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Concessive clauses joined to the main clause asyndetically, or introduced by a connective, a conjunctive or by a phrase.


Exercise 1. Analyze the form of the verb in the following sentences.


1. No matter how unpleasant the job might be, you have no other choice but take it. 2. Unpleasant as the job might be, you have no other choice but take it. 3. No matter what he may have been once, he has no right to give me advice. 4. Though he might have been hurt, he pretended otherwise. 5. Although he might have been planning some mischief, he is quite harmless now. 6. Whichever of the books you may choose, they are both too complicated for you. 7. Come what may, I’ll stick to my choice. 8. Whoever may come and ask for me, tell them I’m out. 9. I decided I wouldn’t interfere however much I would like to help. 10. Much as I would like to help, I decided I wouldn’t interfere. 11. Whenever he might be asked for money, he always says he’s broke. 12. I’ll go and see him whatever you might say. 13. Whatever may come I don’t care a bit. 14. Whatever I can do for you will be nothing but paying a debt.


Exercise 2. Use the infinitives in brackets in the correct form.


1. Whatever his faults may (to be), he is a first-class man at his job. 2. Whatever his faults may (to be), he’s done a lot to get rid of them. 3. “Comfortable though my life may (to be) here,” he wrote, “I must now leave.” 4. Whatever they may (to think) of it before, they have obviously changed their mind. 5. Suspicious as his story may (to be), that was the only account we had at the moment.6. No matter how tired Julian might (to seem), at the mention of money his eyes sparkled. 7. Whichever of you two may (to do) it, he’d better tell me about it. 8. I’ll insist on my plan being the best possible, whoever may (to object). 9. Tired though he might (to feel), he proceeded with the investigation. 10. Whoever might (to be) capable of doing such a thing, should also be able to answer for it. 11. I managed to cover this distance in two hours, unbelievable though it might (to seem) now. 12. However impartial the judge may (to sound), I feel he’s prejudiced against you. 13. However sincere his apology may (to be), it will never be accepted. 14. No matter how loudly I may (to shout), I couldn’t make myself heard. 15. No matter how heated the discussion might (to become), you must always remember that there are two sides to every question. 16. However dangerous this road may (to be), I’m still willing to try it. 17. They’ll never give you a definite answer, whatever you may (to do). 18. Whatever crimes he might (to commit) once, now he is a law-abiding citizen, isn’t he? 19. Whoever might (to tell) you this, tell him he’s a liar. 20. However hard you may (to try), the result is the same. 21. We saw that whatever her present occupation might (to be), she was an actress once. 22. No matter how much the standard of living may (to change) in the past few years, I still think that there’s still much to do here. 23. Clever though he may (to be), he can never deceive me.


Exercise 3. Make up sentences using the following clauses.


1. Although the weather might be bad... 2. No matter how awful the situation might be. 3. Though he might have been deceived once … 4. However hard he might try … 5. Whatever your problems might be … 6. Whatever you may think … 7. Although there might have been some misunderstanding … 8. Whoever might object … 9. Wherever you may go … 10. Whatever his mistakes might have been … 11. Whenever the concert might start … 12. Difficult though it may seem … 13. Although no one might come … 14. No matter what might have been said about it before … 15. Come what may …


Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences using the adverbial clauses of concession.


1.... he still never grumbles. 2.... I’ll be glad to see you. 3.... they’ll never get there. 4.... I’ll do everything to help you. 5.... her memory never failed her. 6.... he’ll never make it. 7.... the company is still eager to give him promotion. 8.... they’ll pretend nothing has happened. 9.... no one objected. 10.... we’ll come there on time.


Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.


1. He верьте ему, что бы он ни говорил. 2. Как бы тщательно вы всё ни спланировали, неожиданности всегда возможны. 3. Каким бы честным он ни был раньше, сейчас он очень изменился. 4. Вам придется выполнять мои распоряжения, что бы вы об этом ни думали. 5. Каким бы доверчивым он ни был, этому он не поверит. 6. Каким бы интересным ни было то, что вы читаете, вам придется сделать перерыв. 7. Когда бы вы к нему ни пришли, он всегда занят. 8. Я куплю этот дом, сколько бы он ни стоил. 9. Позвоните мне, как только приедете домой, как бы поздно это ни было. 10. Что бы ни случилось, я не покину вас. 11. Что бы с ним ни случилось, в газетах пока нет об этом никакой информации. 12. Как бы вы ни торопились, правила дорожного движения нужно соблюдать. 13. Кто бы ни пришел к ним в дом, он всегда встречал радушный прием. 14. Как бы сильно она его не любила, она не согласится предать свою семью ради него. 15. Даже если бы он солгал, они бы ничего не заметили. 16. Как бы сильно он не пытался, он не сумеет обмануть нас. 17. Куда бы мы не глянули, везде были те же самые, изрядно надоевшие лица. 18. Кто бы они не были, я не позволю им вмешиваться в мои дела. 19. Когда бы я не пришёл к ним, их нет дома. Иди сам, если тебе надо. 20. Что бы вы не думали обо мне, меня это ни сколько не волнует.


2. Concessive clauses introduced by even if, even though.


Exercise 6. Analyze the form of the verb in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. Even if he were living here, he wouldn’t bother to join us. 2. I wouldn’t marry him even if he offered me a million pounds. 3. Even though we had been offered better terms, we would never have agreed. 4. Even if he could have stopped me, he wouldn’t have dared. 5. Even if Joan were better educated, she would never stand a chance against Carol. As it is, her application won’t even be considered. 6. Even if they had seen him before, they wouldn’t have recognized him. 7. Even if the house had been cheaper, they couldn’t have afforded to buy it. 8. Don’t tell him what I said even if he were to press you. 9. Even if the job was less pressure-packed, I wouldn’t consider accepting. 10. Ness doesn’t like it here. But even if she did, she would be looking forward to going home. 11. He would’ve accepted our plan even if he’d had some misgivings, but he hadn’t any. 12. She wouldn’t have bought that hat even if the price suited her. 13. We intend to go there even if it meant asking for trouble. 14. You would hardly believe me even if I brought a dozen witnesses.


Exercise 7. Use the infinitives in brackets in the correct form.


1. I never (to say) anything against him even if he (to betray) me again. 2. They (not to win) that match even if they (to play) twice as well as they did. 3. Even though everyone (may think) he was wrong, he (not to agree). 4. She (cannot join) our group even if she (to invite). She was busy that day. 5. You (may think) with your head at least once even if it (to hurt). 6. They (to work) as hard even if they (not to give) any encouragement at all: they thought it was very important. 7. We (not to get) there till after midnight even if we (not to miss) the eight o’clock train. 8. Laura (not to be able) to change her plans even if I (to get in touch) with her and (to warn) her against the move she was about to take. 9. Even if I (to know) something about the case, I (not to tell) you: my lawyer has forbidden me to speak. 10. They (not to notice) their mistake even if they (to be) more attentive. 11. Even though he (to answer) all the questions in Test 1, he (not to be able) to pass Test 2. He knew it and he didn’t even try. 12. It is so dark we (cannot see) anything even if we (to guess) to take a torch with us. 13. Even if I (not to know) him so well, you (not to persuade) me to blame him. 14. Mildred (not to achieve) anything even if she (to be) less lazy.


Exercise 8. Complete the following sentences using adverbial clauses of concession.


1. The search would have gone on even though... 2. He wouldn’t have been able to suggest anything new even if... 3. I would support you even if... 4. She wouldn’t have got a birthday present on time even if... 5. I couldn’t agree even if... 6. You wouldn’t make him see your point even if... 7. He would never retire even if... 8. I would have come on time even if... 9. They wouldn’t change their mind even though... 10. Our results couldn’t be better even if... 11. The last bus had already gone. We would have missed it even if... 12. He wouldn’t have complained even if... 13. That wouldn’t have created a sensation... 14. You wouldn’t come in time even if …


Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.


1. Даже если бы вы помогли ему, он бы всё равно не справился с заданием. 2. Даже если бы в расследовании были задействованы большие силы, это не принесло бы результата. 3. Даже если бы ей не пришлось так много времени провести в дороге, она бы всё равно выглядела усталой. 4. Сидни не написала бы эту книгу, даже если бы её не отвлекали. 5. «Полагаю, вы вели бы себя по-другому?» «Да, далее если бы оказался в подобной ситуации». 6. Я не закончил бы сочинение вчера, даже если бы мне помогли. 7. Я не закончу сочинение к вечеру, даже если бы мне помогли. 8. Я не поверил бы тому, что вы о нём говорите, даже если бы мы с ним не были знакомы с детства. 9. Он не смог бы ответить на ваш вопрос, даже если бы захотел. В тот момент он ещё ничего не знал об интересующем вас деле. 10. Я был бы вам благодарен, даже если бы вы сделали для меня наполовину меньше. 11. Она не бросит свою работу, даже если бы ей предложили что-нибудь более увлекательное. 12. Он не стал бы с вами спорить, даже если бы думал, что может переубедить вас.





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