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Laboratory and imaging tests

T opic Laboratory and Imaging Tests

Grammar Revision Functions of One & That

Vocabulary Laboratory and Imaging Tests, Suffix – osis, -graphy, -gram (-gramma) Prefix pan- (pant-, panto-), end- (endo-, ento-) Revision Suffix – penia, -scope, - cyte, Prefix hemato-, Compound words

Reading ‘Laboratory and Imaging Tests’, ‘Multidisciplinary teams’

Listening ‘A child’s guide to hospital: MR PET’ (video)

Speaking Group Work, Discussion


Getting started

1. Look at the pictures above and to answer the questions:

ü What laboratory and imaging tests do you know?

ü Why are these tests ordered by the doctor?

ü Have you ever experienced any type of these tests?


Word building:



Suffix, prefix of Latin-Greek origin:


Suffix, prefix Meaning Example
-osis 1. condition, disease, action (typically denotes production or increase) 2. invasion or increase of parasites within an organism halitosis trichinosis
-graphy a process of writing or recording adenography
-gram (-gramma) tracing, mark, drawing, writing, or record electrocardiogram
pan-(pant-, panto-) all, entire panmixia
end- (endo-, ento-) within, inside endotherm


See Unit 14 for Suffix penia, -cyte,  Prefix hemato-

See Unit 23 for Suffix-scope

Compound words


2. Translate the following words into Russian paying attention to the suffixes and word formation:

  Leukocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, hemoglobin, hematocrit, monocytes, lymphocyte, urinalysis, x-rays, tomography, cross-section, ultrasound, ultrasonography, high-frequency, real-time, operator-dependent, echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, mammogram, endoscopy, basopenia.


3. Read and translate the anatomical terms of Latin-Greek origin. Pay your attention to the pronunciation of the words:

Urinalysis [,juqrI`nalIsIs] (pl. urinalyses [,juqrI`nalIsJz]), hypodermic [,haIpqu`dWmIk], hematocrit [`hJmqtq(u)krIt], anemia [q`nJmIq], thrombocytopenia [,TrOmbq(u),sAItq(u)`pJnIq], index [`Indeks] (pl. indices [`IndIsJz]), glucose [`glHkqus], cholesterol [kq`lest(q)rOl], viscus [`vIskqs] (pl. viscera [`vIsqrq]), cancer [`kxn(t)sq], echo signal [,ekqu`sIgn(q)l], invasive [In`veIsIv], endoscopy [en`dOskqpI], analysis [q`nxlqsIs]  (pl. analyses [q`nxlIsJz])  

Useful vocabulary

image [`ImIdZ] - изображение, образ

imaging [`ImIdZIN]- визуализация, получение изображения

to track [trxk] - следить, отслеживать

sample [`sRmpl] - проба (для исследования), образец

to extract [Ik`strxkt] – извлекать, выделять, получать

to prick [prIk] – колоть, прокалывать

to order the test [`Ldq Dq,test]– назначить исследование, анализ

blood panel [`blAd,pxn(q)l]– комплексный анализ крови

chemistry panel [`kemIstrI,pxn(q)l] (complete blood chemistry [kqmp`lJt,blAd,kemIstrI]) – биохимический анализ крови

complete blood count [kqmp`lJt,blAd,kaunt] (full blood count [`ful,blAd,kaunt]) – общий анализ крови

to bleed [blJd] - кровоточить, сочиться

bruise [brHz] - ушибленная рана, гематома, синяк

leukocyte differential count [`ljHkqusaIt,dIf(q)`ren(t)S(q)l,kaunt] - определение лейкоцитарной формулы

automated hematology analyzer [,Ltq`meItId,hema,tOlqdZI xn(q),laIzq] – автоматизированный анализатор крови

X- ray [`eksreI] - рентгеновские лучи, рентгенограмма

to depict [dI`pIkt] - изображать, описывать

tumor [`t(j)Hmq] – опухоль, новообразование

computed axial tomography [kqm`pjHtId,xksIql tq,mOgrqfI] – аксиальная компьютерная томография, рентгеновское компьютерно-томографическое исследование

in conjunction with [In kqn`dZANkS(q) wID] - совместно с

to create [krI`eIt] - создавать

injury [`IndZ(q)rI] – травма, повреждение, рана

advantage [qdv`RntIdZ] - преимущество, достоинство

to expose to [Ik`spquz] - подвергать

magnetic resonance imaging [mxg`netIk,rez(q)nqn(t)s,ImIdZIN]– магнитно-резонансная визуализация

ultrasonography [,Altrqsq`nOgrqfI] - ультразвуковое зондирование, ультрасонография

stroke [strquk] - внезапный приступ, инсульт

positron emission tomography [`pOzItrOn I,mIS(q)n tq,mOgrqfI]– позитронно-эмиссионная томография

to emit [I`mIt] – излучать, выделять, испускать

target [`tRgIt]– цель, мишень



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