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Make a sentence form the words:

a. Tool, tests, laboratory, imaging, important, and, are

b. Tests, blood, are, laboratory, done, at, a.

c. Sate, determine, blood, determine, patient’s, physiological, tests

d. A, count, is, thrombocytopenia, very. platelet, low

e. Analyzer, the, automated, calculates, hematocrit.

f. The, tests, body, the, imaging visualize, inside, of, human.

g. Is, X-ray, a, used, chest, widely, by, doctors. 

h. Taken, angles, CT scan, pictures, from, different, creates

i. Growth, is, development, ultrasonography, used, to study, fetal, and.


15. Fill in gaps with prepositions: of, into, on, about, for, from, of

A blood test is a laboratory analysis performed ____a blood sample extracted _______ a blood vessel using a hypodermic needle. Multiple tests _____specific blood components are often grouped together ______one test panel called a blood panel. Complete blood count is a common blood test giving a general picture ___ the health. Blood chemistry provides information ______a patient’s general health.Clinical urine tests are various tests ____ urine to measure levels of proteins, blood cells and chemicals or to help diagnose kidney and bladder infections.

16. Match the synonyms:

complete blood count                radiological tests                

cytopenia                                 u ltrasonography

blood chemistry                        positron emission tomography  

imaging tests                            computed axial tomography              

CT scan                                     pancytopenia

PET scan                                       full blood count

ultrasound                           complete blood chemistry    

17. Write the words for each set of initials below:

CBC _______________________________________________________________________________

LDC _______________________________________________________________________________

RBC _______________________________________________________________________________

WBC _______________________________________________________________________________

CT _________________________________________________________________________________

MRI ________________________________________________________________________________

PET ________________________________________________________________________________

18. Fill in the blanks with the correct words or word combinations from Word Bank:

Word bank: high-frequency sound waves, single angle, tumor or injuries, powerful magnets, radionuclide tracer, forms of energy, ionizing radiation, human body, hard body structures, stroke, heart diseases, fetal growth


Imaging tests are used to visualize the inside of the ______________. Imaging tests pass different ________________through the body to create pictures of the scanned area. X-rays can depict a 2-D image of a body region, and only from a_______________. X-rays are best used to visualize ______ ____________, e.g. teeth or bones. CT scan uses _______________ in conjunction with a computer to create a series of images of both soft and hard tissues. A CT scan may reveal signs of a _____________in the body. MRI uses _______________and radio waves to make pictures of the body structures. It can be used to diagnose _______________and other problems involving the brain, and spinal cord, or to reveal tumors. PET scan, a non-invasive test, uses a ________________to provide images of the body’s inside. PET is widely used to diagnose_______________, the spread of cancer, and other health problems. Ultrasound uses the transmission of __________________to generate an echo signal converted into real-time images. Ultrasonography is used to study ______________and development and other conditions.


19. Complete the sentences:

Laboratory and imaging tests are ……..

Tests are performed in ………….

Laboratory tests include ………

The common imaging tests are ………

Read the case report below and put down what tests should be ordered to clarify the diagnosis?

Case Report

A 66-year-old female patient with a history of persistent atrial fibrillation and severe mitral stenosis secondary to rheumatic heart disease for which she underwent mitral valve replacement 25 years ago presented with progression of her baseline dyspnea (одышка). On presentation, she had stable vital signs; neck examination revealed bilateral congested (застойный, переполненный кровью) neck veins with prominent systolic venous pulsations. Chest and heart auscultation revealed a well-heard mechanical click, a pansystolic murmur (шум) heard over the tricuspid area and decreased air entry over the right lung base.

Dx: Big Heart



Magnetic Resonance (MR) spectroscopy is a non-invasive diagnostic test for measuring biochemical changes in the brain, especially the presence of tumors. While magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) identifies the anatomical location of a tumor, MR spectroscopy compares the chemical composition of normal brain tissue with abnormal tumor tissue. This test can also be used to detect tissue changes in stroke and epilepsy.MR spectroscopy is conducted on the same machine as conventional MRI. The MRI scan uses a powerful magnet, radio waves, and a computer to create detailed images. Spectroscopy is a series of tests that are added to the MRI scan of the brain or spine. MR spectroscopy analyzes molecules such as hydrogen ions or protons. Proton spectroscopy is more commonly used.

21. Group Work. Read the notice on the right and answer the questions:

ü What is MRI and MR Spectroscopy? What forms of energy do thy use?

ü What do these imaging tests measure and define?

ü What are advantages\disadvantages of these imaging tests?

ü Is it safe to undergo these tests?

ü Would you agree to participate in this trial? Why or why not? Give your pros and cons.


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