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Present your dialogue to the groupmates.



27. Watch the video ‘How To Diagnose Tonsillitis- Physical Examination For Tonsillitis’

and answer the questions:


ü What is tonsillitis?

ü What are the symptoms of tonsillitis?

ü What microorganisms cause tonsillitis?

ü How is tonsillitis diagnosed?


28. Check the meaning of the words below in the Medical Dictionary:


              Streptococci, over-the-counter medicine (product), irritated


29. Watch the video ‘Telemedicine and Telehealth Services: MinuteClinic Connect™’

and fill in the chart below:



Healthcare provider  
Chief complaint  
Kind of physical examination  
Vital signs  
Blood pressure  
Body system examination  
Test (+\-)  
Administrations (medications)  






30. Explain the term ‘ general medical examination ’.

Read the text and choose the sentences that clarify the title of the text.

General medical examination

The general medical examination is a common form of preventive medicine involving visits to a general practitioner by well feeling adults on a regular basis. This is generally yearly or less frequently. It is known under various non-specific names, such as the periodic health evaluation, annual physical, comprehensive medical exam, general health check, preventive health examination, medical check-up, or simply medical.

The term is generally not meant to include visits for the purpose of newborn checks, Pap smears for cervical cancer, or regular visits for people with certain chronic medical disorders (for example, diabetes). The general medical examination generally involves a medical history, a (brief or complete) physical examination and sometimes laboratory tests. Some more advanced tests include ultrasound and mammography.

If necessary, the patient may be sent to a medical specialist for further, more detailed examinations.

Most surgeons ask patients about recent general medical examination results in order to proceed with surgery even though there are arguments for and against most screening interventions. Advantages include detection and subsequent prevention or early treatment of conditions such as high blood pressure, alcohol abuse, smoking, unhealthy diet, obesity and cancers. Moreover, they could improve the patient-physician relationship and decrease patient anxiety.



Grammar (Revision)

Forms of Infinitive, Modal Verbs + Simple Infinitive & Perfect Infinitive

32. Translate the sentences into Russian paying your attention to Infinitive:

1.A sign or a symptom is never an isolated phenomenon but has multiple interrelationships, some physiological and some psychological, which can be of a major or minor importance. 2. For the patient, the time spent at the hospital can be substantially longer due to various waiting times, administrative steps or additional care from other health personnel. 3. When obtaining the chief complaint, medical students are advised to use open-ended questions. 4. A physical examination may include checking vital signs, including temperature examination, blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rate. 5. Depending upon the chief complaint, additional sections may be included. 6. Physical examination may be performed by a family practice physician, physician assistant, a certified nurse practitioner or other primary care provider. 7. For example, hearing may be evaluated with a specific Weber test and Rinne test, or it may be more briefly addressed in a cranial nerve exam. 8. To give another example, a neurological related complaint might be evaluated with a specific test, such as the Romberg maneuver. 9. If necessary, the patient may be sent to a medical specialist for further, more detailed examinations. 10. The word ‘symptom’ is used to label any manifestation of disease. 11. The doctor's role should be as much preventive as it is therapeutic. 12. The presence or lack of a symptom may be of great interest during the case history just as the presence or lack of a sign may be of great interest during the physical examination. 13. When information about the patient has been tabulated, it must be reviewed in light of the doctor's basic science knowledge and clinical experience. 14. The doctor must have weighed and differentiate the pattern of the patient's problem with the pattern of known disease processes.



                                           Review your progress

Test for self-control



33. Watch the Video ‘ The MinuteClinic Experience’ and answer the questions:




ü What kind of clinic is a Minute Clinic?

ü What is the patient’s chief complaint?

ü What are the symptoms?

ü What diseases do the nurse practitioners of the clinic diagnose and treat?

ü What is the patient recommended?

ü Who will the admission summary be sent to?



34. Follow the directions:

























Extension video:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ_U1VUE63Y children’s hospital, admission, examination, surgery

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwZigB_LmTg diabetes case study

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEvqUTOGX6c examination of the patient, case history, physical examination

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyuekxnXuy4 cardiovascular examination 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGnZ78up-YA health assessment 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9Ihj7rfdEc clinical skills, abdominal examination

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9m6KSVoWAMA clinical examination

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT6Xg_Lxw98 ambulatory care examination

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0bSHEXqjPM telemedicine examination!!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtBXoKdf5MA abdominal assessment, history and physical, students 22222

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9Ihj7rfdEc clinical skills for abdominal examination, (self – control)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHKyv31HfcQ @@@ cv examination



Unit 24


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