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Quantity and quality ratio. P242. The principle of conformity between quantity and quality. Qualitative changes to the material object


Both quantities and qualities belong to the object. On the basis of this simultaneous belonging to their object, they necessarily correspond to each other.



 The relationship of correspondence between the quantities and qualities of a material object is based only on the fact that they belong to their object at the same time. (2. 10. 7. ) 241


Neither quantity nor quality exists by themselves. Both the first and the second belong to their object and its connections. Therefore, both the first and the second themselves do not change. The reason for their changes is only their object in Being (in their many connections with others). The essence of changes in any material object consists in the continuous change of its states, where only the latter (from a number of those that have already occurred) is the material object itself and in its real state. Therefore, the parameters receive their extremely small increments only in the real state of their object. Actually, this is the reason for the transition of the object to the next state. Due to these increments, in each of its real states, the object becomes a little different, different. The matrix of physical parameters of any state of any object is unique. Thus, it gives the absolute certainty of the object in Being. The object also has its own kind of " matrix of quality characteristics". But this " matrix" is not at all unique for each of its states, since changes in qualities have a completely different nature than its quantitative changes.


P242. The principle of conformity between quantity and quality

Any state of a material object necessarily possesses both a matrix of its physical parameters (a set of its quantities) and a set of its qualities. And, due to their belonging to this state, all these quantities and qualities necessarily correspond to each other and to this state. (2. 10. 7. ) 242



What is the nature of the existence of quality, such is the nature of its changes.


 P243. The principle of qualitative changes in a material object

Any quality of a material object belongs only to its object, therefore, only its object is the immediate cause of the emergence and destruction, as well as a change in its degree of any quality. And it is absolutely determined in each of its states only by its matrix of physical parameters of this state. (2. 10. 7. ) 243


An object is always primary in relation to its quantities, and changes in an object are always primary in relation to its quantitative changes. But, in any case, both the object and its changes are always determined only by its quantitative parameters.



For each material object, there is always and necessarily an interval of values ​ ​ of a certain physical parameter or a number of parameters, in which a certain quality appears or disappears from the object. At the same time, conditions must exist, but they have already entered the specified series. (2. 10. 7. ) 244


The immediate cause of its qualities is only the object itself, not its quantity. But quantities determine the object, therefore the relationship between the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the object is necessarily mediated by it itself. Many qualities depend (through an object) not on one, but on a number of its physical parameters (quantities). For example, fresh water at ocean level at a temperature of - 1 degree. C, turns to ice. And in the absence of pressure (for example, in open space) - immediately into steam. So, if someone shares the quantitative measure and the quantitative conditions of this measure, then he is mistaken. The parameter matrix is ​ ​ the matrix of the object in Being. It must include all parameters, including the parameters of the so-called " Conditions".



The measure of quality was fully investigated and described by Hegel: “All things have their own measure, that is, quantitative definiteness, and it makes no difference to them whether they are more or less great; but at the same time this indifference also has its limit, upon violation of which (with a further increase or decrease) things cease to be what they were. Measure serves as a starting point for the transition to the second main area of the idea - to the essence" (Hegel. Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences. T. 1. M., " Thought" 1974. p. 216)

Further. ( The nodal line of the ratio of measure. ) “Given is a ratio of measure, a reality that is quantitatively different from others. Such for-itself-being, in view of the fact that it is at the same time essentially a certain ratio of certain quantities, is open to appearance and to quantitative change; it has a space within which it remains indifferent to this change and does not change its quality. But a point of this quantitative change arises, at which the quality changes, a certain quantity turns out to be specifying, so that the changed quantitative ratio turns into a certain measure, and thus, into a new quality, into a new something" (Hegel. Science of logic. T. 1. M., " Mysl" 1970. p. 463)

In fact, this is the law of nature formulated by Hegel.



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