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Revision: conditionals


Exercise 68. Explain the use of the verb forms in the following conditional sentences:


1. He walked around the city aimlessly for the rest of the morning, looking into shop windows and thinking of the things he would buy if he had money. 2. If I remind you in a month from now of things you are saying tonight you’ll laugh. 3. What would have happened if you hadn’t done so well yesterday? 4. If I were a playwright I’d write a nice, old-fashioned play in which the heroine is pure and beautiful and makes a man out of her husband. 5. “If I’d answered back like that at your age I’d have been well slapped,” said Mrs. Grey. 6. I said I thought it would be far more fun if your brother had come, too. 7. I remember that if I lit a cigarette in here you always opened the window. 8. If he knew he would have told me. I’m sure he knows nothing. 9. Ronny would bring lots of gifts for Martha and say to me: “I wouldn’t be doing this, if Martha did not treat me well.” 10. She’ll only be miserable if you insist. 11. Where would your father have got his tobacco if it hadn’t been for me? 12. It was so dark that he would have lost his way if she had not taken him by the hand. 13. “Do you think it’s important?” “Yes, I do. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be here.”


Exercise 69. Supply the necessary forms for the verbs given in brackets in the following conditional sentences:


1. If his mother (not to go) out, the boy (to turn) off the TV set and (to go) to bed. 2. I (to wait) if I (to be) you. 3. She (to fall) if he suddenly (not to put) out a hand to steady her. 4. If I (to be) a poet I (to write) a poem about nettles in a wine glass. 5. If it (to be) not for the journalists, everything (to be) perfectly easy. 6. If your father (to be) here, he (to give) you a piece of his mind. 7. I’m glad that he turned this offer down. There (to be) no turning back if he (to accept) it. 8. “She is only twenty.” “She (to know) better if she (to be) twenty-five?” 9. I do not know what (to happen) if this (to go) on much longer. 10. Don’t you see that if things like that (to happen) life (to be) quite different? 11. You really (to follow) me if I (to go) away? 12. I believe you (to make) her stay if it (to be) not so late. 13. It (to be) better if you (to take) things coolly, as I do.


Exercise 70. Explain the use of the verb forms in the following conditional sentences referring to the future and translate them into Russian:


1. Would you do it differently if you had to do it over again? 2. However, if it should be proved on him, he will have to leave my house. 3. It would be much more convenient if he were to move to a hotel. 4. I think it would be a good thing if you would come and stay at my house for a little while. 5. They are going to send me some records in case I should forget my lessons. 6. If I were to tell you of the things the girl does, you would open your eyes. 7. I should certainly try to deserve your confidence if you would give me another chance. 8. “I don’t care if the whole school knows.” “If that should happen, we shall have to send you home.” 9. The situation was embarrassing. If I went in at once it would be obvious that I had overheard the words that had just been spoken.


Exercise 71. Supply the necessary forms for the verbs given in brackets in the following conditional sentences referring to the future:


1. I (to be) grateful if you (to keep) the news to yourself. 2. I (to be) in the drawing-room in case there (to be) a telephone call for me. 3. Many people ask themselves: “What I (to do) differently if I (to have) another chance?” 4. He wondered how he (to feel) if his former wife (to come) into the room in which he happened to be. 5. I know he is itching to tell me what happened, but I (to be) darned if I (to ask) him. 6. Philip says they (to miss) me if I (to leave) before their wedding. 7. Look here, it (to be) a bore for you if we (to have) tea somewhere? 8. In case any crisis (to arise), let me know. 9. The situation has been bad lately, but everything (to calm) down if you only (to stop) making a fuss. 10. If this (to be) our last meeting for some time, I (not to like) you to remember this talk. 11. It (to be) awkward if she (to refuse) to cooperate. 12. What his mother and father (to think) if they (to hear) of what he has done? 13. If the situation (not to change) by Saturday I (to be) in trouble. 14. I (not to be) surprised if he (to offer) an important post under the next government.


Exercise 72. Make up complex sentences with subordinate clauses of condition, using the forms given in the examples. Make use of various conjunctions (‘if’, ‘in case’, ‘unless’, ‘suppose’, ‘supposing’, ‘on condition’) or of inverted word order.


Example 1: If I am free tomorrow, I shall join you.

Example 2: If I were free, I should (would) do the work at once.

Example 3: If he worked more regularly, he would know the language better.

Example 4: If you had worked during the term, you would have passed the exam.

Example 5: If you had read the book, you would remember the facts.

Example 6: If it should rain, don’t go out.

Example 7: If anyone should call, he would not (will not) find me in.

Example 8: If he would come, we should be glad to see him.

Example 9: If I were to offer my help, they would accept it.

Example 10: If he could attend the concert, he would like it.

Example 11: If she could have helped you, she would have done it.

Example 12: They could (might) join you, if you invited (should invite, were to invite, could invite) them.


Exercise 73. Supply the necessary forms for the verbs given in brackets in the following sentences of unreal condition, taking special care of modal verbs:


1. Well, I certainly (to put) a stop to it if I (to know) in time. 2. It (to be) fun if Roberta (to write) a book. 3. If I (to be) a painter, I (to choose) an entirely different subject every time. 4. If I (to be) you, Meg, I (not to let) myself believe this hateful gossip. 5. I (to hate) myself if I (to deceive) him. 6. I suppose you (to think) it butting in if I (to come) too. 7. He said he had no pain, and if it (not to be) for the doctor, he (to get) up and (to go) home. 8. If it (not to be) for the children I (to leave) you tomorrow. 9. You (to be) horrified if I (to tell) you what I have had to go through. 10. If I (to be) there, of course, I (to do) something. 11. I’m glad I wasn’t at home. He (not to get) much help if he (to ask) me. 12. If I (to be) you, I (to try) to rise above it. 13. “No, I won’t tell you,” she said. “It (not to be) fair to them if it just (to turn) out to be gossip.” 14. It (to look) silly if I (to tell) them the truth. 15. “May I read this?” “I (not to bother) if I (to be) you.” 16. If I (to keep) to my original plan I (to miss) the whole affair. 17. There is no knowing how long he (to continue) on the subject if his attention (not to distract) by a man who appeared on the deck. 18. You don’t understand, Lilly. If I (to pick) his idea to pieces in front of you he (to die).


Exercise 74. Finish off the following conditional sentences:


1. The cake wouldn’t have got burnt if... 2. You wouldn’t have got into trouble if... 3. Your dress would look nicer if... 4. She would have married him if... 5. I would have come earlier if... 6. He would have got wet through if... 7. She would fix the door knob herself if... 8. He would drive straight home if... 9. I would take her to the party if... 10. It would be better for all of us if... 11. If it hadn’t been for the rain... 12. If it were not for the coming wedding... 13. If it hadn’t been for their neighbour... 14. If it hadn’t been for his advice... 15. If it hadn’t been for his departure... 16. If it were not for his family... 17. If it were not for his scholarship... 18. If it hadn’t been for the announcement on the radio... 19. If it were not for my sprained ankle... 20. If it were not for the message that he received... 21. If your mother were to ask you about me... 22. If I had known you were here... 23. If he should turn down your offer... 24. If you would not interfere... 25. If the play had not been so long... 26. If we could afford it... 27. If the car had not broken down... 28. If I were you... 29. If you should leave unexpectedly... 30. If it hadn’t been raining... 31, If the job were to be offered to me... 32. If my son were not making progress in his English...


Exercise 75. Use complex sentences with subordinate clauses of condition to present a chain of successive statements about your everyday actions or the actions of some characters in the books you read, e. g.:


1. If Eliza had not heard that her boy might be sold, she would not have run away. If she had not discovered that she was being followed, she might not have attempted to cross the river. If she had not been so desperate and brave, she would not have managed to cross it. If she had not received any help from some kind people on the other bank of the river, she might have died from sheer exhaustion...

2. If George were not so absent-minded, he would not have left Anne’s address at home. If we knew her address, we should go and see her. If we could go and see her, we would find out why she did not attend classes...

3. If it had not rained on Sunday, we should have gone to the forest. If we had gone to the forest, we would have certainly picked flowers and mushrooms. If we had brought many mushrooms, we should have had a fine supper of fried mushrooms and potatoes...

Exercise 76. Translate the following conditional sentences into English:


1. Я бы никогда не подумал, что это возможно, если бы я не увидел этого своими глазами. 2. Я бы не стал делать этого на твоем месте. 3. В случае, если тебе придется неожиданно уехать, пришли мне записку. 4. Мне бы пьеса понравилась больше, если бы она не была такой длинной. 5. Если бы не его болезнь, семья переехала бы в город. 6. Если бы он пришел вовремя, этого могло бы не случиться. 7. Если бы пошел дождь, я бы промокла до костей, так как на мне было очень легкое платье. 8. «Ты всегда должен быть осторожен с движением здесь, — сказала няня. — Что бы сказала твоя мама, если бы тебя задавило?» 9. Куда бы ты пошел, если бы не шел дождь? 10. Посиди с ним. Если он вдруг попросит чего-нибудь, скажи мне. 11. Если бы я сказал что-нибудь подобное твоей тетушке, она сочла бы меня за сумасшедшего. 12. Я буду у себя дома весь вечер на случай, если ты передумаешь. 13. Возможно, что он чувствовал бы и вел бы себя иначе в своей реакции на замужество дочери, если бы обстоятельства были иными. 14. Если бы ты не был так занят, мы могли бы пойти куда-нибудь пообедать. 15. Если бы я задержался еще на один момент, я не знаю, что я мог бы наговорить. 16. Если бы у нас не было багажа, мы могли бы дойти до станции пешком. 17. Если бы ты не был таким рассеянным, ты бы не забыл ключи дома, и нам не пришлось бы ждать пока мама придёт с работы. 18. Если бы я мог высказать ему всё что я о нём думаю, то он узнал бы много интересного о себе.


*Exercise 77. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.


1. You’d better cut down on sugar.

were If I... were … you, I would cut down on sugar.

2. Tom got lost because we didn’t give him clear directions.

have Tom … if we had given him clear directions.

3. If you don’t criticize his work, he’ll never improve.

unless He’ll never improve … his work.

4. She doesn’t have many friends because she is shy.

were If she … have many friends.

5. We’ll only sign the contract if he changes that clause.

will Only if he changes that clause … the contract.

6. He’s afraid of heights, so he won’t come climbing.

were If he …, he would come climbing.

7. Lucy can prepare the report, but she’ll have to be given instructions.

only Lucy can prepare the report … instructions.

8. As long as you give it back by Friday, you can borrow my book.

provided You can borrow my book … by Friday.

9. If you don’t lend us some money, we won’t be able to go to the theatre.

unless We won't be able to go to the theatre … some money.

10. She missed the meeting because her car broke down.

broken She wouldn’t have missed the meeting if … down.

11. I need to get this to her, but I haven’t got her fax number.

had If …, I could get this to her.

12. He forgot about the invitation so he didn’t go to the dinner.

not Had … the invitation, he would have gone to the dinner.

13. I think Bill should look for a better job.

were If … look for a better job.

14. We didn’t take a map so we got lost.

taken If …, we wouldn’t have got lost.

15. Mark didn’t tell her it was a secret so she told Pam.

have If Mark had told her it was a secret, … Pam.


*Exercise 78. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.


1. “Yes, and I know that he hadn’t got this cigarette box then.” “No, he (to show) it to us if (to have) it then.” 2. “I don’t forget about that morning, and neither would you if you (to drag) into that hellish inquest as I was. 3. “If it (can help) Martin, I (to go). But it (cannot help) anybody.” “That’s true. You were right.” 4. “Oh Lord, is this going to be another inquest?” “Well, it (not to be) necessary if we (to hear) more of the truth perhaps when there was an inquest.” 5. “You could do some academic investigating.... Say, the casket letters.” “Oh, notMary Queen of Scots! If she (to wear) another kind of headdress no one ever (to bother) about her.” 6. “I (cannot be) interested in anyone unless I (can see) his face.” “Ah, yes. I forgot your passion for faces.” 7. If he (to stay) undiscovered, he (to grow) so base? 8. “If I (to be) a hunchback,” young Tom said musingly, “I sure (to hate) a brother who took my credit and my place in the sun.” 9. If he (to sleep) on the proposition, it (may show), tomorrow, a facet that he had missed. 10. We walked on together... “And I (to bring) my son, if he (to be) a few years older.” 11. “You (to be) very surprised to learn?” “Nothing, nothing (to surprise) me about history.” 12. If he (to live) now, he (may put) tragedies on the stage to delight the people. 13. I (to put) you up, my dear, but it’s better not to stop here, if I (to be) you, I (to go away) at once. 14. “What are you writing there?” He jumped nearly out of his skin. He (cannot look) more guilty if he (to catch) robbing my money-chest.


*Exercise 79. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.


1. His memory is nowhere as good as mine. Anything he does, he (to lose) it if he (not to write). 2. One could be sure her son had confided nothing. He (to think) it unbecoming. 3. How can I go! If he (to send) me a sign, I (try) to go. 4. He assimilated Robert’s news. It was the sort of flamboyant gesture he (may make) a few years back. When he’d had the money. 5. “Let me look after the children.” “If you (to look) after them, you (cannot do) it for nothing.” 6. If they (to be) together, he (to be) still alive. 7. “I just know that it was an electrical accident.” “It was the next morning that your daughter found her.” “They sleep so heavily. If only they (to wake)! If she (to get) to a hospital in time, she (may save).” “I’m afraid it (not to help), sir.” 8. “The police did make rather exhaustive investigations. Didn’t they? (To be) there the slightest suspicion of anything rather than an accident, I think it (may come up) at the inquest.” 9. The thing was still seated in the chair. It (not to be) for the black pool that was slowly widening on the table, one (to say) that the man was simply asleep. 10. If I (to realize) it was to be like this, I (not to come). 11. If he (not to tell) us that himself I never (to believe) that. 12. Even if I (to see) her at the party I (can, do) nothing for you. 13. Don’t you think it (to be) very much for the better if you and I both (to keep) quiet? 14. If anyone (to ask) me what his specific gift was, I (not to know) how to answer. 15. She said she (to be) pleased if my mother (to allow) me to spend the rest of the month with them. 16. Mary is staying with me. I think it (to be) a good thing if you (to come) and (to see) her.




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