The subjunctive mood in predicative clauses
1. Predicative clauses after nouns expressing wish, advice, desire, proposal, doubt, hesitation, fear, apprehension, etc. and after such main clauses as All I ask is that…, all we needed was that…, etc.
Exercise 1. Analyze the form of the verb in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. My advice is that you should take someone with you. 2. My dearest wish is that my daughter should marry a young man I could approve of. 3. Our suggestion was that we take a tour round the city before going to the gallery. 4. His fear was lest he should be given away. 5. Sara’s apprehension is lest someone should discover her secret. 6. Our main condition was that the paper should be signed by two witnesses. 7. The old man’s wish was that we should not leave him alone. 8. The lawyer’s demand was that the trial be moved to another county. 9. The order was that we should all gather in the hall. 10. The motion was that the grand jury indict him. 11. The general demand was that the man be acquitted. 12. My fear was lest Ethel should notice her purse was missing. 13. All I ask is that you should listen to me. 14. All I ask is that you listen to me. 15. The order was that the things should be packed in ten minutes. 16. God, all I’m asking is that we be honest with each other.
Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences.
1. The doctor’s order was... 2. The students’ demands are... 3. My parents’ ambition is... 4. Our common suggestion is... 5. Their fear was... 6. The next plan was... 7. The patient’s request was... 8. All I want is... 9. My advice is... 10. The final decision was... 11. His lawyer’s advice was... 12. Their secret plan was... 13. All he needed was... 14. Everyone was sure that their next suggestion would be... 15. The officer order was that... Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
1. Мой вам совет — начните готовиться к экзамену заранее. 2. Мы все боялись, как бы крыша дома не рухнула. 3. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы перестали со мной спорить из-за пустяков. 4. Требуется, чтобы это правило соблюдали все. 5. Моё предложение сводилось к тому, чтобы перенести собрание на другой день. 6. Всё, чего мы хотим, это дать ему ещё один шанс. 7. Он опасался, что над его предложением будут смеяться. 8. Единственное приемлемое предложение заключалось в том, чтобы оставить всё как есть. 9. Наша цель заключается в том, чтобы обеспечить всем участникам конкурса равные возможности. 10. Моё единственное пожелание — не разрешайте ему сделать всё по-своему. 11. Наше предложение заключалось в том, чтобы разработать новую программу исследований. 12. Все, чего я прошу, это чтобы вы не меняли свое решение. 13. Больной попросил, чтобы его перевели в другую палату. 14. Его идея состоит в том, чтобы мы подумали об этом вместе. 15. Наше общее предложение заключается в том, чтобы все ораторы выступали не более пяти минут.
2. Predicative clauses joined by the link verbs to be, to seem, to look, to feel, to taste, to smell, to sound, etc.
Exercise 4. Analyze the form of the verb in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. He felt as if he were a student again. 2. She looked as though she had always known something like that would happen. 3. It was as if he were looking at himself and heard his own voice say “I don’t know.” 4. It’s not as if you owed him anything. 5. It’s not as if they had done anything wrong. 6. It seems as if the house had been broken into. 7. It seemed as if he was being talked into something illegal. 8. The food tasted and smelt as if no one had bothered to cook it. 9. “Don’t touch it!” That sounded as if she really had a right to give orders. 10. Joseph felt as though he had been betrayed. 11. It seemed as if they were not getting anywhere. 12. It was as if no one was going to help them. 13. They stared at each other in the silence of the house and it was as if they were listening for distant footsteps.
Exercise 5. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.
1. He felt as if Robert (to be about) to tip him, but thought better of it. 2. The house looked as though it (not to use) for years. 3. It was as if they still (to deceive) themselves. 4. He looked as if he just (to wake up). 5. It’s not as if he (to want) to hurt you or something. It was just a joke, you know. 6. It seemed as if he (to be going) to answer back. 7. They all felt as if the boy (to conceal) something, but they couldn’t find out what. 8. The room smelt as if someone (to smoke) there. 9. Her manner is humiliating, it’s as if she (to be) the boss around here. 10. He always looks as if he (to be) a little dumb, but believe me he’s no fool. 11. It looks as if he still (may write) that book he so desperately wants to publish. 12. It seemed as if no one (to discover) their plot yet. 13. It looked as if no one (can get) past him. But there was someone in the house — someone had got past him. 14. Her vision blurred. It was almost as if she (to wait) to wake up.
*Exercise 6. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.
1. She smiled at him prettily but her hands bled and she looked as if she (to be going) to faint. 2. Bateman felt as though someone (to give) him a violent blow. 3. She sounded as if she (to talk) to someone distasteful. 4. He looked as though he (not to move) since I left him the previous night. 5. “It sounds as though there (to be) three or four men down there,” said my father. 6. He looked as if he already (to decide) on some action. 7. It looked as though he (to be) filled with an overwhelming joy. 8. The sky looked as though it (to be) grey for months. 9. Robert’s voice sounded as though he (to shout) into the wind for hours. 10. Her stillness and her strange words made me feel as if I still (to dream). 11. It looks as though it (to set) in fine. 12. Her voice sounded as though something (to offend) her. 13. Whenever I saw them it looked as though they (to be) on very good terms with one another. 14. His tanned, smooth skin looked as though a razor never (to touch) it. 15. You look as though you (not to have) much sleep the last night or two. 16. He looked as if he (to step) from the pages of “Pickwick Papers”.
*Exercise 7. Use the infinitives in brackets in the correct form.
1. I don’t see why you sound as if Betty cleverly (to dodge) something. 2. “You are a monster. You frighten me.” Graham Marshall felt as if he (to slap) in the face. 3. You’ve been so twitchy the last week. You look as if you (to do) something you shouldn’t. 4. “Yes. I understand that.” But he didn’t sound as if he (to understand). 5. He felt as if he just (to admit) to the company’s most exclusive club. 6. One day he would send for me, and he would sound as if none of it ever (to be). 7. You seem as if it all (to settle). 8. Isn’t he famous? He looks as if he (to be). 9. He just seemed as though we (to meet) only a few months back instead of years. 10. It was as if the artist (to strive) to put in canvas something that his talent was not sufficient to translate into paint. 11. Grant switched on his lamp, examined the pattern it made on the ceiling and he looked as if he never (to see) it before. 12. “We’ll miss you, you know,” she said, and her big eyes looked as if they (may brim) with tears.
Exercise 8. Transform the sentences according to the given pattern:
Jane has never been to France but she speaks good French. – Jane sounds as if she had lived in France for a long time.
1. From what Mr. Dell says one might think he has never heard about such devices. 2. Looking at these houses one might imagine that they are convenient. 3. The coat wasn’t dry-cleaned. But I thought it had been. 4. Jane wasn’t tired but she looked tired. 5. The car is badly damaged. One might think it had collided with a dozen lorries. 6. He is out of breath. One may think he has run a mile. 7. I’m not a child. Don’t treat me as a child.
Exercise 9. Complete the following sentences.
1. The house was empty. It was as if... 2. Don’t pout. It’s not as if... 3. Stay back! It’s not as if... 4. I feel as if... 5. The cake tastes as if... 6. Your words sound as though... 7. She was desperate. She felt as though... 8. They were exhilarated. They felt as if... 9. He looked suicidal. It was as if... 10. He beamed at me. It was as if... 11. He was on the verge of tears. He sounded as if... 12. His blinding headache was draining away now. He felt as if... 13. What’s the matter with Max? He looks as if...
Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
1. Ситуация выглядела так, будто всё было подстроено заранее. 2. Казалось, им больше ничего не угрожает. 3. У меня было такое чувство, будто за мной кто-то наблюдает. 4. У вас такой вид, словно вы не можете решить, что вам делать. 5. Майк выглядит так, как будто ему только что сообщили какую-то отличную новость. 6. Мне кажется, что он не сам всё это придумал. У него такой вид, будто он повторяет чьи-то слова. 7. Почему у тебя такой вид, будто ты не веришь нам? Ведь мы же раньше никогда тебя не обманывали. 8. Кажется, они очень хорошо знают друг друга. 9. Кажется, когда-то они очень хорошо знали друг друга. 10. Когда она заговорила, её голос звучал так, как будто она долго плакала или кричала. 11. С каждым днем ему всё больше казалось, что он никогда не уезжал из этого дома, что он жил здесь всегда. 12. У нее такой вид, как будто она не знает, что сказать. 13. Она краснеет, как будто он ее ударил. 14. У меня было такое чувство, будто мы говорим с ним на разных языках. 15. У нее был такой вид, как будто она вот-вот рассмеётся. 16. Она побледнела, как будто внезапно плохо себя почувствовала. 17. Я чувствую себя так, как будто бы я не спала ночь. 18. Она поёт, как профессиональная певица. 19. У вас такой вид, будто вы что-то потеряли. Может, я могу вам помочь? 20. Он выглядит так, как будто впервые ведет эту передачу.
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