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Read the following sentences and choose a correct word:


1. The chief complaint\secondary complaint is a short statement describing the symptom, problem, condition, diagnosis, or other reason for a doctor’s visit.

2. A patient typically presents a set of systems\complaints to the medical professional.

3. Secondary complaints are based on the review of complaints\systems.

4. In practice the vital signs are usually taken first\second.

5. A general examination generally starts at the extremities\head and finishes at the head\extremities.

6. The first part of examination is palpation\observation.

7. The examiner uses feet\hands to "tap" on an area of the body.

8. Auscultation is often performed by using a stethoscope\otoscope.

9. With the clues obtained during the history and physical examination the healthcare provider can formulate a differential\ provisional diagnosis. 


11. Write the last letters of the word:

Complai _ _, symp _ _ _, sig _, findin _ _, revi _ _, malai _ _, swell _ _ _, constipate _ _ _, dizzin _ _ _, abnormal _ _ _, palpate _ _, percuss _ _ _, auscultate _ _ _, edem _, stethosc _ _ _, tenderne _ _, diagnos _ _.

Make a word combination, match the words:


presenting                            history           

diagnostic                            plan

physical                                system

medical                           diagnosis

treatment                              assessment

vital                                 examination

health                               symptom

organ                                     procedure 

provisional                            sign

13. Match the symptoms (A-G) and the body system (1-7):

A. ulcers, rashes, itch

B. cough, sputum, wheeze

C. shortness of breath on exertion, chest pain, palpitations

D. indigestion, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting

E. headaches, dizziness, weakness, faints

F. polyuria, dysuria, haematuria

G. aches, pains, stiffness

1. Muscular-skeletal system

2. Respiratory system

3. Cardiovascular system  

4. Integumentary system     

5. Urinary system

6. Nervous system  

7. Digestive system  

14. Fill in the blanks with the correct words or word combinations from Word Bank:

Word bank: medical history, palpation, physical examination, review of systems, auscultation, secondary complaints, treatment plan, presenting complaint, organ systems.

  The __________________________ is the major patient’s health problem or concern. Following the presenting complaints, the healthcare provider makes a ____________________. _________________are based on the review of systems. Physical examination generally follows the taking of the ____________. A complete _______________________ includes evaluation of general patient appearance and specific____________________. A general examination generally starts at the head and finishes at the extremities and consists of observation, _______________, percussion, and_____________. Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and forming the__________________.

15. Complete the sentences:

A physical examination is……..

A physical examination is performed by ………….

Vital signs are ………

The common methods used in physical examination are ………

16. Read the Case Report and define the information for each section in the chart below:

Case Report

On general inspection, Lucy appeared to be tired. She showed a prominent sign of proptosis. She also had a few bruises on her left arm, due to frequent cannulation and blood test, and a scar from her recent biopsy on the right side of her forehead.

On cardiovascular, respiratory and abdominal examinations, no significant signs were detected. Blood pressure was normal, 130/82. Pulse rate was 80 beats per minute and respiratory rate was 14 beats per minute.

On neurological examination, there were no signs of muscle wasting, abnormal movements or tremor. The upper limbs showed full range of active and passive movements. On flexion and extension of the right arm, however, pain was detected. The patient had normal tone, power, coordination and sensation in both arms. Reflexes, however, were increased in both arms.

Examination of the lower limb showed normal tone, power, coordination and sensations. Plantar reflexes in both legs, however, were decreased. There were no signs of abnormal gaits. Trendelenburg test, Pull test, and Romberg's test all showed negative results.


Symptoms Data
Vital signs  
General symptoms  
Cardiovascular symptoms  
Respiratory symptoms  
Gastrointestinal symptoms  
Neurological symptoms  
Locomotor symptoms  
Skin symptoms:  

17. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to ‘ ache ’ and ‘ sore ’:

18. Write the sentences with sore and –ache using the body parts in the Word Bank:

              Word bank: back, elbow, shoulder, stomach, toe, ear, head, throat, tooth

19. Write sentences without sore and –ache:

20. Look at the pictures and answer the questions using the words in the Word Bank:

Word bank: fever, sore throat, earache, cold, stomachache, cut, bad cough, toothache, headache


21. Fill in the chart with the given words:

22. Look at the pictures and try to guess the meaning of the words:

23. Match the definitions with the words:

1) boil                                          a) when the skin goes blue and yellow

2) lump                                        b) when a part of the body makes you to scratch it

3) rash                                          c) twisted part of your body

4) scab                                          d) infected swelling with the liquid inside

5) spot                                           e) red mark on the skin (much smaller than a boil)

6) swelling                                    f) allergic reaction which makes the skin goes to red

7) bruise                                        g) deep cut

8) bump                                         h) like a graze but more painful

9) cut                                             i) swelling

10) gash                                           j) dry skin that forms over a cut

11) graze                                         k) when something sharp breaks the skin and you bleed

12) itch                                             l) slight cut – not enough to bleed much

13) scratch                                       m) an irritation or infection that makes the skin rise

14) sprain                                         n) when you hit yourself and get a slight swelling



Role play ‘Seeing the Doctor’

24. Read the dialogue paying your attention to the symptoms:

25. Make your own dialogue between a Doctor and the Patient Cues below may help you:

Doctor Patient
How can I help you? What is the problem? I have got a temperature\ sore throat, headache, etc.
How long have you been feeling like this? I have got a pain my back, chest, elbow, etc.
Can I have a look? I’m asthmatic\diabetic\epileptic, etc.
Where does it hurt? I’m in a lot of pain\I have been feeling sick.
Does it hurt when I press here? I have got diarrhoea.
I’m going to take your blood pressure\temperature\pulse. I have got a lump\swollen ankle, leg, etc.
Could you roll up your sleeve? I need another inhaler\some more insulin\some medicine, etc.
Your blood pressure is quite low\normal\high\very high. I’m allergic to antibiotic.
Your temperature is normal\a little high\very high. I need a sick note.
Open your mouth, please.  
Cough, please.  
Are you on any sort of medication?  
Do you have any allergies?  

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