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   asn  asn + 1. Quantitative differential of the material object. Real state of the material object. P142. The principle of the real state


Material object A, even in its two neighboring states Sn and Sn + 1, can never be identical to itself. (2. 11. 1. ) 260

                                         ASn  ASn + 1

For the analysis of the material movement of philosophy, discrete and distinguishable material beacons are urgently needed.

                                                                                                            2005- 02-27 



An extremely small increment of each physical parameter of the state of a material object is a quantitative differential of the material object itself. Although this increment tends to zero, it never is. According to Hegel, if this " zero" can be an arithmetic zero, then it will never be so qualitatively. “On this issue, first of all, Euler's opinion should be quoted. Proceeding from Newton's general definition, he is firmly convinced that differential calculus considers the ratios of increments of magnitude, but that the infinitesimal difference as such should be regarded as zero. - As this should be understood, it can be seen from the above; an infinitesimal difference is zero only as a definite quantity, and not a qualitative zero; but as a zero in quantity, it is rather a pure moment of only a relationship" (Hegel. Science of Logic. T. 1. M., " Mysl" 1970. р. 342)

In mathematics, there is the concept of a differential as an extremely small difference between adjacent values ​ ​ of a continuously changing mathematical quantity. (Differential - from Latin differetia - difference, difference. ) But physical quantities are considered here.



Quantitative differential is an extremely small increment of a certain amount that exists in each certain definite state of any material object. (2. 11. 1. ) 260a


The material object itself changes, and this is the reason for the change in its internal (structural) quantitative parameters. By themselves, its quantities do not exist, therefore, they do not change by themselves.    

The quantitative differential of the parameter of a material object belongs to nature. It exists objectively, independently of the differential calculus. It's just that the ideas of differential calculus were " spied" from nature, therefore they correctly reflect the essence of material processes of continuous changes. According to Engels: " Only differential calculus gives natural science the ability to depict mathematically not only states, but also processes: motion " (F. Engels Dialectics of Nature. M., Politizdat, 1975. p. 237)




Only a real material object needs to change and only in its real state, which is always the last of a series of things that have already happened. All previously existing states are nothing. Future states are still nothing. And nothing changes. There is nothing to change there.


Consider some definite (n) real state АSn of the material object A. In this state, an extremely small increment of each state parameter occurs, which is quite enough for the emergence of the next, different from the previous, definite state ASn + 1. Thus, due to extremely small intrinsic changes, object A must pass into its next state АSn + 1, which becomes the only real one. For the reality of two states of one material at the same time is the simultaneous reality of two of the same material objects at once.


P142. The principle of the real state

 The state of any existing material body has an extremely brief moment of its existence (reality). Then, due to numerous material changes, this body becomes a little different, and thus it necessarily passes into its next state. At another extremely brief moment of its reality. (2. 5. 0. ) 142




P84. The law of reality

 Any existing thing is necessarily real only in its last state from a series of those that have already happened. (2. 1. 0. ) 84




Any state of any material object must be discrete, as necessary discrete and any of its parameters.


P261. The law of discreteness of state

 Any increment of any continuous parameter of any state of any existing material object and in any extremely small interval of its changes (in one real state) with respect to the value of the parameter itself always tends to zero. (2. 11. 1. ) 261


The process of existence of a material object has the form of a continuous series of its states, of which only the last of this series is real.


P262. The law of existence of a material object

 Each state of every existing material object is always and necessarily a certain moment in the process of its own continuous changes. This process is also called the process of development and the process of existence. (2. 11. 1. ) 262


This principle is an extended formulation of the law of existence.


 P9. The law of existence

The process of existence of any available object is a process of continuous change of its states, where only the last of all that has already happened is real. (1. 2. 1. ) 9   



A certain moment in time is what is inherent in any particular state. It is the " now" determined by this state. But it is necessarily the same for all material bodies of Existence.



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