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Examination of the patient

T opic Examination of the Patient

Grammar Revision Forms of Infinitive, Modal verbs + Simple & Perfect Infinitive

Vocabulary Examination of the Patient, Suffix - algia (- algesia, - algy), - scope, - uria Noun Suffix – ness Compounds with – ache Revision Noun suffix – tion (- sion), - ure

Reading ‘History and Physical Examination’, ‘General medical examination’

Listening ‘Telemedicine and Telehealth Services: MinuteClinic Connect™’ (video)

Speaking Pair Work, Role play


Getting started

1. Look at the pictures above and to answer the questions:

ü Do you know what ’Physical Examination’ is?

ü Who examines the patient?

ü Have you ever been examined by a healthcare provider? What was the reason?


Word building:



Suffix of Greek origin:


Suffix Meaning Example
-algia (-algesia, -algy) suffering, pain, or sensitivity to pain neuralgia
-scope a means for viewing microscope
-uria a condition of the urine albuminuria



-ache means a continuous or dull pain in a part of one’s body: backache, earache


Noun Suffix – ness

Nouns suffix – ness derives fromOld English -nes, -nis and means quality of, state of, measure of: darkness, awareness, oneness.


See Unit 2 for Noun Suffix tion (-sion)

See Unit 6 for Noun Suffix -ure



2. Translate the following words into Russian paying attention to the suffixes and word formation:

  Stiffness, shortness, condition, procedure, manifestation, polyuria, headache, cephalgia, exertion, palpitation, indigestion, dysuria, constipation, examination, weakness, temperature, pressure, observation, inspection, tenderness, palpation, percussion, auscultation, stethoscope, haematuria, toothache, dizziness, myalgia


3. Read and translate the anatomical terms of Latin-Greek origin. Pay your attention to the pronunciation of the words:

     Edema [I`dJmq] (pl. edemata [I`dJmqtq]), cephalalgia [sI`fxldZq], syndrome [`sIndrqum], polyuria [,pOlI`jVqrIq], dysuria [dIs`jVqrIq], tremor [`tremq], observation [,Obzq`veIS(q)n], palpation [pxl`peIS(q)n], percussion [pe`kAS(q)n], auscultation [,Lsk(q)l`teIS(q)n], subcutaneous [,sAbkjH`teInIqs], stethoscope [`steTqskqup], versus [`vWsqs],

Useful vocabulary

concern [kqn`sWn] - беспокойство, озабоченность, проблема, требующая решения

encounter [In`kauntq] - встреча, первый опыт (общения)

manifestation [,mxnIfes`teIS(q)n] - проявление болезни

to affect [q`fekt] - влиять, воздействовать, поражать

itch [IC] – зуд

rale [rRl] - хрип

fever [`fJvq] - жар (высокая температура), лихорадка

swelling [`swelIN] - опухоль, припухлость, вздутие

review of systems [rI`vjH qv,sIstems] - данные обследования, обзор систем органов

general symptom [`dZen(q)r(q)l,sImptqm] – общий симптом

weight loss [`weIt,lOs] - потеря веса

weight gain [`weIt,geIn] – увеличение веса

malaise [mq`leIz] – недомогание, дискомфорт

sputum [`spjHtqm] - мокрота

shortness of breath [`SLtnqs qv,breT] – одышка, диспноэ

wheeze [(h)wJz] - хрип, сопение, стерторозное дыхание

on exertion [qn Ig`zWS(q)n] – при напряжении, при нагрузке

palpitation [,pxlpI`teIS(q)n] –учащённое сердцебиение, трепетание

nausea [`nLsIq] - тошнота

vomiting [`vOmItIN] - рвота

constipation [,kOn(t)stI`peIS(q)n] – запор, задержка стула

dizziness [`dIzInqs] – головокружение, вертиго

faint [feInt] – обморок, потеря сознания

stiffness [`stIfnes] – тугоподвижность, окоченение

ulcer [`Alsq] - язва

rash [`rxS] - сыпь, высыпание

sore throat [`sL,Trqut] – больное горло

check-up [`CekAp] – полный медицинский осмотр, обследование, диспансеризация

to give somebody a check-up – осмотреть кого - либо

general examination [`dZen(q)r(q)l Ig,zxmI`neIS(q)n] – общий медицинский осмотр

assessment [q`sesment] (evaluation [I,vxlju`eIS(q)n]) – оценка, анализ

abnormality [,xbnL`mxlItI] - отклонение от нормы, патология, нарушение, расстройство

vital signs [`vaIt(q)l,saIns] - основные показатели состояние организма, признаки жизненно-важных функция

gait [geIt] - походка, поступь

tenderness [`tendqnqs] – болезненность, чувствительность

differential diagnosis [,dIf(q)`ren(t)S(q)l,daIqg,nqusIs] - дифференциальный диагноз

provisional diagnosis [prq`vIZ(q)n(q)l,daIqg,nqusIs]  - предварительный диагноз

to confirm [kqn`fWm] - подтверждать, подкреплять (фактами)



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