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Sesame Street (Keebler). Snack Wells (Nabisco/Phillip Morris). Сладкие батончики и напитки. Power Bar (Kraft). Сладкие напитки sentenced person. serve life. serve no purpose. serve one’s purpose. serve one's time. serve the purpose. serve two masters scram out. Scratch my back and I will scratch yours. scratch one’s back. scratch one's head. scratch the surface. screw loose, a Science and technology in the United Kingdom RUSSIA’S FOREIGN POLICY PRIORITIES run low. run no risk of smth. run of luck. run of the mill. не подвергаться риску чего-л.; не подвергаться опасности чего-л. ROLE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF PJSC SBERBANK ROLE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF BANKING PRODUCTS OF «POST BANK» JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN THE REPUBLIC OF MARIY EL responsible for all business debts Repetition. If you hear these 5 letters: L.S.M.F.T. for the first time in your life, you remain cool and unimpressed L.S.M.F.T(Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco). “And what then?” you say. It is not funny, it is not witty, and in fact it is simple, silly an RELEVANCE OF PERFORMANCE TESTING OF IR "NAVIGATOR FOR CURATORS AND STUDENTS" recreational money. recruit staff. recuperation days. recuperation money. red as fire. red tape. reel off. refer to. “refer to drawer” cheque READER TO UNIT 1. Misremembering the British Empire. By Maya Jasanoff raise a stink. raise Hail Columbia. raise hell. raise hell’s delight. raise hue and cry. raise Jack. 1. поднять шум; буянить, скандалить, дебоширить; 2. учинить разнос, отругать; 3. (шумно) протестовать; 4. «гнать волну» put the wind up. put the words into one's mouth. put through. put to sack (and pillage). put to the question. put together put in one's two cents. put into practice. put it differently. put off. put on hold. put on the spot. put one and one together prove the point. provide against (smb., smth.). provide channels. provide data. provide for (smth.). provide with smth. provost marshal PROBLEMS OF IMPROVING THE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT president elect. press release. press smb., smth. press stud. pressed for time. pressing business. pretend illness. pretend to be ill plea of tender. pleasant appearance. pleased with. pledge one's word. plug in. pocket monster (PokeMon). point at. point at issue pile up. Pipe that. piss off. pitch woo. plain as a pikestaff. plain as the nose on one's face. plain dealer. plain dealing pearl diver. Pearly Gates. peasant will not cross himself before it begins to thunder, A. peasant will not cross himself before it begins to thunder, The pan out. paper pushing. par of exchange. Pardon my French. parking lot. parole board. parson’s nose. part time. part-time job out of reach. out of smth. out of sorts. out of the question. out of thin air. out of time. out of the blue. out of the running Our organization cannot ignore/fail to engage in active discussion of these ques­tions. Ought. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2. МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ПО ПОДГОТОВКЕ ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЙ. Common Guidelines Other degrees Besides awarding earned degrees to students who have met the established requirements, some colleges and universities also award honorary degrees as a form of deserved recognition for distinguished public service or for outstanding creative ORGANIZATION OF INTERNAL COST CONTROL AT THE ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTING CHECKS AND METHODS OF CONTROL OF PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES IN JSC "KRASNOGORSKY KAF" open new routes. open one’s mouth. open one’s mouth too wide. open one’s mouth wide. open peril insurance. open doors (for) One‘d exclaim "Ah" looking at oneself one of a kind. one-run lead. one's actual words. one’s aim in life. one's back to the wall. one's barn door is open. one's barn door's open on the view. on the vine. on the wagon. on the web. on the weekend. on the whole. on the word. on these lines. on these terms on order. on the air. on the jar. on the order of. on paper. on pins and needles. on reflection. on second thoughts. on some day off the wall. Off you go!. offence of a grave nature. offer high salaries. offer one's condolences. offeror vs offeree. преступление опасного характера OF NON-BANK CREDIT ORGANIZATIONS IN THE FINANCIAL AND CREDIT SYSTEM OF RUSSIA Obluda, Se Probouzi ◊ Пробудившийся монстр. not to know what way to turn. not to lift a finger. not to lift a hand. not to look the thing. not to make words. not to mention (smb., smth.) nose about. nose around. nose drops. nose is out of joint. not a dicky-bird. not a jot. not a moment too soon. not a quarter no admission except on business Newspapers New words appeared Brexin or Brexit?  What does Brexit mean? It is a word that has become used as a shorthand way of saying the UK leaving the EU - merging the words Britain and exit to get Brexit, in a same way as Brexin means EU membership in it. NATO nations will meet in Vienna to deal with this on March 6. The discussion there should be more objective and realistic as a result. My word upon it!. naked debentures. naked facts. name of the game. nasal spray. National bank. National Basketball Association Mustn't означает нельзя и употребляется в отрицательном ответе на вопрос MULTIFUNCTIONAL CENTER AS A TOOL FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF PUBLIC SERVICE PROVISION Milky Way. 50 million Elvis' fans can't be wrong. 50 million Elvis' fans cannot be wrong. 50 million Elvis's fans can't be wrong METHODS OF STRATEGIC COST MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE METHODS FOR ANALYSIS OF THE FINANCIAL STATE OF THE ENTERPRISE: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES measles. Ну, ВОТ И Bhll matter of fact, a. matter of great importance, a. matter of habit, a. matter of honor, a. matter of honour, a. matter of importance, a MASTERING  PHRASEOLOGY. Exercise 13. Match the expressions in A with their definitions in B. Упражнение16.Translate the following headlines containing phraseological units. Can the major point of the articles be inferred from their headlines? make tracks. make up. make up for smth. make up one’s mind (to do smth.). make up the shortage. make war. make Xeroxes of the papers make it. make it out. make it plain. Make it snappy!. make its point. make money. make mouths. make mouths at smb. make no bones MAIN DIRECTIONS OF THE BUDGETARY AND TAX POLICY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR 2021-2023 YEARS made with smth. magnetic tape. mail drop. mail-order house. mailing list. main branch. major course of studying. majoring in smth. look at smb./smth. a question. Look before you leap. look blue. look down on. look for. look into. look into the matter. look like a fool like a million bucks. like as chalk and cheese. like as two peas in a pod. like clockwork. like crazy. Like cures like. Like it or lump it let oneself go. let out on hire. Let's call it a day. let’s face it. Let’s wait and see. Let sleeping dogs lie. let smb./smth. alone LECTURE № 2. Some Snapshots of British History lazy bones. lead a cat and dog life. lead poisoning. learn a trade. learn from smb. learn from the highest quarters. Learn to walk before you run labor the point. labour the point. labor the subject. labour the subject. Ladies and gentlemen. ladies’ man. lady’s man. Lag b'Omer kick up a fuss. kick up a quarrel. kick up a racket. kick up a row. kick up a rumpus. kick up a shindy. kick up a shine. kick up dust Kellogg ’s. Mothers Cereals (Quaker). Post (Kraft/Phillip Morris). Rice Krispies. Шоколадные конфеты, напитки и десерты keep in the dark. keep in touch with. keep in view. keep it up. keep one's bed. keep one's ear to the ground. keep one's eye (on.) Johnny Raw. Johnson brother. join a partnership. join smb. join smth. joint and several liability. joint investigation. joint investigative bodies Jack Frost. Jack Horner. Jack in office. 1. самодовольный мальчик (герой детского стихотворения); 2. шаловливый мальчик IV. Требования по организации и проведению профессионального отбора, учету индивидуальных достижений кандидатов, установленные приказом начальника военного института. IV. Проблема - Место в международных отношениях: важнейшие проблемы и направления внешней политики. IV. ПОДГОТОВКА отчета о  преддипломной производственной практике БАКАЛАВРА К ЗАЩИТЕ IV. Основные задачи сегодняшнего дня IV. В.Путин и мощная необходимость - вынужденность. Некоторые важные истины. IV. Бинду 337 или 386 - Лагна Аштакаварга IV ИНИЦИАЦИЯ. it’s a different kettle of fish It is just as/equally important to comply with treaties already signed. It is extremely good of you to INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT International Insurance. International law of the sea. International Maritime Organization. International Movement of Catholic Students INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN POULTRY FARMING Indian Standart Time. indictable offender. indirect channels. Individual Pension Arrangement. induce false testimony. industrial staff India at 70 In the light of/Given the special nature/specific/unique/distinguishing fea­tures/particular characteristics of the international situation.. in the first place. in the front of (the…). in the future. in the garage. in the garden. in the green. in the groove. in the hole in one's best interests. in one's charge. in one's despite. in one’s face. in one's favor. in one's favour. in one's middle age in all likelihood. in all probability. in an angry voice. in ancient time. in ancient times. in and out. in any case. in autumn III. ТЕОРИЯ НАСИЛИЯ (продолжение) III. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. IV. ОСНОВНЫЕ ПУБЛИКАЦИИ ПО ТЕМЕ ДИССЕРТАЦИОННОГО ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ. Публикации в изданиях, рекомендованных ВАК III. Есть ли надежда: что В.Путин изменит свою внутреннюю политику III — Точки Преград или Ведха (Vedha) III ИНИЦИАЦИЯ. II. ТЕОРИЯ НАСИЛИЯ. Пример Дюринга доказывает обратное, что насилие есть только средство, целью–экономическая выгода. 2. Рабство становится возможным лишь, когда достигнута известная ступень в развитии производства и известная ступень неравенства в распре II. Рейтинг–план. БАЗОВая часть. Расчет итоговой рейтинговой оценки. III. Рекомендации к семинарским занятиям II. ПЕРЕВОД АБСОЛЮТНЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ С ПРЕДЛОГОМ WITH II. ОСНОВНЫЕ РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ И ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ, ВЫНОСИМЫЕ НА ЗАЩИТУ II. МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ПО ПРОХОЖДЕНТИЮ ПРЕДДИПЛОМНОЙ ПРОИЗВОДсТВЕННОЙ ПРАКТИКИ ПОДГОТОВКЕ И ОФОРМЛЕНИЮ ОТЧЕТА О ПРЕДДИПЛОМНОЙ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННОЙ ПРАКТИКЕ II. Диалектика классовой борьбы II ИНИЦИАЦИЯ. If the youth could know, if the oldster could be able can! I.F.S. (Retd). ALPHA PUBLICATION. Copy Right © Author. Содержание. Введение. Введение во Второе Издание I. Рекха Сарваштакаварга. II Аштакаварга Раху I. НАСКОЛЬКО РЕАЛЬНА РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ? I. Бюрократическое вранье и пролетариат I think we all feel/we all will agree/I am sure everyone will agree/I may take it for granted that/No one will dispute I keep/kept on going, but it is/was still a long distance to/far to that place.. hurry smb. (smth.) up. hurry up. hurt smb. to the quick. hustle and bustle. hustle up. I am sorry. I cried because I had no shoes, until I saw a man who had no feet hot air. hot as pepper. hot dog. hot stuff. hot water. hot words. hour in the morning is worth two in the evening, An. hourly wage hit the road. hit the sack. hit the skids. hitting on all eight. Hock day. ложиться спать; идти спать; пойти на боковую, "подавить подушку"; (по)спать HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUITIONS IN RUSSIA high cranberry. high education. high-explosive antiaircraft. high-explosive blast fragmentation. high-explosive fragmentation shell He that pays the piper calls the tune have no idea. have no kick left (in). have no notion. have no sense. have no time. have nothing to call one’s own. have nothing to do have a hide like a rhinoceros. have a high time. have a knack for (doing) smth. have a knack of (doing) smth. have a leg up on smth. hands-free mobile phone set. hand in. hand in hand. hand out. hand over. hand smth. in. handle smb., smth. handle with care great experience. great guy. great number of, a. Great ship asks deep waters. Greater Dog. greatest talkers are the least doers, The God takes care of the one who takes care of himself go mad. go on a bat. go on holiday. go on the batter. go on the bend. go on the bust. go on the spree. go on the randan. go on the razzle-dazzle give up as a bad job. give up on. give vent (to). give words to smth. given name. glad to meet you. glad rags. glib talker give smb. his walking orders. give smb. his walking orders . give smb. his walking papers. give smb. his walking orders Giga-Byte. giggle juice. gilded youth. gin mill. give a bit of one's mind. give a clean bill of health. give a crap. give a flying fig get punked. get quit of. get ready. get smart. get smb. down. get smb. in. get smb. right. get smth. in. get smth. off. get smth. off one’s plate get into a mess. get into effect. get into hot water. get into trouble with the law. get it made. get it out. get it straight gentlemen's agreement. German Federal Republic, the. get a bit above oneself. get a boost. get a cold. get a good salary full time work. fully liable. fully liable for the debts. funeral director. funeral parlor. furnish consideration. furniture business free right(s). free trade. freebee hunter. freedom from the fear of crime. freedom of navigation. French fried potatoes. French fries FORMATION AND USE OF HUMAN CAPITAL IN AN INNOVATIVE ECONOMY For many centuries now, Spaniards are living without paying attention to what for an emergency. for and against. for birds. for choice. for dinner. for ever. for evidentiary purposes. for example. for free flight attendant. flight is timely operated. flight safety. flip out. flit through one's mind. float on air. floating policy fill out. fill smb. in. fill smb. with daylight. fill the bill. filling station. Financial Action Task Force. financial regulatory authorities FIBO GROUP FEATURES OF THE CHOICE OF ERP SYSTEMS FOR ENTERPRISES fat chance. fat frying. fat is in the fire, the. fat job, a. Father Time. fathoms deep in smth. fathoms deep in love. fathoms deep into smth. fair enough. fair-haired boy. fair market. fair's fair. fair sex. fair treatment. fair weather. fair words. fair words butter no parsnips Exercise 7. Match the words in A with respective words in B to form standard collocations and write them down with their translation excuse my intrusion. excuse one’s intrusion. excuse smb. for interrupting you. execute a search. execution of requests. Execution Unit Ex. 23. a) Read the passage and identify its topic and main idea (message). b) Fill in the gaps with any suitable words that would best complete the passage. Ex. 19. Translate the phrases from English into Russian (A) and from Russian into English (B). Ex. 10. Pair work. a) Discuss your answers to the following questions using the words and phrases from the above exercises. EVOLUTIONARY MODEL OF EDUCATION SCHEDULE even chance, an. Even the wart adds something to the body. even though. ever since. Every cloud has a silver lining. Every dog has his day EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AUTOMATION OF THE WORKPLACE OF THE MANAGER OF THE RESTAURANT "SUBWAY» Evaluating the effectiveness of the strategy for managing accounts receivable and payable EVA = ЧП – СК * СБВ *RСК, где (1) ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO DETERMINING THE INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF AN ENTERPRISE English-Russian Idioms. От составителя. a bad job. a bad quarter of an hour endorced cheque. enforce a sentence. engaged in. engaged on. engaged to. engaged with. engineer-in-chief. English as a Foreign Language Empire strikes back: why former colonies don't need Britain after Brexit easy going. easy in one's morals. easy option. easy rider. eat away. eat like a bird. eat no fish. eat one’s fill. eat one’s head Duty Free для принцессы. 40 лет, 5/10 и 70 тыс. ВВП drive to bay. drop a brick. drop a clanger. drop a dime. drop a line. drop back. drop dead. drop head. drop hollows out a stone, A double dealing. Double edged sword. double indemnity (accident) benefit. double sawbuck. double time. doubt smb., smth. down and dirty dog lying in the manger. Dog my cats!. 1. Черт возьми!; 2. Вот те на!; 3. Честное слово!; Чтоб мне провалиться!. dog nail Do you remember R. Kipling’ famous expression: My home is my castle? Do not take on so. Do not teach a pike to swim, a pike knows his own science. Do not trouble trouble till trouble troubles you Divide and conquer. Divide and govern. Divide and rule. divide the House. division with remainder. divorce smb. dizzy with a dame DIGITALIZATION OF BANKING. ОЦЕНКА ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ВНЕДРЕНИЯ. АВТОМАТИЗИРОВАННОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЙ СИСТЕМЫ.  В ООО «ЭКОМАРИ». Михайлова Виктория Михайловна, Уразаева Татьяна Альфредовна DIGITAL ECONOMY IN TRAINING OF QUALIFIED STAFF. DIGITAL ECONOMY IN THE VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY DIGITAL ECONOMY IN THE PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT DIGITAL ECONOMY IN THE FIELD OF LENDING TO LEGAL ENTITIES DIGITAL ECONOMY IN THE FIELD OF CULTURE DIGITAL ECONOMY AND NATIONAL SECURITY DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL BUSINESS. IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AT THE PRESENT STAGE. Egorova Elena Valerievna, Mochaeva Tatiana Vladimirovna deter the commission of offence dead in the water. dead lane. dead lock. dead on. dead ringer for (smb. / smth.). dead to shame. deadly weapon. deaf as a beetle custard and jelly. Custom House. customer accounting. Customs Cooperation Council. cut a dash. cut a deal. cut and run. cut and thrust Curriculum Vitae (CV). Personal data. Education and qualifications. Work experience. Relevant Information. Referees. 3. Составьте резюме на основе данного образца. CURRENT PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION OF DOCUMENT CIRCULATION IN ACCOUNTING. Critical Thinking. Listening 1. Listen to the debaters and fill in the table below. 3. Can any of the arguments made by the historians be challenged? Critical Thinking  . Speak Up. Follow-Up. Conduct mini-research using texts from the Reader, Listening 2, or any other resources, and make a three-minute statement (see the Manual) on country bumpkin. couple of bricks short, a. Course Book English. Court of Appeal. courtesy copy. cousin Jack. cover costs conservative English. conservative language. consider a matter. consider a problem. consider a proposal. consider a question CONCEPT, PURPOSE AND MAIN TYPES OF BUDGETS come what may. Commander in Chief. commanding officer. comment on (smth.). commercial attache. commercial aviation. commercial bank come down upon smb. to do smth. Colonel Cassad. Ольга Шевченко CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ECONOMIC SPHERE clock the best time. clock watcher. close a branch. close down a business. Close one's head. close one's mouth. close to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. China plate. Chinese angle. chopper squad. circuit court. circumstances so warrant, the. city centre. civil commotions. civil registrar’s office Chapter VI.  American Science Chapter V. The American English Language chain movement. chain up a dog. chairman of the board. Chamber of Commerce and Industry. chance on. chance one's arm. chance upon catch-22. catch at. catch big fish. catch cold. catch hell. catch hold of. catch hold over. catch hold upon. catch in. catch it CASH FLOW FORECASTING AND ANALYSIS CASE-STUDY Порядок идентификации активов, подлежащих тестированию на обесценение CASE-STUDY Классификация аренды careful about. careful for. careful of. careful to check (that). careless of smb. Caritas Internationalis. carrot and stick care a jot. care a pin. care a rap. care a red cent. care a rush. care a sixpence. care a snap. care a stiver. care a straw care a bit. care a brass farthing. care a button. care a cent. care a continental. care a curse. care a damn. care a darn call out. call over. call over the coals. call smb. back. call smb. home. call smb. names. call the play. call the score c) Make phrases with the synonyms you found and have your classmates translate them. L2 by this time. by word of mouth. Cable News Network. cakes and ale. call a halt. call at. call attention to. call back. call copper burn powder. burn the midnight oil. burn up. burning question, the. burst into the view. burst upon the view. burst with envy British Universities British Media break through. break wind. break with. breaking point. breech block. breeze off. bribe smb. brick it. brief description of test Bob is your uncle!. Bob's your uncle. bodily injury. bog down. boggle the mind. bold as a lion. bold as brass. bomb, The bit by bit. bite a file. bite on granite. bite the bullet. bite the dust. bite the thumb at somebody. black art. black as coal Better to stumble than make a slip of the tongue beguile the time. behave like a man. behind one's time. behind one's times. behind schedule. behind the eight-ball. behind the time beat a dead horse. beat feet. beat the bushes. beat the rap. beat time. beat to quarters. beat to the punch. beat up. beat up one’s quarters be under an obligation to smb. (for smth.) be prejudiced in one’s favor. be prejudiced in one’s favour. be purely mental. be quids in. be quit for smth. be quite explicit on the point be on a roll. be on comission. be on holiday. be on one’s jack. be on the carpet. be on the mend. be on the nut. be on the point of doing smth. be indebted to smb. for. be infuriated. be interested in. be involved in(to). be jealous (of.). be keen about. be keyed up be home. be ill timed. be ill with a disease. be in a funk. be in a huff. be in a hurry. be in a mess. be in bad voice. be in business be down and out. be down on one's uppers. be down to one's last nickel. be due in. be dumbfounded. be eager to do smth. be elder than be aware of. be away. be back. be behind. be behind time. be behind with. be beside the point. be better than one's word bare facts. bare outline. bargaining chip. bark at the moon. bark up the wrong tree. barrelled weapon. base on smth. baseball bat babe in the woods. babes and sucklings. baby gangster. Baby’s Daddy. Bachelor of Divinity. Bachelor of law. back against the wall b) Make up a sentence with one collocation from each string. AUSTRALIAN PENSION FUNDS. Slavova Arina Valerievna. 2. ЭКОНОМИКА ПРЕДПРИЯТИЙ, ОТРАСЛЕЙ. И ОТРАСЛЕВЫХ РЫНКОВ. ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ПОДХОДЫ К УПРАВЛЕНИЮ ATC = TC / Q. 29. Технология производства и производственная функция. at that time. at the background of. at the beginning. at the car. at the church. at the cinema. at the competition. at the door assistant chief lighting technician as plain as a pikestaff. as plain as the nose on one's face. as poor as a church-mouse. as proud as a peacock. as quick as lightning as a last resort. as a matter of fact. as a result (of smth.). as a rule. as a start. as a whole. as agreed. as black as coal

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