P8. The law of reality. The law of objectivity of the state. Of a material object. P264. The law of objectivity of the state of a material object
P263 For all existing material objects, only their last states, of all those that have already occurred, are necessarily real. And all the last states of all material objects are the last (of all those that have already occurred) State of Being. That is why every extremely brief moment of the reality of Being necessarily coincides with the extremely brief moment of the reality of each material object. (2. 11. 1. ) 263
This principle immediately explains two laws of nature:
P147 Simultaneous events of real states of bodies necessarily belong to one and the same moment of reality of Being. The law of simultaneity. (2. 5. 0. ) 147
And. P8. The law of reality Any existing thing is necessarily real only in its last state from a series of those that have already happened. (2. 1. 0. ) 8
The principles of the laws of the state of a material object are key not only in ontology, but also in epistemology and logic. Truths of information are available only on their basis. THE LAW OF OBJECTIVITY OF THE STATE OF A MATERIAL OBJECT Each state of a material object is the same necessity as its existence. First, it is primarily necessary for the existence of a material object, since it is the material object itself, but in every moment of its reality. Secondly, it is the absolute certainty of this object in every moment of its reality. Since it has its own state matrix. In this way. The law of the state of a material object is the key law of philosophy. His knowledge easily and simply reveals many truths of Genesis. And in fact, so philosophy, but without the laws of the state of a material object, was the same as mathematics once was without the laws of differential calculus. The analogy here is the most complete. A simpler formulation of this law was given in section 1. 2. 1. (7)
P264. The law of objectivity of the state of a material object Any state of any material object has an extremely brief moment of its existence. Because, due to extremely small material changes, it necessarily passes into its other, next state, which becomes the only real one from the series of those that have already happened. For the same reason, all parameters of any state and the state itself must be discrete. In their totality, all parameters of any state of any material object are absolutely unique, and thus they absolutely determine its unique state in Being. (2. 11. 1) 264
Since all material changes in Being occur only due to the necessary changes in matter, the principle of this law is completely obvious without theory. Principles arise from truths, but not from theory. In general, we have already come to where we started, which means only one thing: the circle of definitions begins to close. As Parmenides said, “I don’t care where to start, I’ll come there anyway. ” Gold words.
STATUS OF THE FEATURE OF THE MATERIAL OBJECT Here it is also necessary to clarify the meaning of the term " sign", since it is used quite often in philosophy, but does not have its own unambiguous definition. It is quite clear that all quantities and qualities of any state of any material object necessarily have their discrete certainty, and therefore are capable of having their own definitions as something belonging to this particular state. They exist as signs. In addition, its fragments are also signs of an object.
P265 The state of the attribute of a material object necessarily fulfills the representative functions of the same state of its object. (2. 11. 2. ) 265
A sign is a kind of " sign" only of its object. The one to whom he belongs. The same cannot be said about the sign. Since the sign performs only representative functions of objects to which it does not belong at all.
A quantitative indicator of the state of a material object
P266 The quantitative attribute of a material object is a real physical parameter of the real state of its object. Any sign as a specific object is real only in the real state of its object. (2. 11. 2. ) 266
P267 Any real state of any material object necessarily has its own set (matrix) of quantitative attributes. Even an elementary particle has a huge variety of them, since it is necessarily connected with Being. (2. 11. 2. ) 267
Everything here is clear and without explanation. Nevertheless, these principles are simply necessary, since they rigidly fix the meanings of the term " quantitative trait".
Qualitative signs of the state of a material object
P268 Any real state of any material object necessarily has a set of qualitative attributes. (2. 11. 2. ) 268
They are more involved than other signs in the recognition of the object. “It turns out that at the stage of abstract thinking we can form a rather visual, concrete image, as if“ gluing ”it gradually from general and obscure concepts. Let us recall how Grigory Otrepiev described in Pushkin's tragedy Boris Godunov: " And he is 20 years old. And he is small in stature, wide chest, one arm is shorter than the other, blue eyes, red hair, a wart on his cheek, another on his forehead. " Here is a visual image for you... The process that takes place here resembles the assembly of a model from the parts of a children's designer: there are few typical parts, and the possibilities of their use are quite wide" (Dialectical and historical materialism. M., Politizdat, 1971. p. 147)
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