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Try to predict the right answers for the questions:


1. Where is a fully automated pharmacy located?


o India

o Canada


2. What is the benefit of minimizing human touches?

o Minimizing of human impact

o Minimizing of human errors

o Minimizing of human time


3. Why the automated pharmacy is safer for employees? 

o employees are not exposed to toxic chemicals and hazardous products

o employees do not deal with toxic chemicals and hazardous products

o employees do not see toxic chemicals and hazardous products

4. How many dollars are saved for the hospital each year? 

o millions of thousands of dollars

o hundreds of dollars

o hundreds of thousands of dollars



31. Watch the video ‘Robots at hospital pharmacy mean more accurate dosages’ and check your predictions:



32. Watch the video once more and answer the questions:


ü How many months were spent to build the most technologically advanced hospital pharmacy?

ü How much was spent to build the most technologically advanced hospital pharmacy? 

ü How do doctor’s orders come in?

ü Why does the nurse scan the medication at the patient bed side?

ü How many prescription has the pharmacy filled already? 

ü How many errors would humans have made filling the same number of prescriptions? 


Fill in the chart featuring out how the giant robots count and process the medications for the entire hospital:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cieNyKSAig8 ‘Ward dispensing, hospital, mail-order and community pharmacy - with CONSIS robotic systems’




34. Think and answer the questions:

ü What are dome metric units used to measure out medicine?

ü Why is familiarity with medicinal measurements important?

ü What are some different ways of dosing for administering medicine?

ü Why should medical professional know all the abbreviations for dosing frequencies?

ü What is the purpose of the medication list?


Useful Vocabulary

Metric units:

mEq (milliequivalent) is a 1\1000th the weight of the minor component of a chemical solution dissolved in the major component

gtts are drops of liquid administered to the eye.

tsp teaspoonful is a measure of volume equal to the amount a standard teaspoon can hold, or almost five milliliters.

Tbsp tablespoonful is a measure of volume equal to the amount a standard tablespoonful can hold or about three teaspoons.

g a gram is a unit of mass which is equal to one-thousandth of a kilogram.

mg a milligram is a unit of mass equal to one thousandth of a gram

mcg a microgram is a unit of mass equal to one millionth of a gram.

oz an ounce is a unit of weight equal 1\16th of a pound.

cc – a cubic centimeter is a unit of volume equal to one hundredth of a cubic meter, equal to a mL (milliliter)



BID - take twice per day

TID - take three times per day

qhs - take at bedtime

ac - take before meals

pc - take after meals

QOD  - take every other day

stat - if a medication given stat, it is given immediately.

QID  - if a medication given QID, it is given four times per day

PRN  - (as required) if a medication given PRN, it is given as needed

QH  - if a medication given QH, it is given every hour

p.o. - by mouth


35. Read Medication List and Patient Medications Directions paying your attention to the abbreviations and metric units:


Medication List

Pascale, D. – 40 mEq KCI p.o. twice day. 1 mL (1cc) Insulin injection, via abdomen after dinner.

Holmes, F. – 2 gtt saline solution in each eye, every morning.

Paulson, G. – 2 tsp of fish oil p.o. every afternoon.

Roberts, R. – 1 Tbsp of Dextromethorpham p.o. twice a day. Take for 5 days or until cold subsides. 2 g Omega-3 p.o. every morning.

Francis, H. – 20 mg fluoxetine HCI p.o. in the morning

Harrison, K. – 500 mcg Cabergoline p.o. every night qhs. 1 Tbsp of fish oil p.o. every afternon

Tracy, A. – 2.5 oz medical toothpaste BID.




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