесс рас- пада-синтеза, когда в ином времени вещество галактики распадается на звездные ассоциации, эти в свою очередь - на двойные звездные систе- мы, а затем, после взрыва сверхновой - на планетные системы. Синтез мы видим только в отдаленном пространстве, где сломавшиеся, сжавшие- ся планетные системы вместе со своими звездами вовлекаются в вихрь, несущий их к центру галактики, уже превращающейся в квазар, рождаю- щий затем новую галактику. Это одновременно является иной формой процесса, где распад одной галактики тем самым синтезирует новую другую. При этом свет продолжает выполнять свою роль связующей мас- совой величины. Внутри планеты /Земли/ синтез химическим элементов, выз- ванный пульсацией планетной системы, приводит к распаду образован- ных тяжелых ядер и синтезу минералов, и неописанным пока способом - к обмену веществ внутри биологичских образований. С помощью, кстати, того же света. Попытка совместить эти пространственно-структурные взаи- моотношения приводит к пониманию разного времени существования таких структур, которое соотносится друг с другом так, как и массы. Это схоже с тем, что в разном времени своего жизненного цикла живет человечество в целом, отдельный человек и... клетка, ко- торая является вроде бы и незаметной / как сравнение звезды с части- цей света/, но неотъемлемой частью человека и составляющих его структур /сердца, желудка.../. Но и в клетке происходит обмен ве- ществ... А вокруг - ореол частиц; так называемое "биомагнитное поле". Разница во времени происходящих процессов распада звездных систем /приблизительно 300 лет от одного до следующего взрыва свер- хновой в одной Галактике/ приводит к пониманию и того факта, что с той же периодичностью /в среднем/ происходит и процесс синтеза пла- нетарной туманности, распадающейся затем на планеты. На одной их них в ХХ веке начинают на волне 21 см зондировать Космос, но на другой к этому времени еще /в нашем исчислении/ ХV11 век, а на третьей - ХХШ, и никаких сигналов в Космос уже не посылают. Следующее замечание, которое я вынужден сделать, касается схемы биологической эволюции. Если в схеме химических элементов из- менена только форма, а сама схема - творение великого Д.И.Менделее- ва,то схема биологической эволюции - творение автора настоящей ра- боты. В данном случае вопрос не в том, что такая схема не имеет пра- ва на существование. Любой физический процесс подпадает под описа- ние и числовое выражение. Ни у кого не вызывает сомнение, например, схема демографического роста населенного пункта, составленная в ди- намике по годам. Процесс вызван миграцией биологических образований - людей, но их движение - предмет рассмотрения социологии, или, дру- гим языком - высшей биофизики. Поэтому здесь уместно ставить вопрос о правильности выбора опять-таки формы cхемы, а не о том, быть схеме биологической эволю- ции вообще или не быть. Когда после уточненной датировки границ гео- логических периодов, сделанных не по останкам животных, а по време-
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