The subjunctive mood in subject clauses
Стр 1 из 13Следующая ⇒ UNIT 1
1. In complex sentences of the type: It is necessary (it seems, it becomes) that he should come (that he come).
Exercise 1. Analyze the form of the verb in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. It’s necessary that no one should breathe a word about it to her. 2. It’s so strange that your colleagues should have disagreed with you. 3. It was recommended that all papers be filed and locked. 4. It puzzled me that such a young girl should so insistently occupy his thoughts. 5. It is absolutely obligatory that all children here should wear uniform. 6. Isn’t it doubtful that the journalists should have been given such an evasive answer? 7. It’s better that your child not be vaccinated just now: wait a little. 8. Isn’t it clear that every opinion should be taken into consideration? 9. It was very odd that we should have met in my aunt’s house. 10. I’m horrified that he should have been found guilty. 11. It was inevitable that Danny should, sooner or later, pass through the town. 12. After lunch it was proposed that they should all go to the lake. 13. It is advisable that she should have someone to look after her. 14. It seemed necessary that his friends be kept away from interfering with his work. 15. It was important that no sound should give warning of their approach. 16. It was agreed that he be the first to speak. 17. It’s only natural that a mother should not wish to be parted from her children. 18. It is essential that the substance be chemically pure. 19. It is desirable that this method should be recommended. 20. He refused to join the company — it was imperative that he should be alone.
Exercise 2. Use the infinitives in brackets in the correct form.
1. Isn’t it strange that they (to expect) an answer all those months? Why didn’t they drop the whole thing? 2. It was recommended that the out-dated system (to replace) with something more modern. 3. It was only right that this company’s products (to boycott). 4. I’m positively shocked that you (to fail) such an easy test! 5. Isn’t it advisable that everything (to put) in writing? 6. It is important that you (to pass) your entrance examinations successfully to be admitted to a higher school. 7. It is desirable that you (to do) sports regularly. 8. It is necessary that the pupils (not to miss) lessons. 9. It is necessary that you (to be) able to come with us. 10. It is important that he (to learn) everything he can. 11. And it is really important that I (to see) Miss Smith. 12. It’s necessary that she (to give) new instructions before she starts her work. 13. It’s quite intolerable that he (to write) all that nonsense in the paper. 14. It is obviously necessary that an investigation (to make). 15. It’s necessary that we (to help) him. 16. It’s strange that they (to help) him — usually he doesn’t accept support from anyone.
Exercise 3. Use the infinitives in brackets in the correct form.
1. He had spent the first part of the night lying rigid and telling himself how important it was that he (to sleep). 2. It’s wonderful that they (to give) you a present. 3. It was arranged that his wife (to join) him in six months. 4. It was all wrong that someone so young (to be) so ill. 5. It was inevitable that the conversation with Ned (to turn) upon crime. 6. It’s not fair that the girl (to send) to bed so early on a day like this. 7. She listened in silence to Mel’s explanation why it was essential that he (to remain) at the airport. 8. It had long been decided that I (to spend) a fourth year at Cambridge doing psychology. 9. It was advisable that she (to continue) the treatment. 10. It was demanded that I (to tell) them all that had passed at the conference. 11. He hated to upset her, but it was so important that she (to understand), that his motives (to perceived) by someone. 12. It was unnatural the way he (to keep) his feeling in check. 13. Arthur said: “It seems to me almost a pity that the church (to forbid) priests to marry.” 14. After their talk it was urgent that she (to see) her husband. 15. It was amazing that this coarse man (to be) so worried about a dog. 16. It was arranged that I (to pick) up Hudson at his flat after lunch. 17. It was suggested that we (to stay) where we were till it was light.
Exercise 4. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the pattern. Pattern: a) It’s necessary for you to put off that call. It’s necessary that you should put off that call. b) It was recommended to forget the whole matter. It was recommended that the whole matter should be forgotten.
1. It was only right for them to have agreed. 2. It’s very unusual for them to have admitted a stranger into their company. 3. It’s strange for the case to have been solved so fast. 4. It is recommended to inform your tutor about your progress. 5. It’s better for you not to answer back! 6. It was highly unnatural for him to be late. 7. It was thought unusual but not too strange for a person of his status not to have gone to that conference. 8. It is requested to report all breaks in the procedure at once. 9. It’s unbelievable for ten-year-olds to have put up such a good show! 10. It was considered obligatory then for the girls to learn to dance. 11. It was thought unbelievable for the junior staff members to complain. 12. It’s doubtful they produced such good results. 13. Isn’t it amazing that he got so near to the truth without any assistance?
Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences.
1. It’s incredible... 2. I’m greatly displeased... 3. Isn’t it curios...? 4. It’s typical... 5. It’s odd..., isn’t it? 6. It’s funny... 7. In the past it was believed important... 8. Isn’t it surprising...? 9. It was obligatory... 10. Isn’t it splendid...? 11. It’s amusing... 12. It is essential...
Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
1. Вам необходимо уехать как можно скорее. 2. Желательно, чтобы вы приняли участие в выставке. 3. Странно, что никто до сих пор не додумался до такого простого решения. 4.
2. In exclamatory complex sentences (How wonderful …! What a shame …! How strange …!)
Exercise 7. Analyze the form of the verb in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. How wonderful that he should have joined us! 2. How strange that he be here! 3. How clever that you should have bought two pairs of stockings! 4. What a scandal that they should do it together! 5. What a shame that they should see us! 6. How nice that you should remember us! 7. How awful that she should go home alone! 8. How nasty that we should wait here! 9. How strange that she be there! 10. How sad that I should leave!
Exercise 8. Use the infinitives in brackets in the correct form.
1. How wonderful that someone (to think) of everything beforehand! 2. How unfortunate that you (to let) that topic dominate your talk! You could have avoided that, you know. 3. How strange that he (to say) so! 4. What a shame that he (to do) this! 5. What a scandal that you (to apologize) for what you’ve never done! 6. How sad that Olga (to forget) about it! 7. How interesting that she (to buy) this book! 8. How disgusting that you (to be) there! 9. How incredible that he (to believe) it!
Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
1. Как странно, что Бет не сообщила, где она находится! 2. Какой позор, что его дочь вышла замуж за старика! 3. Как странно, что именно вы вспомнили об этом! 4. Как прекрасно, что мы снова встретились! 5. Какой ужас, что они видели нас вместе! 6. Как здорово, что вы пришли сюда! 7. Как отвратительно, что вам приходится уступать ей! 8. Как печально, что она уехала! 9. Какой стыд, что вы ходите по городу в таком виде! 10. Какое несчастье, что мы забыли ключи дома! 11. Как умно, что она никому не сказала! 12. Как благородно, что вы навестили бедную старушку! 13. Как омерзительно, что нам приходится извиняться перед этим ужасным человеком за то, что мы не делали.
3. In the affirmative sentences expressing possibility (it is probable, possible, likely).
Exercise 10. Analyze the form of the verb in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. It is likely that everything may change yet. 2. It was possible that her only feeling might be one of hurt pride. 3. It is probable that she may bring the book tomorrow. 4. It was likely he might come. 5. It is possible she may forget about everything. 6. It is likely the book may be lost. 7. It was likely they might lose the game. 8. It was probable that I might get an excellent mark.
Exercise 11. Use the infinitives in brackets in the correct form.
1. It was possible that she (to find) it pleasant to be in our company. 2. It is likely that the weather (to change) tomorrow). 3. It is possible the money (to receive) tomorrow. 4. It is probable that we (to go) there next summer. 5. It was likely that he (to forget) to come again. 6. It was probable that we (to win) the game. 7. It is likely he (to kill) someone. 8. It was possible that we (to invite) to the concert. Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
1. Возможно, мы еще встретимся. 2. Похоже, что он поверит вам. 3. Видимо, она опять забудет тетрадь по грамматике дома. 4. Похоже, учителю придётся поставить ей неудовлетворительную оценку. 5. Возможно, что она съест весь торт. 6. Было похоже, что ему подарят что-то очень хорошее. 7. Похоже, мы узнаем обо всём завтра. 8. Видимо, он окажется прав. 8. Похоже, что весна никогда не наступит. 9. Видимо, он так и не сдаст экзамен. 10. Похоже, тебя ничто не взволнует.
4. In negative and interrogative sentences expressing (im)possibility.
Exercise 13. Analyze the form of the verb in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Is it possible that the money should have been stolen? I doubt it. 2. It was unlikely that he should take any steps against his brother. 3. It was improbable that Bart should buy pictures. 4. It’s not likely that they should exchange addresses. 5. It’s highly improbable that she should be thinking of you now. 6. It’s unlikely that she should have lost anything. 7. It is impossible that we should believe all this nonsense. 8. Is it likely that the weather should change? 9. Is it possible that he should have kissed her? 10. It was improbable that he should visit us. 11. It is unlikely that the reaction should occur.
Exercise 14. Use the infinitives in brackets in the correct form.
1. It’s highly unlikely that he (to give) help — no one would have wanted to support him. 2. Is it possible that the Board (to give) serious thought to that idea? 3. It’s improbable that he (to bite) by his own dog. 4. It’s unlikely that your problem (to bring) to their attention already. 5. It is not possible that she (to guess) it. 6. Is it likely that she (to refuse) to come? 7. It’s impossible that you (to forget me). 8. Is it probable that we (to see) everything?
Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
1. Не может быть, чтобы вы собрались так быстро. 2. Не может быть, чтобы вы не встречались раньше — он вёл себя так, как будто хорошо вас знает. 3. Невероятно, что он уже на ногах после столь сложной операции. 4. Не может быть, чтобы вам не дали возможности доказать, что вы здесь ни при чем. 5. Не похоже, чтобы он уже всё знал. 6. Возможно ли, чтобы они забыли позвонить? 7. Невероятно, чтобы такой маленький ребёнок умел кататься на лыжах. 8. Возможно ли, чтобы Том пригласил Сару в кино? 9. Не может быть, чтобы вы были правы. 10. Не похоже, чтобы вы были счастливы с ним. 11. Невероятно, что он об этом не знает! Он всегда узнаёт новости одним из первых.
5. After the principle clause expressing time – it is time, it is high time.
Exercise 16. Explain the use of the verb forms in subject clauses and translate the sentences:
1. Don’t you think it’s time you got a job? 2. Come along. It’s time we had lunch. 3. It’s high time we started putting our own house in order. 4. “It is high time I was getting back,” she said. 5. “It’s high time you were sacked, boy,” the foreman said angrily. 6. It’s time the child were in bed. 7. It’s high time someone stepped in and stopped this meaningless quarrel. 8. Isn’t it time you took some action against them? 9. “It’s time someone gave me a hand!” The remark went unnoticed. 10. It’s about time he was given another chance. 11. Isn’t it time that you stopped waiting for an opportunity to be offered you on a silver platter? 12. Don’t you think it’s time you were working on your project? 13. Can’t the child behave? It’s high time someone told him that won’t do. 14. It’s time you were doing something with your life. 15. It’s time you were looking for a place to settle in. 16. Michael was about five when his father thought it was time he studied music. 17. It’s time he were having breakfast, isn’t it? 18. I suppose it is time we were thinking about the matter.
Exercise 17. Use the infinitives in brackets in the correct form.
1. It’s high time you (to do) something about that dripping tap! 2. It’s time the problem (to deal with). 3. Don’t you find it’s time that someone (to tell) our supervisor that the experiment is going wrong? 4. Isn’t it time he (to be) home? 5. It’s about time we (to tell) about your plans. 6. Are you still reading? It’s time you (to work) again. 7. Late again? It’s time you (to look) for another job! 8. It’s time someone else (to ask) to attend this boring conference — just for a change. 9. It’s high time you (to stop) daydreaming. 10. It’s time he (to consult) his colleagues, isn’t it? 11. It’s time some changes (to made) in the Department. They are long overdue. 12. It’s time it (to become) clear to you how total the failure is. 13. It’s high time something (to do) about this case — and quickly. 14. It’s time that someone else (to chair) the meeting. 15. It’s high time you (to consider) your position instead of being so sure of yourself. 16. The same story? It’s time you (to think) of something more credible. 17. Isn’t it high time you (to be) on first-name terms with Doris? 18. It’s high time you (to take) some responsibility for your actions. 19. It’s time you (to light) the fire – it’s getting very cold. 20. I think it’s time I (to call) you Lilly. 21. I suppose it’s time we (to think) about it. 22. It was time I (to get) out of there before I was asked to leave. 23. It is nearly midnight, it is time the child (to go) to bed! Exercise 18. Paraphrase the following sentences:
1. They’ve been parted for a long time. It’s time for him to forget about her. 2. It’s time for us to be given a definite answer. 3. Angela has known me for ages. It’s time for her to get used to my ways. 4. It’s time for you to know the meaning of the proverb “It never rains but it pours”. 5. If you want anything done properly, you should start doing it yourself. 6. The scheme is outdated. It’s time for some improvement. 7. I’ve just had bad luck. It’s about time for something good to happen. 8. Isn’t it necessary to put an end to her nagging? 9. Why don’t you ever speak up? 10. You’ve been learning English for some time. Why can’t you spell this word yet? 11. It’s time to be going home, I think. 12. It’s high time for my fortune to take the turn for the better. 13. Isn’t it time for all of us to put some pressure on him? Otherwise he might never listen to our demands. 14. Why don’t you tell them anything about your decision? 15. Why don’t they tell you anything about their decision? 16. They had put the company together on a wing and a prayer. But now it was time for everyone to take them into account. 17. It’s no use reasoning with him. Why don’t you stop?
Exercise 19. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
1. Уже двенадцать. Пора выключать телевизор и ложиться спать. 2. Тим звонил нам уже час назад. Ему давно пора прийти. 3. Вам не пора уходить? 4. Вы уже давно работаете здесь. Пора научиться соблюдать наши правила. 5. «Прошло столько времени», — думал Олег. «Пора бы им дать о себе знать». 6. Вам не кажется, что детям давно пора быть дома? 7. Вы поссорились из-за пустяка. Пора бы и помириться. 8. Пора бы вам перестать жаловаться и начать действовать. 9. Скоро экзамены. Вам не пора начать заниматься? 10. Мне кажется, тебе пора бросить курить... Пора, по крайней мере, попытаться.
*Exercise 20. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Как странно, что именно он нашёл эту книгу. 2. Давно пора тебе стать умнее. 3. Рекомендовалось, чтобы мы купили эти книги. 4. Видимо, он приедет завтра. 5. Невероятно, чтобы он продал свой дом. 6. Как прекрасно, что она согласилась петь для нас! 7. Какой позор, что они не выполнили своё обещание. 8. Давно пора забыть свои детские выходки. 9. Тебе пора умываться. 10. Любопытно, что я получила ответ от них. 11. Важно, чтобы они не забыли об этом. 12. Возможно ли, чтобы он бросил курить? 13. Я бы предпочел посмотреть новости, но мне уже давно пора быть у двоюродного брата. 14. Мы медлили слишком долго. Пора принимать решение. 15. Не пора ли выяснить, что произошло на самом деле? 16. Не пора ли уделить внимание и этой проблеме? 17. Тебе бы давно пора выбросить эту старую мебель. 18. Как ты думаешь, не пора ли нам вернуться к гостям? 19. Нам пора бы идти. 20. Ему давно пора бы объяснить, что он задумал. 21. Его давно пора проучить.
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