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Here the descriptions of the qualitative features appeared as separate truths.

Here the descriptions of the qualitative features appeared as separate truths.



The necessary compliance of all signs of any state of any material object. This is perhaps the main thing that should be paid special attention to when creating information theory. The point is that neither quantity nor quality can be subjects of a material connection, like objects that do not have the status of an element or the status of a material body. But all the qualities and quantities of any state of a material object always belong to this state. And the fact that they are related is just a colloquial term.

In reality, only the material elements of the state of the material object are connected. And all the quantities and qualities of this state only and necessarily correspond to each other due to belonging to one state. In other words, their values ​ ​ are necessarily correlative (respectively).


P269. Information source law

The necessary mutual correspondence of all the available signs for each state of each material object has its necessary basis for their belonging to its own state. (2. 11. 2. ) 269


This principle is the main one of the keys to the true understanding of information, since any sign of any state of any material object necessarily carries numerous information not only about itself, but also about its object in a certain state, and therefore about the place and moment of time of this state.





Lecture 13

Regarding any feeling, it is necessary to admit in general,

that it is that which is capable of perceiving the forms of the sensed

without its matter, just as wax takes the imprint of a ring without iron or gold. The wax takes on a gold or copper impression,

 but not because it is gold or copper.



• Law of the source of information

• Information is information about your sources

• The material nature of data

• Data needs to be discrete

• Data resilience

• Objectivity of data

• Primary and secondary data

• Signal



There is a necessary correspondence of all signs of any state of any material object. This is perhaps the main thing that should be paid special attention to when creating information theory. The point is that neither quantity nor quality can be subjects of a material connection, like objects that do not have the status of an element or the status of a material body. But all the qualities and quantities of any state of a material object always belong to this state. And the fact that they are related is just a colloquial term.

In reality, only the material elements of the state of the material object are connected. And all the quantities and qualities of this state only and necessarily correspond to each other due to belonging to one state. In other words, their values ​ ​ are necessarily correlative (respectively).


P269. Information source law

 The necessary mutual correspondence of all the available signs for each state of each material object has its necessary basis for their belonging to its own state. (2. 11. 2. ) 269


This principle is the main one of the keys to the true understanding of information, since any sign of any state of any material object necessarily carries numerous information not only about itself, but also about its object in a certain state, and therefore about the place and moment of time of this state.


It is from this principle that the emergence and development of the materialistic theory of information follows


I wonder why this clear and euphonious synonym for information is rarely used? Indeed, the very term " information" already sheds light on its essence.

1. Primary information (data). These are signs of material interaction left on the carrier object by the source object. Actually, by these signs, we learn something about the source of information. And when there are many such signs, a noticeable value is obtained. For example, when there are many quanta of reflected light, then a person sees things clearly.

 2. It arises only as a result of the material interaction of these objects. It represents its source object in the state that participated in the specified material interaction. And this material interaction is, besides everything, the necessary material act of creating this information.




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