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3. Therefore, any information always and necessarily has a specific place and time of its occurrence.

3. Therefore, any information always and necessarily has a specific place and time of its occurrence.



4. Therefore, any information has an objective dependence both on its source object and on its carrier object.



5. Any information consists of data. From its smallest elements. Data is the " matter of information", it is its substance.

6. The data must be unchanged in its content. They can move in space, but not change their content. For data on a specific, definite, discrete state of its source. They can arise and disappear as inherent, because their stability is necessarily related to the stability of their carrier.



 7. " Change" of the type of data occurs only in the material interaction of their material carriers. This is the emergence of new data corresponding to the original data. In this case, the original data may remain or perish.



 8. Data constitutes information (information signs). And what a person “sees” in these signs is called their meaning, that is, what a person connects (Kantian synthesis, apperception) with the image of the perceived object he recognizes.

The data themselves are informational signs, but their configuration is capable of representing another sign. It's kind of like a material particle is a specific material entity, and an atom composed of these particles is already a completely different entity.


So, all at once, because the essence of information is otherwise difficult to understand. And if you immediately cite a long chain of reasoning and facts concerning its nature, then not every reader will immediately have a correct idea of ​ ​ this subject.





Data are quanta of information, but they only arise in material processes. In addition, they are able to exist only on their material carriers.

The transfer of data is associated with a material signal, and the " change in their representation" is a change in the type of their existence, which is necessary associated with a change in the medium, is the emergence of new (secondary) data based on the original. So there is no need to talk about some kind of independent existence of information from matter.


P270. The law of the material basis of information

Information is always and it is necessary there are traces of material interaction of a material source object and a material carrier object. These traces always and necessarily have only their material source (it is not always the primary source) and only their material carrier. Persistent footprints are data. (2. 12. 2. ) 270


It is not the traces that interact materially, but the carriers of these traces. For example, the material object of truth (apple) in a brief act of material interaction with the material light falling on it reflects this light. Further, a certain number of photons of the reflected light carry away information (data) about this material interaction.

It is clear that the source of information and the reflected light (aka the carrier of this information) are objects of the material interaction under consideration. The considered interaction is a material connection. It is very brief, since the process of reflecting a photon takes a moment that is imperceptible for reception. This means that the material subjects of this connection, due to its brevity, can be considered only in their certain definite states. And the source is in a certain state, and the group of reflected photons is also in some of its states, simultaneously with the state of the source.


  However, this so-called group of simultaneously reflected photons is the group of quanta of the light signal. They represent one material system - a material object. In its next state, the material source will reflect the next group of quanta of the light signal. (There are no non-simultaneous groups). The key point in this reasoning is that, due to the brevity of the connection under consideration, both the first and second objects are in their definite states. Moreover, their states are necessarily simultaneous and belong to the same connection.

And this is where the law of the source of information comes into play. Then, at the moment of the state of this connection, all the parameters of the interacting subjects must correspond to each other. This is the very essence of the question.

Further, their states are real only for a very short moment, then their next states will come. In its next state, the source will reflect the next group of photons. And this is already another interaction, and another connection. Now it is clear why we attach special importance to the state of the object? It is necessary discretely and has discrete values ​ ​ of its own parameters.


P271. The law of the origin of the given

Given is an invariable trace or other result of material interaction, which is a single piece of information. This is a trace or other consequence of the material interaction of the object-source of information, left on the object-carrier of this information. (2. 12. 2. ) 271


But the changed trace, one might say " changed fact", is no longer the true representative of its subject.



The idea of ​ ​ a ring mark is the first truth about the nature of information. This idea was first expressed by Aristotle: “With regard to any feeling, it is generally necessary to recognize that it is that which is capable of perceiving the forms of the sensed without its matter, just as wax takes the imprint of a ring without iron or gold. The wax takes on a gold or copper imprint, but not because it is gold or copper" (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. p. 421)



  The reflection of incident light is the main mechanism for the generation of information. However, there are two types of reflection.


Specular reflection of light is the return of a part of the light beam falling on the surface of a material object in the same order and composition in which it came. And only because the dimensions of the irregularities of the reflecting surface of the material object are less than the wavelength of the incident light.


Diffuse reflection of light follows a completely different scenario. Here, an atom of a material object absorbs a photon, and gives out its own instead, since the electron of this atom cannot be in an unstable state for a long time. In this case, light scattering also occurs, since all excited atoms do not emit light in one direction. In this case, the spectral composition of the reflected light also changes, since each atom has its own " norms" of the frequencies of light emission. This is why the color of bodies is due to diffusely reflected light.

In general, in the information generation processes discussed here, the term " light reflection" is an abbreviation of the term " diffuse light reflection".





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