The action in the comparative clause is simultaneous or prior to that in the main clause.
Exercise 1. Analyze the form of the verb in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Her eyes had shadows as though she had not slept. 2. Suddenly he smiled and spoke in a changed voice as if he were confiding a secret. 3. I remember now that his colour had gone in a moment and he seemed to breathe as if he had been running. 4. She looked content as though she had been waiting for this moment all day. 5. Hugh was surprised and annoyed and chilled as if the temperature of the room were sinking steadily. 6. Ann, you behave as if we were two people who were acquainted. 7. You’re almost grown up now and I am going to talk to you as if you were grown up. And you must help me. 8. Don’t reproach me as if somebody could have done more. 9. There was a curious carefulness about his manner as though he were concealing some pain. 10. She will look at you and talk to you as though you were a nobody and as though nothing you did could change that. 11. There he is again, sitting as if he had a right to come. 12. Why does he always speak as if he knew everything better than anyone else? 13. The world itself behaves as if it were an enormous but weak magnet. 14. Magnetism is very often treated as if it were a subject as fundamental as electricity. 15. She was listening and wincing as though she were having a grinding headache. 16. Maurice looks quite exhausted as if he had run ten miles. 17. Daniel looks quite exhausted as if he had been working in the yard since morning. 18. No one as much as looked at him as he entered... as if he didn’t exist at all... as if it was his ghost that had come in. 19. He was wearing a three-piece suit as if it were some formal occasion. 20. She looked at me as if she had been addressed by a stranger.
Exercise 2. Supply the necessary forms for the verbs given in brackets:
1. Her lips were parted as if she (to be) out of breath. 2. Hugh laughed awkwardly, as if he (to say) something indecent. 3. Then he rolled his eyes in his head, as if he (to do) an exercise. 4. He looked down at his feet as though he (to be) unconscious of the company. 5. Her face was red and swollen as though she (to choke). 6. She was breathing fast and deep, as though she (to run). 7. He leaned back as if he (not to have) a care. 8. Her eyes were sparkling as though she (to laugh) at us. 9. She spoke of this and that as though she (to make) conversation with a stranger. 10. Jones greeted me as though I (to be) an old school-friend whom he had not seen for years. 11. He went into the house by the back door and sneaked up the stairs as though he (to have) something to hide. 12. Don’t look at me as if you never (to see) me before. 13. Remember her! As if I (can) forget her! 14. She clutched the letter to her heart as though she (to think) I would take it from her. 15. As I opened my door I seemed to hear a changing sound as if a mass of metal (to fall). 16. Vic saw it as clearly as though it (to be) before his eyes. 17. He asked me the question as if the answer (to be) really important. 18. They passed her in silence with their noses in the air as though she (do not exist).
Exercise 3. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.
1. Don’t treat him as though he (to be) a criminal. 2. They were watching as helpless as if it (to be) game of dice, with their lives at stake. 3. He was staring at me as if he (to see) something... as if he (can see) something I couldn’t. 4. If we ever happened to meet again I would act as if this letter never (to write). 5. Opposite our house the stranger stopped though he (not to be) sure whether that was the place he was looking for. 6. Don’t stand here smiling as if you (not to understand) what was going on. 7. Why is she crying as though everyone (to be) mean to her? 8. She moved slowly as if she (to be) in pain. 9. We got no reply as if they (to be) astonished by the news. 10. Larry’s eyes were red and swollen as if he (to cry). 12. He looked happy as if an alternative (to find). 13. She welcomed me as if nothing (to happen), as if we never (to quarrel). 14. Don’t keep reminding me I was late as if I (can come) earlier. 15. “It’s true, I tell you. Why don’t you believe me?” “You told it as if you just (to make) it up.” 16. He is so proud as if he (to write) a masterpiece and not a stupid article no one will ever read. 17. Ella described her school years as though she (to love) school – which we both knew was not true. 18. There was a tiny silence when I entered as if they (to discuss) something they thought I shouldn’t know. 19. “You’ve earned the money,” he continued. “Don’t react as if you (to give) it for nothing.”
*Exercise 4. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.
1. He scarcely replied as if he (not to hear) I was calling. 2. He scarcely replied as if he (not to hear) what I had said. 3. Why do you go on as though you (not to mind); what he’s saying about you? 4. He expected us to listen to him as if what he was saying (to be) the most reasonable tiling in life — which it wasn’t. 5. He felt a sort of relief as if he (to reach) a decision which could change his life completely. 6. He kept asking me to change my mind while there was still time as if I (to make) a grave mistake. 7. Stop contrasting your life with his as though you (to achieve) nothing. 8. They kept reading as though it (to be) important and they (not to notice) anything around them. 9. It suddenly grew dark as if somebody (to draw) the curtains. 10. Joe offered to make amends as though it (can change) anything. 11. The boy knows the story by heart as if he (to hear) it many times. 12. The room was full of strangers but Leslie made his speech as if he (to prepare) to do it all his life. 13. She speaks French as if she (to have) very good teachers. 14. He kept working without looking around as if his colleagues (to discuss) something of no importance to him. 15. “Try again.” He smiled back gratefully as if he (to give) the greatest opportunity in his life. 16. The others shied away from him as if he (to have) the plague. 17. Now she acted as if she (not to care). 18. He walked out of the house jingling the keys in his pocket as though they (to be) coins. 19. The wind blew warmly as if it (to sweep) across Africa.
Exercise 5. Paraphrase the following sentences using adverbial clauses of comparison.
1. Donny stopped as if having just realized what she was saying. 2. “What’s the matter?” he asked as if not knowing the reason. 3. He left so quickly one might think someone was pursuing him. 4. Ron was asking one question after another as if in a hurry to get all the information he could. 5. She passed by as if not recognizing him. 6. He paused as if afraid to go on. 7. Don’t stop in the middle of the phrase as if not knowing your lesson. 8. She clasped her hands as though having received a death blow. 9. On seeing her note he stood as if struck. 10. She was leaning on the cushions as if not having yet recovered. 11. Tina smiled as if happy with the news. 12. “Why are you staring at me? Have I grown a third eye?” 13. Johnny paused as if searching for words. 14. When he entered, everyone in the room looked up as if having seen a ghost. 15. She was sure of the outcome as if having received some inside information.
Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences.
1. Jane hid the book she was reading as if... 2. He lay motionlessly as though... 3. He stood speechless as if... 4. He was too sympathetic as though... 5. She sobbed wildly as if... 6. He curbed his urge to laugh as if... 7. He stared at his watch as if... 8. The police launched investigation as if... 9. She pouted as if... 10. He gave the problem little consideration as if... 11. She pushed the money back at him as though... 12. Whenever the phone rang he rushed to take it as if... 13. He stared at the ceiling and whistled as if... 14. He read each story in that childish book solemnly as though... 15. She shielded her eyes as though... 16. Everyone tried to hush it up as if... 17. He greeted us absent-mindedly as if... 18. His remarks were short and bitter, but then he slowly warmed to the subject as though...
Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
1. На все мои вопросы он отвечал таким тоном, словно эта беседа его совершенно не интересовала. 2. Он чувствовал себя неловко, как будто все присутствующие смотрели на него. 3. Стены в комнате были покрыты тёмными пятнами, как будто её давно не ремонтировали. 4. Она говорила таким уверенным тоном, словно знала ответы на все вопросы. 5. Джулия оглядывалась на ходу, как будто за ней кто-то гнался. 6. Он работал всё быстрее, как будто что-то подсказывало ему, что времени осталось совсем немного. 7. Не смейте обращаться с ней как с ребёнком. 8. Он не хотел уходить, как будто боялся, что без него мы упустим что-нибудь важное. 9. Лилиан говорила с ними так, словно они уже обо всем знали, словно слухи уже могли дойти до них. 10. Она сообщила нам о своём отъезде таким тоном, словно мы её чем-нибудь обидели. 11. Он так радовался, словно именно о таком подарке мечтал всю жизнь. 12. Он рассердился так, как будто были истрачены его собственные деньги. 13. Я уверена, он будет держаться так, будто не чувствует никакой боли. 14. Она поздоровалась с ним так, как будто он был ее братом.
Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
1. Она смотрела на нас напряжённо, словно мы вот-вот скажем ей что-нибудь ужасное. 2. Он держал в руках письмо, словно раздумывая, не сжечь ли его перед прочтением. 3. Они не обратили внимания на его слова, словно не слышали их. 4. Она спала на диване, свернувшись, словно кошка. 5. Он ходил, усмехаясь, весь день, словно он узнал что-то такое, что ставило его в привилегированное положение перед нами. 6. Когда его жена вела машину, он всегда сидел с таким видом, словно его через минуту поведут на расстрел. 7. Они пожали друг другу руки, как будто были знакомы всю жизнь. 8. Она держала себя так, словно она была хозяйкой дома. 9. Вы так много курите, как будто вы чем-то взволнованы. 10. He смотри на меня так, как будто никогда не видел меня раньше. 11. Он говорил так серьёзно, будто это вопрос жизни и смерти. 12. Она быстро подняла письмо, как будто не хотела, чтобы его кто-нибудь заметил. 13. Джейн слушала меня с улыбкой, как будто не понимала, насколько всё это серьезно. 14. Он ведёт себя так неосторожно, как будто ему всё равно, что с ним случится. 15. Смотрите, Ник разговаривает с ней, как ни в чём не бывало (как будто ничего не случилось). 16. Я помню все так четко, словно это произошло вчера.
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