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Make a word combination, match the words:

diagnostic                    effect

differential                   pharmacy          

treatment                      shop    

palliative                      label

community         medicine

chemist’s                      diagnosis

over-the-counter      plan

prescription                   care

drug                              criteria

side                               medication

13. Match the terms (1-7) with the correct definition (a-g):


1.progression 2. prognosis 3. complication 4. medication 5. prescription 6. drugstore 7. label


a. a secondary disease or condition aggravating an already existing one

b. an instruction written by a medical practitioner that authorizes a patient to be issued with a medicine or treatment

c. a small piece of paper attached to the bottle or package and giving the information about the medecine

d. an opinion, based on medical experience, of the likely course of a medical condition

e. a drug or another form of medicine that is used to treat or prevent disease

f. a pharmacy that sells also toiletries and other articles

g. the progress of developing gradually towards a more advanced state


14. Match the synonyms:


disease                                drug

symptoms                            prophylactic care  

treatment                             OTC

etiology                               sign

pathogenesis                       cause of disease   

preventive treatment           drugstore

medication                          management

chemist’s shop                    disorder

over-the-counter drugs       mechanism of disease    


15. Read the following sentences and choose a correct word: diagnosis\treatment

1. Treatment plan\Medical diagnosis is a major component of a doctor's visit.

2. The information required for diagnosis is typically collected from personal data\a history and physical examination of the patient.

3. Diagnostic procedures\administrations are the specific tools that the clinicians use to narrow the diagnostic possibilities.

4. A person who diagnoses is called a logician\diagnostician.

5. Etiology and history taking\pathogenesis are closely related.

6. A provider proposes a treatment plan after the differential\final diagnosis has been made.

7. Prescribing the medications a doctor gives out a prescription\an administration.

8. In hospitals, prescriptions are dispensed by the drugstore\pharmacy.

9. The patient should always read all drug labels and patient drug information received from the healthcare provider\case manager.

10. Prescription labels\Warning labels in the form of colorful stickers located directly on medication bottle or package have information about side effects and potential interactions.


16. Fill in the blanks with the correct words or word combinations from Word Bank:

Word bank: behind-the-counter medicines, doctor, doctor’s prescription, drug labels, healthcare provider, medication, parenterally, pharmacy, syrup, ointment


A doctor may prescribea_________________ to diagnose and treat disease. The dosage is carefully determined by the_____________. The medication may be administered orally, ______________, etc. Patient takes the _____________________________a chemist’s shop (UK) or drugstore (USA). In hospitals, prescriptions are dispensed by the ____________________ where the drugs are prepared. Drugs are classified into over-the-counter medications, ______________________________, and prescription medicines. The medication may be in different forms, e.g.  mixture, ___________, pills, ______________, drops, and other. The patient should always read all ________________ and patient drug information received from the__________________, whether the drug is OTC or prescription one.


17. Complete the sentences:

A medication is ……..

Medications re classified into ………….

The doctor’s prescription can be refilled at………

Pharmacy is…………


18. Follow the directions:


19. Match the condition and the treatment:


20. Fill in the gaps:

21. Read the dialogue and choose the best option:

A Visit to the Doctor

Doctor: Good morning! How can I help you?

Patient: I’m not very well. I have __________________________ (a cough, injection, X-ray).

D: Do you have ___________________________ (massage, a temperature, a sneeze)?

P: Yes, I have ____________ (MRI, a temperature, a doctor) at night. It’s around 37.5 degrees.

D: Do you have __________________ (herbs, headache, healthy)?

P: I had a terrible _______________ (intestines, headache, noisy) in the morning when I woke up.

D: Do you __________________ (pills, sneeze, medicine)?

P: No, I don’t but sometimes I feel dizzy.

D: Ok. I’d like to examine you. Let me check your __________________ (head, temperature, bandage).

P: Right.

D: Let’s see. 38 degrees. That’s high.

P: Doctor, what’s wrong with me?

D: I think, it’s _____________________ (fever, the flu, measles).

P: Oh, what should I do?

D: You should _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (write your own prescription).

P: Thank you very much. Anything else?

D: I’d like to see you in 5 days. Please, make an appointment on your leaving the doctor’s office.

P: All right, thank you very much, doctor.


22. Make your own dialogue using the chart below to help you with ideas. Use cues below:




Practice your dialogue.




Role play ‘Diagnosis & Treatment plan’

24. Group work. Follow the directions:

· Decide who is a clinician, a nurse practitioner, a patient in your group.

· Take the Patient’s History.

· Make a Diagnosis.

· Elaborate the Treatment Plan.

· Fill in the map below and present your Patient to your groupmates.




Sequence of Tenses in Objective Subordinate Clause



Main Clause Subordinate Clause Example
Past Simple Past Perfect (had + Past Participle) The patient realized that doctor’s visit had come to the end.
Past Simple Past Simple (V2) At all times doctors knew that diagnosis was often challenging. 
Past Simple Future in the Past (would + Infinitive) In 1980s everybody knew that there would be no continuation after giving the prescription.


25. Translate the sentences into Russian paying your attention to the sequence of tenses:


1.A clinician considered that there had been a number of diagnostic methods and techniques before. 2. The doctor knew what was wrong when the patient was the entering the doctor’s office. 3. Dr. Patrick Smith informed his patient that taking the medications correctly would reduce the risk of complications.

4. The research performed in the United States showed that medication errors had happen too often being the cause of 1.3 million injuries each year. 5. One determined that diagnosis was the process of finding out the cause of a health problem. 6. The physician considered that diagnosis would be made on the basis of medical signs and patient-reported symptoms, rather than diagnostic tests. 7. The professor reported that his team had used immunotherapy to treat allergies. 8. Long ago people knew that drugs could be dangerous. 9. He was not sure that appropriate information would be obtained from recommended textbooks and lecture notes.


26. Put the verbs in the brackets in the appropriate tense:


1.The nurse practitioner (notice) that the vein (be) severely damaged before the injection. 2. It (be) known that in the United States a pump infusion (be) the most common method used. 3. The patient (be) told that he (follow) this treatment to reduce side effects in future. 4. The surgeon (say) that clots (block) the important blood vessels long before the tissue damage could be seen. 5. My mother (understand) that this information (not tell) her everything she needed to know. 6. The registered nurse (inform) the patient that some medications (have) to be given by an intravenous injection next day. 7. The physician (state) that she (be) at a very high risk of complications taking these drugs at one and the same time after surgery. 8. Everybody (know) that vaccines (can) be injected, inhaled or swallowed. 9. There (be) an opinion that continuing treatment (not be) in the person's best interests.


27. Translate the sentences into English:


1.Это означало, что диабет снова и снова возвращался на протяжении всей жизни моего отца. 2. Было широко известно, что многие препараты действуют гораздо быстрее при введении в кровоток. 3.Физиотерапевт несколько раз говорил, что занятия физиотерапией восстановят те мышцы, которые было повреждены во время тяжёлых физических нагрузок. 4. Исследование показало, что половина случаев заболевания гриппом в США была обусловлена отсутствием профилактических мер. 5. Врач ответил, что стандартный катетер для внутривенного введения будет находится в вене в течение нескольких дней. 6. Было обнаружено, что подбор дозировки некоторых препаратов проводился методом проб и ошибок. 7. Он был уверен, что врач знает какие препараты принимает его мать.



28. Answer the questions:

ü What is a pharmacy?

ü What kinds of pharmacy do you know?

ü What prescription can a person fill in the pharmacy?


29. Match the word and the picture:

          Bar code, substance exposure, robot

A.                          B.



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