P254. The principle of objectivity of sets of material objects
P253 Any material object is necessarily singular. (2. 10. 8) 253
It is truly said: “sensation is not in the power of the sender, for it is necessary that the sensed be present. The same is the case with knowledge of the sensed and for the same reason, namely, because the sensed things are singular and external" (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Mysl", 1975. S. 407. ) But this does not prevent the fact that there are things more or less the same (similar, analogous).
P254. The principle of objectivity of sets of material objects Necessarily there are many identical (similar, similar) material objects, called classes of material objects. (2. 10. 9. ) 254
This principle can be viewed in the light of the law of quality.
P255 Sets of quantitatively identical (analogous, similar) objects also possess a set of identical (analogous, similar) qualities. (2. 10. 9. ) 255
Classification of objects and their attributes is an action that establishes what is already in reality. It is based on comparing an object with a specimen from a certain species or genus. Such a pattern is commonly referred to as a type. And here the type performs the same function as a standard in relation to quantity, or a criterion in relation to quality. But they compare what is in reality.
P256 Any comparison is necessary for the secondary existence of compared objects or their facts. (2. 10. 9. ) 256
P257. The set principle The genera and types of material objects are objectively existing sets of objects similar in terms of generic or species characteristics. (2. 10. 9. ) 257
That is, not only quantities, but also the material objects themselves have their own set of the same type. P258. Classification principle The fact that a material object is a type (sample, representative) of one or another objectively existing set (class) of similar objects is a necessary reason for its belonging to this set. (2. 10. 9. ) 258
Any material object belongs to Being. But it also belongs to many objects of its own kind. The genera and types of material objects exist as objectively as the objects themselves.
LIKE KNOWN LIKE Like is cognized by like. And the only means, instrument, basis for recognizing any image are only concepts and ideas similar to this image that are present in the mind.
P259. The principle of recognition Recognition of an object is its assignment to a certain class. (2. 10. 9. ) 259
That is, the concept of an object is knowledge about an object of a certain type (class). The concept is a necessary recognition tool.
Lecture 12 Philosophy, but without the laws of the state of a material object, was what mathematics once was without the laws of differential calculus
STATE OF MATERIAL OBJECT • The essence of the state of a material object • Quantitative differential of a material object • The real state of the material object • Discreteness of the state of a material object • " Now" is the same for all Being • The law of objectivity of the state of a material object • The state of the attribute of a material object • Law of the source of information ESSENCE OF THE STATE OF THE MATERIAL OBJECT Scientists of the 15th - 18th centuries considered only the external sides of things to be changeable. The inner sides of things were viewed as unchanging and fundamental. And, thus, the thing was always considered equal to itself in any changes. “The principle of identity in the old metaphysical sense is the basic principle of the old worldview: a = a. Every thing is equal to itself" (F. Engels Dialectics of Nature. M., Politizdat, 1975. p. 184) In reality, however, any material object remains itself only qualitatively. The qualitative stability of some material objects can last for quite a long time. For planets and stars, it can last for many billions of years. Certain types of material particles are also qualitatively stable. For example, the lifetime of a free proton is 10 32 years, which may well be called eternity. Whereas nothing material has quantitative stability at all. Let's consider the essence of quantitative changes in a material object. Let's start with the fact that the matrix of any state of any material object is necessarily unique. It always and necessarily is an absolute certainty in Being of its state of its material object. For example, a material object A, which is at some definite and extremely brief moment of n continuous changes. Here it is a discrete object in some of its state АSn. All its quantities and qualities are discrete here. But in view of the fact that its changes are continuous, then in this state an extremely small increment (differential) of each continuous state parameter arises, which is quite enough for the emergence of the next, different from the previous, state of the material object АSn + 1. On the one hand, no matter how small each such increment is, it is quantitatively not equal to zero. On the other hand, each such increment is so extremely small that the discreteness of each state is absolutely necessary. Thus, the discreteness of the moments is inherent in all continuous processes.
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