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Будущее мирового сионизма, 2 глава

plough, builders of Stonehendge...And after them Ч perfect by

structure but minimal by relevant results, Academy of Sciences of

the USSR, institution of European university or... Stanford Unive


Pp. 53-56


"The necessity of historical development lies in obtaining of


homeostasis without which accumulation and storage of needed for

survival information is impossible. The more "solid" and

long-termed is homeostasis in individual existence, the more

information is accumulated in an individual, the more universal,

adaptable to different life conditions he is, he is less

dependent of na something new but being applied to the historical

development of life it helps to understand both obligatory

appearance of intellect in higher forms, and that fierce struggle

for independence from habitat which for billions of years was wa

countless generations of plants and animals. To give a meaning to

the world one has to be able to see and remember all its in

exhaustible variety and, besides this, use its laws in the

struggle for life. Attempts to develop the brain were repeatedly

made in the history of the Earth but all of them were premature

because organisms had not yet reaced appropriate level of

homeostasis and energetics. In other cases, the brain even bigger

th arouse in dolphins and other cetaceans, while full adaptaton

of their organisms to water excluded transition to some other

environment. The creation of artifical environment became

impossible witout ability to produce working tools. Only a man

himself facilitated his habitat, widened his nutrition base with

the help of fire and creation of reasonable supplies and thus

could liberate himself from outer conditions to such extent that

the world of the planet. Adaptation to some narrow ecological

niche is not characteristic for a man Ч and this is one of the

most startling of his qualities. Human live form is as primitive

as of his distant ancestors, it originates back into 100 million

time. External archaity combines with a high level of

physiological organization, energetics and homeostasis, capable

for carrying a great burden Ч the brain. The higher level of life

organi here serves not as an exclusion but probably as the best

illustration of this notion. With the increase of palaeontologic

data, the "roots" of a man are moving increasingly deeper...

Anyway, the way from pre-human to real humans was not short and

it reflected the same common appropriateness: more perfect

development of higher nervous activity Ч less "dispersedness" of

living If we take a look at all the variety of vegetable and

animal world of our planet, died out and survived, then we'll

have to admit that on the surface of one and only planet, in the

same phase conditions of outer environment, actually developed

all conceivable forms which filled all suitable for life

ecological niches and areas of inhabitance. Not intended to bore

my reader with enumeration, I'll only point at obvious

deviations: at adapted to digest nutrition between their

tentacles, animals and plants of higher forms of symmetry:

sphericals, multi-rayed, five-rayed; at sea lillies repeating

vegetable form, but equipped with covering lime plates and

tentacles. Appearance of colonial animals (corals and others) is

as strange for us as monstrous Ч mechanical organization of

arthropoda. Highly complex animals, insects, separated by

millions of ages of development from corals and grantolyths, anew

are becoming collective organism Ч on the other, higher stage of

evolutionary development, for example, ants, bees and termites.

In general, the history of earthly organic world demonstrates one

notable picture: extreme variety of lower forms... and sharply

contrasting with it similarity of higher animals with repetiti



THE TOP. Swing of its coils in the course of time becomes small

...With good reason we can consider palaeontology as a future key

to understanding of causal relations in the structure of living

beings and therefore the problem of preserving of dialectic

balance in biology of organisms and living nature in general.

What was thrown away, lost and what remained Ч everything had

been tested by millions of ages before arose a man with his brain

in which we find more and more neural cells and more and more com




Pp. 108-111


"Cybernetics along with information theory destroyed the last

reinforcements of previous anthropological thinking. We came

closer to uunderstanding of universality of general laws of

thinking not dependent on material structure of a carrier. All

hereditary information, needed for construction of such complex

being as a man, contains in a cell (spermatozoon) which volume is

a little more than 15 cubic microns! It is hardly by chance th

didn't replace with anything else. Hoyle thinks that this highly

outstanding achievement of evolution is used in the main flow of

life in the Universe... The sum of palaeontological data gives us

an irrefutable picture of general gradual complection and

improvement of vegetable and animal forms in the course of

geological time. Ladder of this ascent is continuous and

successive, in of some groups flourishing of others and

depressed, covert existence of the third ones. These cases didn't

have a sliter impact on ther species except those linked with the

dying through nutrition base, and they never meant serious shocks


for our planet. Moreover, stedfast ascent of historical d ones,

no doubt, proves extremely prolonged stability of habitat on the

surface of our planet... For evolution, is characteristic so

called convergence Ч acquisition by various organisms of similar

the number of niches is limited: new, better organized ones get

the niches of predecessors. A dolphin is similar to an

ichtyosaurus though they are separated by hundred and half

millions yea The more close to our days Ч most important fact! Ч

the deeper and more frequent is biological convergence. Fossil

mammals of South America resembles the main forms of mammals of

Eurasia and Africa. Marsupials of Ausralia repeat rodents, wolv

tigers of The Old World. Mammals all over the world will try to

adhere to the same standards. Long long ago in the moct distant

original groups there are arear pecularities that today

distinguish whole classes and sub-classes of animals and plants.

Feeding the youngs with milk is known, for example, among birds

and ev trees with branches and photosynthesis organs was forned

hardly they had appeared hundred millions years ago. The volume

of the brain and complexity of convolutions of cetaceans is

higher than these of a human, but 15 millions years older. More

close is similarity of sense organs, behaviour, hervous and

hormonal regulation. Binocular, stereoscopic eyesight is the same

type as octopus or birds have, not to mention mammals. General la

monkeys and frogs. There is a lot of examples of convergence.

What do they tell about? They tell that evolution sets the same

tasks for organisms, demands similar "inventions" and therefore

In palaeontological burial places two types of animal groups are

observed. The main mass of remains is represented by sometimes

bizzarely adapted but not numerous species of the same level of

to groups of seemingly standard appearance behind which, however,

more complicated organization is hidden. These well-known facts

forced researchers to make a conclusion about two ways of

evolutionary development: either fine adaptation to temporary and

local conditions, or complication, universalization of organism,

ri increasing independence from external environment to

homeostasis. Here are two ways of evolution. One is adaptive one;

it leads to a blind alley resulting in dying out. The other is

aimed at continuous ascent and maximal improvement of organisms.

Proressing towards indepehdence organisms, along with being able

to defend themselves from fluctuations in temperature, humidity,

mechanical influences, must have the ability to find and ide

inevitable improvement of systems for processing and storing of

ihformation, inevitable forming of a bigger and more complex

brain. But for the development of the brain relevant basis is

needed, without continous and enforced nutrition. But energetic

levels of biological machines Ч organisms Ч are stristly limited

and passing from one stage to another needed a lot million years

of evolution. But the higher energetics Ч the higher need for

Organism needs to have increasingly stronger muscules and more

perfect brain. As if contradictions are constraining life with

isuperable barriers of necessity, with some guiding corridor of

nat universalism, from less perfect homeostasis to more perfect

one Ч this is the main lane of progressing species. Of course,

both ways with all their branches are only two sides of the

single dialectical process in which "great necessity" of

improvement of organism paves the way through thickets of

accidental adapta natural selection receives "eyesight" and

orientation. Now we are able to understand that fierce struggle

for independence from habitat which was waged by millions of

generations of animals and plants. We can understand

inevitability of intellect that provides the highest form of

independence from natural conditions. Brilliant brain of dolphins

emerged at the time when their organism has got used to water to

such extent, that transition to some other environment turned i

No specific adaptations for some narrow ecological niche are

characteristic for a man, and this is one of the most startling

one of his qualities. External archaity combines with a high

level homeostasis, capable for carrying a great burden Ч the

brain.Thanks to it, a man could facilitate his external

conditions and broaden his nutrition base to such extent that

appeared a poss of nature and its reconstruction... Extreme

variety of low forms contrasts with similarity and frequent

convergence of higher animals. A man is the most convergent in

biological sense. His ancestors never and nowhere formed

specialized spe the brain development and working abilities".

After A.I. Efremov wrote these words Evolution didn't stop. It

proceeds and still is oriented. AT WHAT?


Pp. 64-66


"For all the achievements of the 20th century, each of us has his

inner nature which constitutes the content of life, both

individual and species. And no one, other things being equal,

rejects what instincts tell him. Man has remained within the

bounds of the species and within the limits of the biosphere (one

of the envelopes of planet Earth). Man combines the laws of life

inherent in him with specific phenomena of technique and cultur

his involvement in the element that gave birth to him... Man's

organism is part of Earth's biosphere and is involved in

conversion of the biocenosis. No one can prove that a professor

breaths differently than a Bushman or reproduces in an asexual

way, or his skin, that he cannot eat or, on the contrary, will

make a dinner of 40 persons, or that gravity affects him

differently. And all that is the dependence on nature of the

organism itself, which acts and thinks, is adapted to a changing

environment, and itself alters the environment, adapting it to

its needs, and is united in collectives, and creates states

within them. The thinking individual constitutes a single whole

wit of living nature, which is one of the envelopes of planet

Earth... As a biological form mankind is the sole species with a

vast number of variations which have spread over the whole

surface of the globe in the post-glacial period. The density of

the species' distribution varies but, with the exception of the

pol ice-caps, the whole of the earth is man's habitat. And it

should not be thought that there are "virgin lands" anywhere,

where man's foot has not trod. Present deserts and jungle are

full of traces of Palaeolithic campsites; the forests of the

Amazon grow on redeposited soils once disturbed by the farming of

ancient inhabitants; traces of structures we do not understand

have been discovered on the rocks of the Andes and Himalayas. In

other words, the species Homo sapiens has repeatedly and

constantly, during its existence, modified its distribution over

the earth's surface. And like any other species it has striven to

master the greatest possible space with the greatest possible

densi Unlike most mammals Homo sapiens cannot be called either a

gregarious or an individual animal. Man lives in collectives that

are regarded, depending on the point of view, sometimes as

socium, sometimes as an ethnos. Or rather each human being is

simultaneously a member of a society and a representative of an

ethnic national group, but these two concepts are incommensurable

and lie on different planes, like length and weight, for exampl

Mankind's social development has been well studied, and its

regularities formulated, by historical materialism. A spontaneous

development of social forms through socio-economic formation is i

linked in any way with his biological structure".


Pp. 222-223


"We have to do justice for medieval people: they were consistent

and therefore their speeches sounded very profoundly. The reality

sometimes was so terrible that people were eager to "throw"

themselves into any illusion, especially so logical, strict and

sophisticated.For having entered the world of phantasmagoria and

invocations they became masters of this world or, what is more

accurate, sincerely trusted in it. And they were not even sligh

power over surrounding people, they had to spit upon the cross,

as Templars did or to split into pieces meteorite of Kaaba, as

carmats did. However, having taken this way they didn't gain per

that one which they had posessed in rather limited borders being

members of some positive system. In such system the law and

habits guaranteed them some rights proportionate with some respon

subordinated them to some uhknown chief, elder, teacher but he

however gave them opportunity to cause maximal harm to their

neighbours. And it was so pleasant, so joyful that people could s

When there occurs superposition of diverse ethnic systems and

related with them "systems of consciousness" routinely known as

"cultures", chimeras appear fundamentally different from ethnoi

Difference between ethnos and chimera is not caught with an eye.

But while ethnos, provides it doesn't end with violent death,

passes through all ages, chimera either exists or disintegrates.

resembles the one between organism and cancer tumour. The latter

can spread to the limits of organism but not further, and it

lives only at the expense of the organism that incorporates it.

ethnos or super-ethnos means needed for sustaining of existence,

using the principle of lies described above".


Pp. 158-161


Healthy research spirit can exist only in healthy body. To what

results must lead the reconstruction of social structure of

society in the course of releasing industrial and distributive

spheres from the ballast as the result of automatization and

apparen It's very simple: On complication and improvement mankind

synthesises in itself the best qualities of its composites of the

times of family, tribe, slavery, feudalism, capitalism and

union-state regime. The thing remained is to name properly.

Collective human organism will have to take optimal size

depending not only on planet resourses but also on rational

correlation between the number of researchers and the number of

those part of remained ones are not needed, it's superflouous

headache, unnecessary weight. Monogamy that in fact has never

been as such, and always, by natural reasons, rolled up to

temporary (not life-time) relations, must be replaced by polygamy

(group marriage, pair family) with the only one purpose: with the

help of spouse selection to give posterity without hereditary

deseases. It demands the creation of some all-planet data base

for every individual. For some period some women will have to

bear not less than dozenz of children from different fathers.

There is no need however to reproach me with amorality. All this

has been, and what concerns morals... tolay it has some meaning,

and tomorrow people would be cultivated on other principles. Th

the loop, filled her with proud in pagan times... Simply nobody

judged her, there was no such a habit. Account of every society

member on line of his origin and occupation that inevitably will

lead, one one hand, to understanding by everyone of his place in

general process of cognition (creation) and, on the other han

possible wrong-doer as long as independent of lack of

proffessional criminality inclinations (human psychology) will be

manifested in any time of evolution. Education in a collective

which today is present in some schools originates from the

education method in a tribe. Selection based on inclinations and

possibilities proceeding continously in the course of educational

pr create a man that can't help creating. He enters life with the

brain of oriented activity. And he becomes an eternal slave of

research, creativity, embodiment of a theory, independently of

kind of his job. Whether it is footwear production technology or

archeological excavations. Natural economy of feudalism passes to

the future relatively reserved space of production and exchange

in conformity with a region of existence, and also rotation

(change of jobs) which was realized by land tenants. In Russia Yu

abolished only by Boris Godunov. Capitalism is formed and worked

through ages the principles of combination of authotarism and

democracy, and union-state regime Ч planning market management.

In conditions of European Union, in countries of which is

implemented or is to be implemented much of the said above, the

solvement of only one problem Ч quantity and optimal proportions

of p For I didn't invent anything new. Three important questions

remain. First Ч ethnoi and the process of ethnogenesis. It is

clear that education will liquidate the problem of ethnic

behaviour different from others. But, at first behaviour of what

ethno and prevail in the world and, at second, landscapes are

assumed not only to be preserved but restored in the form

existing before their destruction by the last civilization. And

this dictates regional rules of behaviour. Any way, for people

whose profession remains job among nature. Moreover, different

phases of ethnoi positions today make actual the problem of

forming of State Unions both in North America and Pacific region.

While in Western Europe everything was all right in this sphere

wh super-ethnos since 9th century, Canadians and inhabitants of

the USA in relation to Mexican people are on different stages of

ethnos forming. The same is characteristic in relation, for ex

like yankee, nor Chinese Ч like Japanese. This in general doesn't

mean appearance of people ready to behave as demanded by the

norms of business partnership in contacts of different ethnoi rep

The pace of capital export and foundation of foreign branches of

international monopolies is so high that it demands professinal

and cultural training of workers and firms, and governmental

life-time of one generation. But as lawyers say: "Let's see what

way practice choose", as the process of forced assimilation is

useless and the way of natural development is long. The second

important question is that on the evolutionary stage,

accomplishing the process of inclusion the planet into single

all-world management, insurance company net is fully liquidated

and the role migration of goods in their price equivalent. Profit

as a category of political economics leaves the stage of public

life. Religion remains the third question. Not trust in God but

the knowledge of inevitability of evolutionary laws of the

Universe, among which the Law of development of spiral forms of

matter is one of the fundamental ones, demands creation of the

single, incorporating the best parts of all existing religions,

code of moral behaviour. Though it doesn't exclude the creation

of the pantheon of catholic Christ, Greek orthodox Christ, prote

But all these are only teachings for people who accepted given

stereotype of faith. God is one and, precisely as on particular

stages of state system and its monotheism development pagan

symbols were replaced, in the same way synthesis of world

religions must be accomplished.


Pp. 141-142


Let us proceed to some accounts.

1. The first Type of human society was a blood-related family.

This type must have existed in the period of the last glacial

invasion. It were members of such families who painted the cave

walls of Cromagnion and they were the first aborigens of the

American continent. It was this family from which Engels drew out

the next Ч punalual family as far as in the middle of 19th

century existing in the Hawaii. Completing this Type of society

and s Clan.2. The second Type, originated from clan relations was

fratry Ч two exogamic clans which in the course of increasing in

even proportion (four, six, eight clans) created Tribe.

Completing this type and simultaneously transitional form to the

next type was a union of tribes.

3. The third type is slave-owning system.

4. The fourth type Ч feudal society.

5. The fifth Ч state of capitalist way of production which on

completely known and named foundations which are particular

scientific investigations resulted in particular technical

decisions, grows into

6. The sixth Type Ч human society in the form of European Union

with economical-productive contents provided by international

monopolies. Naturally, on relatively quick achieving of raised

tasks European Union and along with it societies of similar Type

will inevitably transform into

7. The seventh and, of course, the LAST Type completing

biological evolution of earthly forms and, on the stage close to

the ultimate, representing itself as a subject of oriented

evolution. For its basic characteristics, which I can name thanks

to my knowlede of appropriatenesses of evolutionary process, many

of which were named above, we need to return back to political

economics. What can we do? It's anatomy (or physiology?) of



Pp. 223-224


Before reading completing part of the 7th part you need to read

once more the 6th one, then preceding five ones, then anew the

6th, then the middle of the 7th, then again the 6th, then the

beginning of the 7th one. Otherwise it would simple not to

understand that exponential dependence is correlation of values

characterized by the lengths of segments on the coil of

Archimedian spiral. The time compresses in accordance with this

dependence from the moment of appearance of Homo sapiens 10000

(12000) years ago through the stages of existence of a family,

clan, tribe (5000-6000 years) to slave-owning state (epoch of met

about 3000 years, further to the epoch of mechanics (feudal

state) Ч about 1500 years, then to capitalism (thermodynamics,

electrotechnics etc) Ч 200-300 years, to the epoch of

microelectro On the same dependence the time has been compressing

before as is seen on the scheme of biological evolution.

Otherwise, without repetition, it would be impossible to

understand that evolution of the Humanity is complication of its

organizational structure on the basis of changing methods and

means of produ investigations directed into the depth of the

planet's History. That the planet's history is inseparably linked

with evolution of both near and distant Cosmos and

appropriatenesses manifested in the History of Earth (geology and

biology) are the same that on the planets of our and all other

galaxies. That Humanity is not something outstanding compared

with other biologically complex organisms, but completes the

chain of species' transformation. It is able to contain

characteristic of itself in general both inherited and acquired

diseases. Overweight, for example, or parasiting criminalty.


Pp. 19-21


It is necessary not to disturb ALL THE UNIVERSE! Both in literal

and metaphorical sense. There are the limits of cognition to

overcome which we are not able. We'll talk about it more closely

further but now it's quite enough to say and to demonstrate that

structural units of the Universe behave in a uneasy way, not

accumulations of Galaxies but only Galaxies. If one takes into

account that there was no Big Bang, to liberate Galaxies from the

necessity to be squeezed in rigid framework of time of shaping,

equal for all Galaxies since the moment of Big Bang to the mom

calculated about 20 billions of years, and let the Galaxies to

live their, say, autnomous life independent even of live in

accumulations where elliptical "galaxies are centres, then any

engage the most exciting questions that have no answers in the

framework of his interests. To realize it one has to understand

that both in the depths of earthly oceans and in the depths of

cosmos SPIRAL is a form of existence (motions) of both biological

and physical structures. Spiral structure of chromosomes, DNA

molecules, spiral-ciliary infusoria, spiral valve in bowels of

lampreys and some fish, spirally twisted shells of mollusc,

spirally growing carrot, spiral structure of tree tissue, Earth

that b side as if winding onto itself its orbit in a spiral way,

at last galaxies. There is a lot of examples but only two forms

of spiral motion Ч grafting of coils and PULSATION. Fridman's

model for spiral galaxies is relevant here! It seems that as in

the frames of one galaxy where distances are rather finite it is

possible to consider C = const. Pulsation of spiral galaxies is

condensing and uncondensing of its coils. The beginning of

uncondensing Ч galaxies of type So (as Hubble puts it), then

galaxies Sa and Sb, then supposingly Sc Ч the limit of

uncondensing; in depending on radiation intensity Ч seifertian

galaxy and quasars, i.e., the ultimate form of condensed galaxy.

(Galaxy in the state of condensation of intermediate type Sa-So N

GC1068, seifertian Ч is shown in the book by G. Narlicar "Fur

Universe".) The result of condensing is outburst of matter and


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