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Будущее мирового сионизма, 1 глава



Автор Князев Михаил Алексеевич. 254 страницы,



Мы живем не в библейские времена, когда небесная твердь была обиталищем Бога, а Солнце вращалось вокруг Земли. Наука и время раздвинули горизонты, и Бог оказался. Всем Космосом, его За­коны, правда иные, чем прежде, по-прежнему непознаваемы, а. если и познаваемы сами, то непознаваемы причины, их породившие. Земля оказалась вплетенной в систему Солнца, вместе с ним в структуру Галактики, а вместе с Галактикой - в местное скопление в Деве, а само скопление оказалось лишь одним из тысяч подобных во Всей Вселенной.


То, что Аристотель назвал атомом, оказалось не фундамен­том вещества, а уводящей вниз в противоположную от галактик и звездных систем сторону структурой, подобной вышестоящим, вплетаю­щейся в их взаимодействие, но имеющую и свои подструктурные сос­тавляющие, описываемые теориями так называемых сильных и слабых взаимодействий.


Казалось бы, причем здесь Сионизм?


Биологическая эволюция, представленная на нашей планете в окончательном варианте через шесть библейских дней сотворенны­ми тогдашним Богом видами растений и животных, длилась около четы­рех миллиардов лет, началась 'с одноклеточных водорослей и таких же одноклеточных амеб, а заканчивается созданием Единого Биологичес­кого Вида, пол названием Человечество.


Эта Эволюция происходила по вполне алгоритмируемой прог­рамме, связанной с изменением химического состава коры Земли и ее атмосферы,сами геологические эпохи оказались связаны с ритмами колебаний /пульсаций/ Солнечной системы, что влияло на радиус земной орбиты, положение оси вращения, объема Земного шара.


Короче, в одиннадцать последних геологических периодов, точно в каждый, вписалось одиннадцать Типов животных.


Каждые одиннадцать лет Солнце проходило через пики своей активности, вызывая на Земле вспышки роста популяций, бо­лезней, человеческой пассионарности, давая энергию протонам кле­ток растений и животных.


Облако Оорта, названное по имени голландского астронома, поставившего перед собой цель выяснить, откуда берутся кометы, расположилось на одиннадцатой орбите спутников Солнца, включая пояс астероидов.


Если к этому присовокупить одиннадцать периодов таблицы Менделеева, то предстает жесткая цепь единых закономерностей, связывающих по данному признаку как количество типов животных, так и казалось бы чисто физический мир,


Но причем здесь Сионизм?


События в Космосе разворачивались со следующей последова-

тельностью. Сжатие спиральной галактики /пульсация/ приводит к выбросу вещества и возникновению дочерних образований типа Большого и Малого Магеллановых облаков. Сама галактика являет со­бой в этот период квазар. Обратный процесс расжатия витков приво­дит к формированию звездных ассоциаций, от которых в состоянии спектрального 0-класса отделяются парами звезды. Эволюция звез­дной пары приводит к изменению радиальных соотношений, что сопро­вождается эффектом «новой звезды» и изменению общего спектра па­ры, а затем и к взрыву одной из звезд пары /вспышка сверхновой/.


Туманность частично рассеивается в пространстве, частич­но конденсируется вокруг оставшейся от пары одной звезды. Из наб­людаемой планетарной туманности возникают планеты.


В книге все это описано более подробно, но закономернос­ти физики, такие как четыре группы звезд по степени их металлиза­ции, четыре - максимальное число подоболочек в электронных обо­лочках, четыре ритма рудозалегания на родной планете находят про­должение и в биологии, и в ботанике. Это четыре типа растений по времени происхождения и способу размножения, четыре группы крови и четыре основных расы на Земле, четыре вида собачьих животных,..


Когда, насчитываешь семь видов врановых, семь видов ко­шачьих Старого Света, семь типов предков Человечества, от австра­лопитека до человека разумного, а эта закономерность прослежи­вается, начиная с семи спектральных классов звезд через семь цве­тов спектра до семи групп химических элементов, в которых наблю­дается закон периодичности, семи изотопов у большинства хими­ческих элементов, семи максимально электронных оболочек в атомах, то появляется возможность сформулировать Закон движения /разви­тия/ материального мира, который учитывает как спиральную форму его проявления так и пульсирующий характер действия.


Придав проявлениям действия Закона, как это принято в Физике, схематичное выражение /а это схема «работы» звезд и схе­ма биологической эволюции - две схемы, где вторая является над­стройкой первой/, можно проэкстраполировать, проверив, действие этого Закона на эволюцию Человечества.


Выясняется, что смены типов сообществ были вызваны ис­следованиями, вначале интуитивными, процессов, предшествующих по времени возникновению человечества и направленных вглубь -истории Земли, Солнечной- системы, паре Земля -Луна. А этапами /вехами/ эволюции Человечества были металлургия, механика, термодинамика, электротехника, электроника.


Суперэтнические образования, первым из которых является Евросоюз,' стоят шестыми в ряду: семья /род/ - племя /союз племен/- государство эпохи металлургии /рабовладельческое/ - го­сударство эпохи механики/феодальное/ - государство эпохи пара, электричества, и двигателя внутреннего сгорания / капиталистичес­кое; последним ярким представителем данного типа являются США/ -и предшествуют Седьмому этапу эволюции общества.


Сионизм, которому автор книги дал иное, чем принято, оп­ределение, охватывающее и понятие движения по созданию государ­ства, Израиль, и поддержание связи между диаспорами, явился прояв­лением пассионарного толчка, возникшего около 150 лет тому назад.


Цели, которые ставило перед собой в чистом виде движе-

ние, достигнуты, методы, которые при этом использовались, исчер­паны и повторены быть не могут/ а глобальная проблема сохранения мощи США как гаранта поддержания независимости Израиля в усло­виях скорого введения евровалюты требует новых решений в связи с переходом роли лидера в Мире к ЕС.


На планете много этносов. Процессы этногенеза всегда бы­ли и будут связаны с местом обитания конкретных людей в составе этноса и подразделений этого этноса в родовых, поселковых, город­ских, государственных образований.


Нельзя быть человеком вообще, любя природу вообще. Мы связаны с местом обитания, которым для Человечества является Зем­ля, для эскимосов - побережье Ледовитого океана, для Франсуа Льеж, а для Сергея Есенина - Константиново и прилегающая Рязанщина. И мы любим и лелеем либо липы на Тверском бульваре, либо Катунь на Алтае, либо Большой Каньон, либо австралийского крокодила.


Жак Ив Кусто любил Мировой океан.


Все связано неразрывно. Космические лучи и зелень де­ревьев, те же лучи и процессы в клетках животных, свет центра. Га­лактики и процессы в звездах, активность Солнца, и тайфуны на по­бережье, имя Марии Кюри и название японского города Нагасаки, вы­рубка лесов и угасание жизни в Великих американских озерах, пе­репроизводство предметов потребления и рост численности населе­ния с глобальными изменениями климата, А человечество, суперэт­нос, этнос, консорция, группа, людей, род, семья, человек вложены друг в друга как глюоны и кварки в атом, тот в планету, планета в звездную систему, она - в галактику и так - до бесконечности. И все это разное, но единое, в движении, преобразовании, взммопроникновении. Буддизм в разновидностях дао и дзен.

Автор книги, появился на свет и жил во времена осущес­твления Российского эксперимента, вследствие которого должен был появиться феномен под названием «советский человек», В Америке должен был появиться на свет 100-процентный американец. Голлан­дец или датчанин должны были бы стать просто европейцами.

Можно ли это и что должно вообще появиться на. планете в результате четырехмиллирдно летней эволюции?


Автор отвечает на этот вопрос.


Мировой сионизм как наиболее сгруппированная сила совре­менности пок еще в состоянии в силу своего доминирующего поло­жения исправить ошибки от вмешательства в нас. Мы - Земля.


И будущее Мирового сионизма, как это указано в книге, неразрывно связано с будущим всех без исключения этносов Земли. Ни один не должен исчезнуть.


Книга необходима ученым - геологам, астрофизикам, биоло­гам, социологам и политологам, готовым работать на стыке своих наук и могущим представить процесс эволюции Человечества как предмет изучения Высшей биологии. С книгой должны ознакомиться руководители государств, желающие прогнозировать процессы этноге­неза и знать закономерности этих процессов. Экологи найдут отве­ты на свои вопросы, а лидеры партий и движений - смогут создать эффективные программные документы.



Some interesting parts of book:


M.B. Lomonosov is rightfully the founder of CHEMISTRY. Developed

by Lomonosov in 1741-1744, corpuscular theory of substance

structure contains almost all basic concepts of atom-molecular

teaching. Discovered by Lomonosov the law of conservation of

substance weight and assured by him experimentally is the most

important law of chemistry and natural science at large.

Simultaneously, he discovered the law of conservation of energy.

Lomonosov chemistry; he made a lot in the sphere of chemical

technology, glass production, metallurgy. He persistently was

proving the necessity of establishing close links between

chemistry and physics. French scientist Proust (1755-1826)

discovered the law of constancy of composition which was laid in

the base of all the methods of obtaining any chemical compounds.

In 1827 English botanist Brown was the first to observe the

motion of previously never seen molecules. Maria

Cklodovskaya-Curie followed the way of the french physicist

Bekkerell who for the first time, in 1896, discovered phenomenon

of radioactivity.

D.I. Mendeleev, besides the discovery of the periodical law of

chemical elements (his greatest scientific achievement), offered

the method of continuous oil procession, introduced the idea

about underground gasification of coal, promoted the use of

oxygen in metallurgical industry, became one of the founders of

agro-chemistry. Electric accumulators operate on the principles

of electroconductivity of aqueous soluyions of acids, bases and

salts, explained by the theory of electrolytic dissociation. This

theory was developed by a Swedish scientist Arrenius (1856-19

only after the creation of teaching about atom structure it could

develop further. And this is a merit of Russian chemist I.A.

Kablukov. Galvanostegy Ч coating metallic surfaces with a thin

layer of other metall Ч as method of use of electrolysis,

appeared in 1830-s after Russian academician B.S. Yakobi invented

galvanoplastics Ч the first industrial use of electricity. After

the discovery, in the end of 18 century, of adsorbtion of

soluable substances by coal, made by Russian academician T. E.

Lovitz, in the beginning of the 20 century academician Zelinsky


A. M. Boutlerov, in 1861, in his report "On chemical structure of

solids" formulated the basic concepts of the theory of structure;

set forth fundamentals of organic chemistry in a new way; he

accomplished a number of brilliant syntheses of chemical

substances. In 1747, when Benjamen Franklin started his research,

knowledge about electricity represented masses of unrelated

observations and confusing theories encapsuled in obscure terms.

Franklin systemized the things already known and on the basis of

data created the theory of electricity which stood the test by

time. The invention by E. Witney, in 1793 in America, of

cotton-refining machine not only led to revolution in cotton

production but also delayed abolition of slavery in southern

states for 70 years. He also invented milling method for

processing metals. The merit of telegraph invention belongs to

Samuel Morze (1791-1872) though by 1837 similar works were

accomplished by Winston in England and by Steinhell on European

continent. Vulcanization of rubber which was discovered by

Charles Goodyear (1800-1860) served as an impulse for the

development of electric industry because at that time rubber was

the only material for isolators of different kind. Telephone

appeared thanks to Alexander Bell in 1875. Within the lifetime of

Thomas Edison (1847-1931) Patent Bureau of USA gave him 1093

petents, but he solved the problem of electric lighting, designed

two-phase generator, led the start of continous improvement of

creation of a tape-recorder, created the firsn electronic

restifier. Any process in nature is a process of change; the laws

of similar changes were discovered by Willard Gibbs (1839-1903).

Precisely as Newton founded the laws of mechanics, Gibbs created

the laws of physical chemistry, which became the main chemi

science. His research of new values related with entropy later

called chemical potentials which enabled anticipation of course

of chemical reactions, resulted in famous rule of phase.

Generalized of science that was born when Gibbson was rather old

and never knew about it Ч theory of relativity. Within three

centuries of development of modern science one can name hardly a

dozen ideas of such importance and depth as the theory of balanc

belonging to Gibbs.On May, 16, 1805, Swiss Isaac Rivaz handed in

a claim for a patent concerning "the uce of gas explosion and

other gaseous substances as a motive force in mechanics". In hi

gas engine using hydrogen and enlisted its drawing. Thus an

automobile was born. In 1862 French engineer Alfonse

Beau-de-Rochas found a perfect solution for construction of

internal combustion engine in which principle of four-tact engine

was combined with the principle of engine with spontaneous

ignition caused b that later was invented by Diesel. Diesel built

his first engine in 1897. On December, 17, 1903, brothers Orwill

and Willbur Wright were the first in the world to rise into the

air on the first airplane designed by them. To recognize B. L.

Rozing (1869-1933) as the founder of electronic television,

Italian A. Volta had to obtain chemical source of current, and

Dennish H. Ersted, French A. Ampere, Germans G. Ohm and G. Hertz,

Enl to form fundamentals of electrotechniques. In Russia,

predecessors of B. L. Rozing were: V.V. Petrov, B.C. Yakobi, E.H.

Lentz, A.G. Stoletov, A.N. Lodygin, P.N. Yablochkov and P.L.

Shilling who invented electro-magnet telegraph in 1832

simultaneously with Morze.In 1867 Belgian Zenob Gramm built

reliable and convenient in exploitation electromachine generator

permitting to obtain cheap electric energy and chemical sources

of current The sky is filled with satellites of communication,

spy, meteo, geodesical and ecological character... And the start

to all these was laid in 1857 when K. E. Tsiolkovsky was born...



pp. 156-158


The essence of orientation of biological evolution was in

creating of public human structure not dependent on continous

troubles about receiving urgent consumption subjects (through

organization of almost automated enterprises). All the activities

of this structure, in parallel with managing of production

process functioning, need to consist of coordinated scientific

research, the ultimate aim of which has to be whole understanding

a We need to do justice for genius and keen insight of I. A.

Efremov: society, in organization of coordinating processes is to

become a similarity of the brain. I.e., investigation of this

phenomenon of The Creator (Nature) has not only to follow the way

of research of higher nervous activity as it is (this the main

purpose of various branches of biology), not only the way of

creating increasingly advanced computers which are already progra

the way of studying the process of scientific knowledge itself.

The thing is that it could be possible only if the whole process

of Earth evolution is not only made clear but also modelled. The

first thing to be accomplished is strict time dating of arising

of all chemical elements in all deposits in conformity with

geological past of the Earth. When geologists investigated

deposit Mesozoic era... or cainozoic... what's the difference?

The main thing was output and industrial use, other thins had no

importance... But warehouses of Ministry of Geology were

overfilled with samples sorted in accordance with deposits. The

use of isotope method and additional work of students and

graduates could help to accomplish this task within a year

provides organiza proper. To describe, systemize and fulfill

needed analyses. Without this we can say nothing about the

reasons that caused particular structure of atmosphere, water and

soil, i.e., about the factors that caused in animals or plants

prevalence of chemical elements which mutated or not along with

sol radiation (provides it is taken into account). What, in

nutrition of every particular animal, was related in organism

with its chemical composition, influencing metabolism? Why one

died in carbon and another survived? What species of amphibia not

simply transfered into reptiles, but what particular, named

reptiles originate from what particular, named amphibia? Who were

their concrete ancestors? Why does clover accumulate nitrogen?

abundance of nitrogen in atmosphere or nitric compounds were

present in the soil? All the knots of biological evolution spiral

(which are seven on every coil, exactly as in chemical elements

spiral), taking into account scheme exclusions made for elements

of group of iron and lantanoides, must be filled; half-coils pass

between them. Into account will be taken: density of Earth, its

increasing volume during pulsations, influence of orbit radius

and globe radius on the time of day and period of circulation

around the Sun. When all the questions will be answered (There is

no reason to enumerate them: they will arise in the course of

research in the nearest decades.), when highly unconditionally

direct Homo predecessors will be identified on all the stages of

geological and biological past, when mechanism of body and mind

complication will be revealed, when probably through implantation

of altered by geneticists genes into sexual cells of men and (not

to mean all disappeared in quaternary period animals and plants

which will be returned to the World by science), then perhaps the

last mystery of Great Biology will be understood and reveal


Pp. 118-121


Circle Ч it is from Engels, too. But with purely philosophical

sofistication the author transfers it into a spiral which (now in

a spatial embodyment of a sphere and accomplished by biological

evolution) starts pulsating, guiding human idea across half-coils

of History of its construction. This is that very new form of

motion "that are given rise by public form". At first searching

is aimed at lunar phases, then at creation of smelting furnaces

world, being under patronage of tsars and town-walls, inventing

mechanisms, it leads the society to the era of creating chemical

substances and then to creating universities, i.e., new synthe

embodied in electronic microscope to move down with its help,

through half-coil of evolution toward the time of creation of

organic cell... And here is the same process but described by the

other author and on other occasion. "Science, gradually but

steadilly, is becoming a totality of little-related, nearly

absolutely independent, capable of autonomous development

scientific subjects and specialities. Subject-methodological

differentiation situation that by 19 century science at large and

also its large branches as natural sciences, social sciences,

technical sciences, human sciences and teachings about human

spiritual culture resemble conglomerate of single disciplines

rath wholistic system of knowledge of the world in all the

diversity of its parts. Even single spheres of natural sciences Ч

physics, chemistry, biology, Earth sciences Ч transform in simple

to though subject-methodological unity of sciences of physical,

chemical or biological cycles is much more evident than in

natural sciences at large. That original wholistic

subject-methodological unity with which science were coming into

being, of course, can't be restored. But it doesn't mean that

subject-methodological differentiation of science has once and

forever put an subject-methodological unity. In the course of its

development, science will inevitably come to such unity but on a

new, enriched by differentiation basis. Then further development

of science will surely destroy its restored unity by means

differentiation enriched by this restored unity. In its turn,

this differentiation will inevitably lead to a new, much more

deeper and wider integration of scientific knowledge". Much

alike, isn't it? Especially, if we continue. "Among general

scientific cross-disciplinary processes especially distinguish:

rising mathematization og science, influence of cognitive

structures and methods developed by physics on other sciences,

beginning cybernatization and etc. Methods and concepts of

information theory, methods of systems analysis and modelling are

widely used in modern science. Increasingly wider is spreading

the process of forming general system of scientific views and

unification of scientific language. Among complex scientific and

technical directions intensively uniting the whole scientific

system we would underline automation of production and other

spheres of public practice. This is, in the essence, a pivot,

basis productive forces and in science, too. Increasingly

significant in cross-disciplinary development of science is

becoming integrative by nature process Ч theoretical and

practical mastering of space. Today more sciences are

incorporating cosmic aspec this research now take part both many

old sciences Ч mechanics, astronomy, geology, meteorology,

biology, geography, psychology, law, philosophy and others Ч and

innovative branches of scientific cognition: cosmic astronomy,

cos medicine, cosmic geology, cosmic psychology, cosmic law and

others. Often cosmic research proceeds not only as complex one

but as big cross-disciplinary, and sometimes international proces

It is apparent that nearly built up to the ultimate point spiral

of evolution began pulsating actually at the moment of appearance

of the last biological species. Or, to put it in other wor

process, humanity, society began the process of cognition of the

previous way of evolution from the moment of the first fully

shaped type of collective organism Ч family of a human being,

Homo sap THIS is the result of orientation of biological

evolution of earthly forms. Indeed, the creation of quantum

theory served as a framework for explanation of all the physical

phenomena. I am obliged to distress all physists: no Great

Unification will ever occur. Gluon cloud or quarks posessing

scent Ч th cognition, out-flight of idea beyond hydrogen atom

which resides in the extreme low point of the spiral-sphere. The

same out-flight of idea, for physics (astrophysics), is

observation of Macrocosmos picture with visible and never be

explained Universe structure, quasars which will freeze for us in

visible images; we will never wait till explanation of supposed

process of interaction of spiral and elliptic galaxies. And all

the more to relate received knowledge about quarks or gravito

with the knowledge about disintegration of star associations.

With quantum theory fundamental physics is actually over.


But on the opposite end of the spiral Ч cognitive instument

itself. The highest and the most perfect creation of evolution.



Pp. 102-103


In relatively "pure" form, TYPE of society organization based on

primitive mechanized economy is observed only in the period of

rising early feudal relations. Further, both in the time

preceding the creation of cooperative mechanized production and

in the time of state consolidation, this TYPE was already

"infected" with future productive relations, as the result of

mentioned above reasons. But hardly this TYPE became a bourgeois

one, even early-capitalistic one, this Type of public system

lacked time to show itself in any, even slightest "purified"

form. Lacking time for awareness of being such it is in fact (as

long as a state became a national-ethnic one) greatly increased

ahd more complex tribe on a new higher stage of development. Befo

production, it is, throughout its territory, much more extensive

natural economy, and before the time of organization of early,

then hational, cartels, syndicates and trusts, industry resem of

which corresponds to rising of mahufactories. The train of

evolution therefore having no time to activate breaks at this

early capitalistic station, having absorbed all technical

innovations of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, having

received capab concentration of production in any location

provided with elecricity; centralization of this production

thanks to telegraph, telephone and radio; capabilities of

management and control thanks to the presence of driving,

swimming and then fl vehicles with internal combustion engines;

having created patent libraries, conditions for scientific and

technical creativity; having laid basis of future energetics

after the discovery made by Pierre and Maria Curie, and for

informa synthesis of mechanical arithmometer and electronic

valve; this train leaves behind the state which by that time

became a giant feud, and for management of the productive

relations process, which has crossed over national, state and

territorial borders, needs to stop only in 1950 year which after

the creation of European Coal Association became the year of

embodiment of "United States of Europe" slogan that led in 1957

to signing by six countries of the treaty which gave a rise to th

Common Market. Pp. 153-154 I think that the time has come to draw

a conclusion for the sake of which political economy was enlisted.


Indeed, transition after transition to more and more new

technological bases which were, and still are changing the inner

essence of productive forces of society (from metal plough and

water wheel through wind-mill and steam-engine to airplane,

rocket, telegraph and space communication satellite, nuclear

power-station and neural computer) provided possibilities to

reconstruct, complecting, human organism so that its brain which

function carried out by the head of a family, the council of a

tribe, pharaon or senate with emperor, monarch with his ministers

and class organ of representatives, president (prime-minister)

with his parlament or, at last, Europarlament in parallel with

organs in the form of conferences of ministers of Eurounion

countries; received as a result department including powerful

army of scientific and technical mind-workers originating from

single Leonardo, Ibn-Sina, Lomonosov, Watt, Tsiolkovsky...Before

them there were hunters passing from generation to generation

knowledge about animal habits and fish migration, making notches

on a bone with lunar phases, unknown inventors of a wheel and


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