P245. The law of measure (Hegel's idea)
P245. The law of measure (Hegel's idea) Any quality of any material object necessarily exists only within the limits of the corresponding measure (intervals of values of physical parameters essential for this quality). (2. 10. 7. ) 245
Qualitative changes in an object are caused only by its material changes. Quantitative changes in an object are also caused only by its material changes. The qualitative changes in the object must correspond to the quantitative changes in the object. They correspond both for the reasons for changing the object, and for reasons of their necessary belonging to their object. They do not exist by themselves. By themselves, the quantities and qualities do not change, but only necessarily reflect the changes in their carrier object. Here is a chain of reasons. The main thing is that quantity never turns into quality and vice versa. Therefore, all arguments about such a transition are completely false. The same can be said about the relationship between quantity and quality. Yes, there is no connection between them. Only objects and elements can be related. And here only there is a relation of their correspondence mediated by the object-bearer of its quantities and qualities. Both the first and the second belong to the same state of the material object.
DETERMINING THE TYPE AND DEGREE OF QUALITY Here everything happens within the framework of the relationship between quality and its standard (criterion). Criterion, from the Greek. kriterion is a means of judgment.
P246 The criterion of the quality of one object is a pronounced similar quality of another object. (2. 10. 8. ) 246
As they say, like is cognized by like. If quantity can be measured by a standard (an object with a unit of a certain quantity), then quality can only be measured by a comparison criterion (another similar, but pronounced quality of a certain object). Although such a comparison is a mental process, however, qualities exist objectively, and their recognition (attribution to a certain type) is necessary a second time to what already exists in reality.
The relation of comparison can occur both as a measurement of real objects, and as a comparison of their images in perception. For example, two bodies are placed on different scales, which is already a real connection between these bodies. And thus we get the result of comparing the weight and mass of these bodies. Body weight is its physical parameter (quantity). However, qualities have no weight or other physical parameters. So, only the mind is the " balance" of any quality. True, there is one necessary condition here.
P247 Comparison (relation of comparison) is possible only with comparable objects. This is the action. (2. 10. 8. ) 247
That is, like is cognized by like, for not like is not compared.
P248 The similarity of features of objects is the presence of similar features in them. The degree (coefficient) of similarity equal to 1 means their complete similarity, and 0 means complete dissimilarity (difference). (2. 10. 8. ) 248
P249 The difference of features is the minimum value of their similarity. (2. 10. 8. ) 249 Thus, the degree of similarity of the same type of qualities exists in the range from 1 to 0.
P250 The degree of similarity of the compared qualitative features of objects exists as the number of their comparison ratio. (2. 10. 8. ) 250
And in relation to its criterion, some quality of a material object of the same type always has a certain degree of similarity.
There is a numerical scale for this degree, but we are already used to the equivalent of this numerical scale in the form of a linguistic quality scale. For example, 1. 0 is a perfect similarity, (0. 9 - 0. 5) is a less perfect similarity, (0. 5 - 0. 1) is a small similarity. The numerical coefficients of the degree of quality are almost never used here, since the comparison takes place in the mind.
P251 Any quality is usually determined by the linguistic values of the degree of similarity with a similar quality of its criterion. (2. 10. 8. ) 251
And since we are talking about qualities as qualitative features of a material object, then it should be said that any feature is a kind of sign of its object. Unless a sign always denotes another object, and a sign - only your own. Neither quantity nor quality exists separately from their object, therefore they are integral features of their object. And by their set it is easy to determine the type of object. P252 The attributes of an object are either quantity, or quality, or individual fragments of an object. All signs of an object are its peculiar " signs". (2. 10. 8. ) 252
If they say that two things have the same quality, then it should be understood that they have the same qualities. But this is just what many people confuse.
BIRTH AND TYPES OF MATERIAL OBJECTS Any material object is necessarily singular, and all the quantities and qualities of any material object are only about its object. They only belong to their object.
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